Copyright © 2025 Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail
Table of Contents
List of Figures
The STAR Schemas and STAR BOD Guidelines are released under an Eclipse Public License. When the word "program" is used in the Eclipse Public License for this case, it means the XML Schemas and the BOD Guideline. It does not mean the software application that uses the schema.
If modifications are made to this guideline they must follow rules outlined in the Eclipse Public License v1.0.
"Contribution" means:
in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and
in the case of each subsequent Contributor:
changes to the Program, and
additions to the Program;
where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program.
"Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes the Program.
"Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.
"Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this Agreement, including all Contributors.
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code and object code form.
Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For example, if a third party patent license is required to allow Recipient to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that license before distributing the Program.
Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant the copyright license set forth in this Agreement.
3. Requirements.
A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form under its own license agreement, provided that:
it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and
its license agreement:
effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose;
effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits;
states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and
states that source code for the Program is available from such Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange.
When the Program is made available in source code form:
it must be made available under this Agreement; and
a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the Program.
Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained within the Program
Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution.
4. Commercial Distribution.
Commercial distributors of software may accept certain responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a commercial product offering should do so in a manner which does not create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product offering, such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) allow the Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such claim at its own expense.
For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to defend claims against the other Contributors related to those performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor must pay those damages.
5. No Warranty.
EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement , including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.
If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.
If Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this Agreement, but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. The Eclipse Foundation is the initial Agreement Steward. The Eclipse Foundation may assign the responsibility to serve as the Agreement Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version of the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The Program (including Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of the Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version of the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the Program (including its Contributions) under the new version. Except as expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved.
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.
Table of Contents
The STAR Business Object Document (BOD) Guidelines provide the data dictionary information for a particular business process. This document is broken into several sections, and to help reduce the overall size of the document, components are only documented once when they first occur. This section will cover both the organization of the document, and some of the common terminology used. More detailed information about the BOD methodology used can be found in the BOD XML Implementation Reference document available on the STAR web site.
Documentation for elements coming from OAGIS, is maintained by the Open Applications Group, and not maintained by STAR. BOD is a registered trademark of the Opena Applications Group.
The STAR BOD Guideline information is generated directly from the STAR schemas, and is created using the Docbook publishing specification format. The Docbook source format is available to members upon request.
This guideline is broken into several sections:
Use Cases - describe typical use case scenarios for the Verb and Noun combination in a particular guideline. This section may provide more detailed information on the use of particular components in various scenarios.
BOD Design - covers briefly the XML Namespaces used, and the overall structure of a BOD.
BOD Components - information regarding the attributes and components that are common to all BODs. This is the information that is found at the root element level of a business object document. This also includes information regarding the ApplicationArea that is sent with every BOD.
Data Area - The data area is where the noun and verb for a BOD reside.
Verbs - There may be several BODs that related to a particular noun, and several verbs used by the noun. To help reduce the overall number of guidelines that need to be generated, all verbs that a particular noun may use are documented in one area.
Noun - The noun contains the detailed information about the data that is carried by the BOD. This section will always be noun specific and is the main section implementors should focus their attention.
The order in which the data elements show up in the BOD Guideline is the order in which they occur in the XML instance. In order to help reduce the overall size of the guidelines, a component is only documented the first time it occurs. Fields may occur in multiple components and so may be documented multiple times. So as the user goes through the guidelines, they should be able to match up a component to a particular XML instance. It is recommended at the minimum that a sample XML Instance for the BOD being mapped be generated to help seeing the hierarchical structure of the document. Many XML editors will provide a tree view of the XML Instance that can be used in conjunction with these guidelines during the mapping exercise. Also, there is space intentionally left over for users to add their own notes and annotations to the guidelines.
Table of Contents
This section covers the fundamentals of the STAR BOD architecture. This is provided for reference only, and more details can be found in the documentation mentioned within this section.
Namespaces are unique identifiers for an element or attribute. It allows for the same element or attribute name to come from different sources and have uniquie meanings. The namespace identifies the source of the definition for the element or attribute. STAR XML Instances currently only require the use of two namespaces: - This identifies the items that come from a STAR 6 repository, and is usally used with a prefix of "star" or "star6". - This identifies the items that come from the OAGI 10 repository. The prefix used for these is typically "oag" or "oagis10".
Note: Namespaces do not have to be resolvable. They are just unique identifiers. If a namespace is assigned to the default namespace, then a prefix does not need to be used. Only one namespace can be assigned to the default namespace. Prefixes are just short cuts to the namespace identifier, systems should not rely on the prefix, but the namespace iteself when identifying elements and attributes.
The STAR XML Schemas use several namespaces internally. Depending on software that is being used to create the XML instances that are transmitted some of these namespaces may show up in the BOD itself. All references to these namespaces can be safely removed. For more information on the namespaces that are used by the schemas, please see the STAR XML Naming and Design Rules document. - Defines the namespace for the STAR Qualified Data Types. The prefix is sqdt . - Defines the namespace for the STAR Code Lists. The prefix is scl . - Defines the namespace for the National Marine Manufacture Association Code Lists. The prefix is nmmacl . - Defines the namespace for's Unit of Measure code lists. STAR has contributed to and enhanced the initial list and all changes are included in the codelist available at The prefix is xfUOMcl .
These namespaces are used primarily in the construction of the data types and code lists that the elements and attributes use. They are used internally by the schema and are here for documentation purposes only. These should not show up in the XML Instance.
A BOD's structure is depicted in Figure 2.1, “BOD Structure” . A BOD will always be made up of the ApplicationArea, DataArea, Noun and components.
A typical BOD will have the following message hierarchy:
The Application Area is standard across the BODs. Every BOD may have a different set of verbs that can be used with it. The verbs describes the various actions that can occur. More detail about these components can be found in the appropriate sections with in this guideline. For a more detailed explanation of the BODs design structure, please refer to the BOD XML Implementation Reference document available from the STAR Web Site.
Table of Contents
A BOD is made up of the combination of the Application Area, Data Area, Verb, and Noun. The name of a particular BOD is made up of the Verb and the Noun being used. For example, a Credit Application, may have several BODs that are involved to complete a business transaction. The BOD names may be:
Process CreditApplication - where Process is the Verb and CreditApplication is the name of the Noun .
Acknowledge CreditApplication - where Acknowledge is the Verb and CreditApplication is the name of the Noun .
The Verb documentation section in this guideline lists the available verbs that can be used with the Noun included in this guideline. There will be a corresponding Verb/Noun schema combination in the STAR Schema Repository.
The root element, top element, of the XML Instance will also be the Verb/Noun Combination. So for the AcknowledgeCreditApplication BOD, the root element would look like the following:
Example 3.1. Root Element Example
<AcknowledgeCreditApplication> <ApplicationArea>......</ApplicationArea> [1..1] <AcknowledgeCreditApplicationDataArea>......</AcknowledgeCreditApplicationDataArea> [1..*] </AcknowledgeCreditApplication>
All root elements of all the STAR BODs have several attributes that can be included with them. These attributes
Table 3.1. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
releaseID |
STAR Release this BOD Instances belongs. | 1..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
versionID |
Deprecated. Recommended to use releaseID to identify the repository and noun. This field may be removed in the next major version of the STAR repository. Indicates the version of the given Noun. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
systemEnvironmentCode |
Indicates whether this BOD is being sent in a "Test" or a "Production" mode. If the BOD is being sent in a test mode, it's information should not affect the business operation. However, if the BOD is sent in "Production" mode it is assumed that all test has been complete and the contents of the BOD are to affect the operation of the receiving business application(s). | 0..1 | Code List | oacl:SystemEnvironmentCodeContentType | |
languageCode |
Indicates the language that the contents of the BOD is in unless otherwise stated. | 0..1 | Code List | scl:LanguageEnumeratedType |
The following are the components and fields that make up the Business Object Document. The name of the Data Area will vary by BOD, and be the combination of the Verb and Noun, with the word DataArea added to the end.
Table 3.2. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ApplicationArea |
Provides the information that an application may need to know in order to communicate in an integration of two or more business applications. The ApplicationArea is used at the applications layer of communication. While the integration frameworks web services and middleware provide the communication layer that OAGIS operates on top of. | 0..1 | Component | ApplicationAreaType | |
[Verb][Noun]DataArea |
The Data Area contains the verb and noun to be used. And is represented by the verb and noun combination for the BOD. | 1..1 | Component |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation. This sample is the same regardless of the BOD only the Root Element and the Data Area names will be different.
Example 3.2. AcknowledgeCreditApplication
<AcknowledgeCreditApplication> <ApplicationArea>......</ApplicationArea> [1..1] <AcknowledgeCreditApplicationDataArea>......</AcknowledgeCreditApplicationDataArea> [1..*] </AcknowledgeCreditApplication>
Uses the Component: ApplicationAreaType
Provides the information that an application may need to know in order to communicate in an integration of two or more business applications. The ApplicationArea is used at the applications layer of communication. While the integration frameworks web services and middleware provide the communication layer that OAGIS operates on top of.
Table 3.3. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Sender |
This identifies characteristics and control identifiers that relate to the application that created the Business Object Document. | 0..1 | Component | SenderType | |
Intermediary |
This identifies characteristics and control identifiers that relate to an intermediary application that interacts with the Business Object Document. | 0..* | Component | IntermediaryType | |
Receiver |
Identifies the intended receiver of the given BOD instance. | 0..* | Component | ReceiverType | |
CreationDateTime |
is the date time stamp that the given instance of the Business Object Document was created. This date must not be modified during the life of the Business Object Document. | 1..1 | Field | oag:DateTimeType | |
Signature |
If the BOD is to be signed the signature element is included, otherwise it is not. Signature supports any digital signature that maybe used by an implementation of OAGIS. The qualifyingAgency identifies the agency that provided the format for the signature. | 0..1 | Component | oag:SignatureType | |
ScenarioID |
| 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
CorrelationID |
| 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
The BODId provides a place to carry a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that will make each Business Object Document instance uniquely identifiable. This is a critical success factor to enable software developers to use the Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) to build services or capabilities: | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 3.3. ApplicationArea
<ApplicationArea> <Sender>......</Sender> [0..1] <Intermediary>......</Intermediary> [0..*] <Receiver>......</Receiver> [0..*] <CreationDateTime>......</CreationDateTime> [1..1] <oag:Signature>......</oag:Signature> [0..1] <ScenarioID>......</ScenarioID> [0..1] <CorrelationID>......</CorrelationID> [0..1] <BODID>......</BODID> [0..1] </ApplicationArea>
Uses the Component: SenderType
This identifies characteristics and control identifiers that relate to the application that created the Business Object Document.
Table 3.4. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
LogicalID |
Provides the logical location of the server and applications from which the Business Object Document originated. It can be used to establish a logical to physical mapping, however its use is optional. Each system or combination of systems should maintain an external central reference table containing the logical names or logical addresses of the application systems in the integration configuration. This enables the logical names to be mapped to the physical network addresses of the resources needed on the network. Note: The technical implementation of this Domain Naming Service is not dictated by this specification. This logical to physical mapping may be done at execution time by the application itself or by a middleware transport mechanism, depending on the integration architecture used. This provides for a simple but effective directory access capability while maintaining application independence from the physical location of those resources on the network. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
ComponentID |
Provides a finer level of control than Logical Identifier and represents the business application that issued the Business Object Document. Its use is optional. The Open Applications Group has not constructed the list of valid Component names. A suggestion for naming is to use the application component names used in the scenario diagrams in section two of OAGIS. Example Components may be Inventory, or Payroll. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
TaskID |
This describes the business event that initiated the need for the Business Object Document to be created. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
ReferenceID |
Enables the sending application to indicate the instance identifier of the event or task that caused the BOD to be created. This is used to correlate a response BOD to an originating BOD. *The Sender of the originating application will populate the Reference Id with business level information. *Reference ID does not have to be a GUID. It must be a locally unique application value for the transaction type, for example a database sequence number. *The receiving application puts the value in Reference ID of the incoming message in the Reference ID of any acknowledgment messages. *The Reference Id will not be required to tie two collaborations together such as Parts Order and Parts Shipment. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
ConfirmationCodes |
Confirmation Codes. | 0..1 | Component | ConfirmationCodesType | |
AuthorizationID |
Identifies the authorization level of the user or application that is sending the Business Object Document Message. Used as User ID. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
ID |
Is the Identifiers of the given instance of an entity within the scope of the integration. The schemeAgencyID attribute identifies the party that provided or knows this party by the given identifier. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 3.4. Sender
<Sender> <LogicalID>......</LogicalID> [0..1] <ComponentID>......</ComponentID> [0..1] <TaskID>......</TaskID> [0..1] <ReferenceID>......</ReferenceID> [0..1] <ConfirmationCode>......</ConfirmationCode> [0..1] <AuthorizationID>......</AuthorizationID> [0..1] <ID>......</ID> [0..1] </Sender>
Uses the Component: IntermediaryType
Identifies the intended receiver of the given BOD instance.
Table 3.5. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
LogicalID |
Provides the logical location of the server and applications from which the Business Object Document originated. It can be used to establish a logical to physical mapping, however its use is optional. Each system or combination of systems should maintain an external central reference table containing the logical names or logical addresses of the application systems in the integration configuration. This enables the logical names to be mapped to the physical network addresses of the resources needed on the network. Note: The technical implementation of this Domain Naming Service is not dictated by this specification. This logical to physical mapping may be done at execution time by the application itself or by a middleware transport mechanism, depending on the integration architecture used. This provides for a simple but effective directory access capability while maintaining application independence from the physical location of those resources on the network. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
ComponentID |
Provides a finer level of control than Logical Identifier and represents the business application that issued the Business Object Document. Its use is optional. The Open Applications Group has not constructed the list of valid Component names. A suggestion for naming is to use the application component names used in the scenario diagrams in section two of OAGIS. Example Components may be Inventory, or Payroll. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
ID |
Is the Identifiers of the given instance of an entity within the scope of the integration. The schemeAgencyID attribute identifies the party that provided or knows this party by the given identifier. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
ReceivedDateTime |
The date and time that the associated object was received. | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateTimeType | |
SentDateTime |
The date and time that the associated object was sent. | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateTimeType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 3.5. Intermediary
<Intermediary> <LogicalID>......</LogicalID> [0..1] <ComponentID>......</ComponentID> [0..1] <ID>......</ID> [0..*] <ReceivedDateTime>......</TaskID> [0..1] <SentDateTime>......</ReferenceID> [0..1] </Intermediary>
Uses the Component: ReceiverType
Identifies the intended receiver of the given BOD instance.
Table 3.6. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
LogicalID |
Provides the logical location of the server and applications from which the Business Object Document originated. It can be used to establish a logical to physical mapping, however its use is optional. Each system or combination of systems should maintain an external central reference table containing the logical names or logical addresses of the application systems in the integration configuration. This enables the logical names to be mapped to the physical network addresses of the resources needed on the network. Note: The technical implementation of this Domain Naming Service is not dictated by this specification. This logical to physical mapping may be done at execution time by the application itself or by a middleware transport mechanism, depending on the integration architecture used. This provides for a simple but effective directory access capability while maintaining application independence from the physical location of those resources on the network. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
ComponentID |
Provides a finer level of control than Logical Identifier and represents the business application that issued the Business Object Document. Its use is optional. The Open Applications Group has not constructed the list of valid Component names. A suggestion for naming is to use the application component names used in the scenario diagrams in section two of OAGIS. Example Components may be Inventory, or Payroll. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IDType | |
ID |
Is the Identifiers of the given instance of an entity within the scope of the integration. The schemeAgencyID attribute identifies the party that provided or knows this party by the given identifier. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType |
Uses the Component: ConfirmationCodesType
Confirmation Codes.
Table 3.7. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ProcessingConfirmationCode |
The processing confirmation code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
ConfirmationCode |
Is an option controlled by the Sender business application. It is a request to the receiving application to send back a confirmation BOD to the sender. The confirmation Business Object Document may indicate the successful processing of the original Business Object Document or return error conditions if the original Business Object Document was unsuccessful. The confirmation request has the following valid values:
| 0..1 | Code List | oag:ConfirmationCodeContentType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 3.7. ConfirmationCodes
<ConfirmationCodes> <ProcessConfirmationCode>......</LogicalID> [0..*] <ConfirmationCode>......</ComponentID> [0..1] <ID>......</ID> [0..*] </ConfirmationCodes>
Table of Contents
Uses the Component:AcknowledgeCreditApplicationDataAreaType
Process Credit Application Data Area
Table 4.1. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Acknowledge |
The Acknowledge verb is used to acknowledge the application receipt of a Process request. This function conveys the result of the original request. An example of this is Acknowledge PO, where a Process PO has been issued and the corresponding business application acknowledges the receipt of the PO and responds with an acceptance or a counter offer. | 0..1 | Component | AcknowledgeType | |
CreditApplication |
CreditApplication is the root element of the Credit Application Business Object Document. | 0..* | Component | CreditApplicationType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the genrated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 4.1. AcknowledgeCreditApplicationDataArea
<AcknowledgeCreditApplicationDataArea> <Acknowledge>......</Acknowledge> [0..1] <CreditApplication>......</CreditApplication> [0..*] </AcknowledgeCreditApplicationDataArea>
Table of Contents
Uses the Component: AcknowledgeType
The Acknowledge verb is used to acknowledge the application receipt of a Process request. This function conveys the result of the original request. An example of this is Acknowledge PO, where a Process PO has been issued and the corresponding business application acknowledges the receipt of the PO and responds with an acceptance or a counter offer.
Table 5.1. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
OriginalApplicationArea |
A copy of the ApplicationArea for the original BOD that was processed. Present either as additional reference information, or for use in identifying the BOD in situations where a BODReference is not known. | 0..1 | Component | ApplicationAreaType | |
ResponseCriteria |
ResponseCriteria identifies the content that is returned, given a Get query success or the response from the Process. In essence, the expression here has the effect of filtering the part(s) of the found element(s) that are to be returned. ReturnCriteria plays no role in the query itself or the process. That is handled as a match against the request BOD's noun exemplar. ReturnCriteria allows the sender of the BOD to indicate which information (down to the field level) is requested to be returned, given that the query has been successful in matching the exemplar to existing nouns. That is, in a GetListPurchaseOrder, if one or more PurchaseOrders with a TotalPrice = $1M were found, ReturnCriteria tells the BOD recipient which parts of the PurchaseOrder should be populated with content when the response (ShowPurchaseOrder) is formulated. The expressionLanguage indicates the expression language being used. In order for the ReturnCriteria expression to be evaluable by the BOD recipient, the recipient must be capable of processing and interpreting the specified expression language. XPath is the default, due to its ubiquity among XML processing technologies. | 0..* | Component | ResponseActionCriteriaType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 5.1. Acknowledge
<Acknowledge> <OriginalApplicationArea>......</OriginalApplicationArea> [0..1] <oagis:ResponseCriteria>......</oagis:ResponseCriteria> [0..*] </Acknowledge>
Uses the Component: CancelType
The Cancel verb is used when the sender of the BOD is not the owner of the data, but is sending a request for the document to be canceled.An example is the Cancel PO where the business implications must be calculated and a simple data processing term such as delete can not fully convey the business meaning and required processing associated with the meaning.
Table 5.2. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ActionCriteria |
Identifies with the ActionExpression the level by carrying a value of the expressionLanguage (this is typically XPath) within the BOD that the actionCode is to be performed. The ChangeStatus communicates just that the Change Status. | 0..* | Component | ActionCriteriaType |
Uses the Component: ProcessType
The Process verb is used to request processing of the associated noun by the receiving application or business to party. In a typical external exchange scenario a Process BOD is considered to be a legally binding message. For example, if a customer sends a ProcessPurchaseOrder BOD to a supplier and the supplier acknowledges with a positive AcknowledgePurchaseOrder, then the customer is obligated to fulfill the agreement, unless of course other BODs are allowed to cancel or change the original order.
Table 5.3. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
acknowledgeCode |
A value that indicates when an Acknowledgment should be sent back to the sender. | 0..1 | Attribute | oacl:ResponseCodeContentType | |
ActionCriteria |
Identifies with the ActionExpression the level by carrying a value of the expressionLanguage (this is typically XPath) within the BOD that the actionCode is to be performed. The ChangeStatus communicates just that the Change Status. | 0..* | Component | ActionCriteriaType |
Uses the Component: RespondType
The Respond verb is used to communicate relative to another document. It may be used to communicate agreement, questions, answers to a question, or disagreement with the related document. An example is the RequestForQuote and Quote document pair. An RequestForQuote is issued to a set of business partners. If one of the partners needs clarification on an item, a RespondRequestForQuote is sent to the originating partner.
Table 5.4. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
OriginalApplicationArea |
A copy of the ApplicationArea for the original BOD that was processed. Present either as additional reference information, or for use in identifying the BOD in situations where a BODReference is not known. | 0..1 | Component | ApplicationAreaType | |
ResponseCriteria |
ResponseCriteria identifies the content that is returned, given a Get query success or the response from the Process. In essence, the expression here has the effect of filtering the part(s) of the found element(s) that are to be returned. ReturnCriteria plays no role in the query itself or the process. That is handled as a match against the request BOD's noun exemplar. ReturnCriteria allows the sender of the BOD to indicate which information (down to the field level) is requested to be returned, given that the query has been successful in matching the exemplar to existing nouns. That is, in a GetListPurchaseOrder, if one or more PurchaseOrders with a TotalPrice = $1M were found, ReturnCriteria tells the BOD recipient which parts of the PurchaseOrder should be populated with content when the response (ShowPurchaseOrder) is formulated. The expressionLanguage indicates the expression language being used. In order for the ReturnCriteria expression to be evaluable by the BOD recipient, the recipient must be capable of processing and interpreting the specified expression language. XPath is the default, due to its ubiquity among XML processing technologies. | 0..* | Component | ResponseActionCriteriaType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the genrated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 5.4. Respond
<Respond> <OriginalApplicationArea>......</OriginalApplicationArea> [0..1] <oagis:ResponseCriteria>......</oagis:ResponseCriteria> [0..*] </Respond>
Uses the Component: SyncType
The Sync verb is used when the owner of the data is passing or publishing that information or change in information to other software components. This is to be used when the receiver of the SyncBOD does not own the data. This verb is commonly used when mass changes are necessary or when a publish and subscribe mechanism is used in the integration architecture.The purposes of this verb include application integrity and ease of data entry for the business user by enabling a single point of input.
Table 5.5. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ActionCriteria |
Identifies with the ActionExpression the level by carrying a value of the expressionLanguage (this is typically XPath) within the BOD that the actionCode is to be performed. The ChangeStatus communicates just that the Change Status. | 0..* | Component | ActionCriteriaType |
Uses the Component: ActionCriteriaType
Identifies with the ActionExpression the level by carrying a value of the expressionLanguage (this is typically XPath) within the BOD that the actionCode is to be performed. The ChangeStatus communicates just that the Change Status.
Table 5.6. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ActionExpression | Identifies the level or field items that the specified action is to be performed upon. | 0..* | Component | ActionExpressionType | |
ChangeStatus | Communicates the Change Status. | 0..1 | Component | ChangeStatusType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 5.6. ActionCriteria
<ActionCriteria> <ActionExpression>......</ActionExpression> [0..*] <ChangeStatus>......</ChangeStatus> [0..1] </ActionCriteria>
Uses the Component: ActionExpressionType
Awaiting clear definition for OAGI.
Table 5.7. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
actionCode | The action to be performed. This could be Add, Change, Replace, Delete, etc. See the code list for acceptable values. | 1..1 | Attribute | oacl:ActionCodeContentType | |
expressionLanguage |
The expressionLanguage indicates the expression language being used. In order for the ReturnCriteria expression to be evaluable by the BOD recipient, the recipient must be capable of processing and interpreting the specified expression language. XPath is the default, due to its ubiquity among XML processing technologies. | 1..1 | Attribute | xsd:token |
Uses the Component: ExpressionType
Expression is used to specify a filter or selection criteria.
Table 5.8. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
expressionLanguage | The expressionLanguage indicates the expression language being used. In order for the ReturnCriteria expression to be evaluable by the BOD recipient, the recipient must be capable of processing and interpreting the specified expression language. XPath is the default, due to its ubiquity among XML processing technologies. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:token |
Uses the Component: ApplicationAreaType
A copy of the ApplicationArea for the original BOD that was processed. Present either as additional reference information, or for use in identifying the BOD in situations where a BODReference is not known.
For the definition of the fields and components in this component, please refer to the ApplicationArea component defined earlier.
Uses the Component: ResponseActionCriteriaType
ResponseCriteria identifies the content that is to be returned, given query success. In essence, the expression here has the effect of filtering the part(s) of the found element(s) that are to be returned.
ReturnCriteria plays no role in the query itself. That is handled as a match against the request BOD's noun exemplar.
ReturnCriteria allows the sender of the BOD to indicate which information (down to the field level) is requested to be returned, given that the query has been successful in matching the exemplar to existing nouns.
That is, in a GetListPurchaseOrder, if one or more PurchaseOrders with a TotalPrice = $1M were found, ReturnCriteria tells the BOD recipient which parts of the PurchaseOrder should be populated with content when the response (ShowPurchaseOrder) is formulated.
The expressionLanguage indicates the expression language being used. In order for the ReturnCriteria expression to be evaluable by the BOD recipient, the recipient must be capable of processing and interpreting the specified expression language. XPath is the default, due to its ubiquity among XML processing technologies.
Table 5.9. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ResponseExpression |
ResponseExpression identifies a pointer to the Component being provided as a response to a request. This point is provided using an appropriate value of the given expressionLanguage indicated. The actionCode is intended to indicate what has occured with the given component and/or instance of the given component. | 0..1 | Component | ResponseExpressionType | |
ChangeStatus | 0..1 | Component | ChangeStatusType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the genrated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 5.9. ResponseCriteria
<ResponseCriteria> <ResponseExpression>......</ResponseExpression> [0..1] <ChangeStatus>......</ChangeStatus> [0..1] </ResponseCriteria>
Uses the Component: ResponseExpressionType
ResponseExpression identifies a pointer to the Component being provided as a response to a request. This point is provided using an appropriate value of the given expressionLanguage indicated. The actionCode is intended to indicate what has occurred with the given component and/or instance of the given component.
Table 5.10. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
actionCode |
Indicates what has occured with a particular expression. | 0..1 | Attribute | oacl:ResponseActionCodeContentType | |
expressionLanguage |
The expression language used. This is typically XPATH. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:token |
Uses the Component: ChangeStatusType
Table 5.11. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Code |
Element for the communication of all codes. | 0..1 | Field | udt:CodeType | |
Description | 0..1 | Field | udt:TextType | ||
EffectiveDateTime |
This is the DateTime the associated object is made effective | 0..1 | Field | udt:DateTimeType | |
ReasonCode |
Identifies the reason for an activity | 0..1 | Field | udt:CodeType | |
Reason | 0..* | Field | udt:TextType | ||
StateChange | 0..* | Component | StateChangeType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the genrated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 5.11. ChangeStatus
<ChangeStatus> <Code>......</Code> [0..1] <Description>......</Description> [0..1] <EffectiveDateTime>......</EffectiveDateTime> [0..1] <ReasonCode>......</ReasonCode> [0..1] <Reason>......</Reason> [0..*] <StateChange>......</StateChange> [0..*] </ChangeStatus>
Uses the Component: StateChangeType
Table 5.12. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
FromStateCode | 0..1 | Field | udt:CodeType | ||
ToStateCode | 0..1 | Field | udt:CodeType | ||
ChangeDateTime |
Indicates when the status change occured. | 0..1 | Field | udt:DateTimeType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the genrated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 5.12. StateChange
<StateChange> <FromStateCode>......</FromStateCode> [0..1] <ToStateCode>......</ToStateCode> [0..1] <ChangeDateTime>......</ChangeDateTime> [0..1] </StateChange>
Table of Contents
Uses the Component:VehiclePriceListType
The purpose of VehiclePriceList is to support the transmission (in electronic form) of a Vehicle Price List status.
Table 6.1. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
VehiclePriceListHeader |
Vehicle Price List Header | 1..1 | Component | VehiclePriceListHeaderType | |
VehiclePriceListLine |
Vehicle Price List Line | 0..* | Component | VehiclePriceListLineType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.1. VehiclePriceList
<VehiclePriceList> <VehiclePriceListHeader>......</VehiclePriceListHeader> [1..1] <VehiclePriceListLine>......</VehiclePriceListLine> [0..*] </VehiclePriceList>
Uses the Component:VehiclePriceListHeaderType
Vehicle Price List Header
Table 6.2. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
DocumentDateTime |
Is the date and time the document was last created. This is not the date and time that the BOD message instance was created. | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateTimeType | |
DocumentIdentification |
A group of identifications that uniquely identifies this document | 0..1 | Component | DocumentIdentificationType | |
DefaultCurrency |
Default global currency that can be used in all amounts. It can be overwrittten in individual amounts by populating the "currency" attribute in the Amount Data Type. | 0..1 | Field | oag:clm542173A20090305_ISO3AlphaCurrencyCodeContentType | |
DefaultLanguage |
Default language. It can be overwrittten in individual data elements in the BOD if needed. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:LanguageCodeType | |
EffectivePeriod |
A specific period of time such as the length of time between two known date/time points, from a start date onwards, or up to an end date of when something is effective. | 0..1 | Component | oag:TimePeriodType | |
PriceListDetails |
Price List Details. | 0..1 | Component | PriceListDetailsType | |
SalesOrganization |
Sales organization. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
RequestCode |
Request code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
PublisherParty |
Identifies the publisher organization/entity of the Catalog or transaction in which it is associated for the associated. | 0..1 | Component | PartyABIEType | |
CustomerParty |
Customer information | 0..* | Component | CustomerPartyType | |
SalesCampaign |
Sales Campaign Component to communicate sales promotions or sales programs. | 0..1 | Component | SalesCampaignType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.2. VehiclePriceListHeader
<VehiclePriceListHeader> <DocumentDateTime>......</DocumentDateTime> [0..1] <DocumentIdentification>......</DocumentIdentification> [0..1] <DefaultCurrency>......</DefaultCurrency> [0..1] <DefaultLanguage>......</DefaultLanguage> [0..1] <EffectivePeriod>......</EffectivePeriod> [0..1] <PriceListDetails>......</PriceListDetails> [0..1] <SalesOrganization>......</SalesOrganization> [0..1] <RequestCode>......</RequestCode> [0..1] <PublisherParty>......</PublisherParty> [0..1] <CustomerParty>......</CustomerParty> [0..*] <SalesCampaign>......</SalesCampaign> [0..1] </VehiclePriceListHeader>
Uses the Component:DocumentIdentificationType
A group of identifications that uniquely identifies this document
Table 6.3. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
DocumentIdentifier |
A group of identifications that uniquely identifies this document | 0..1 | Component | DocumentIdentifierType | |
AlternateDocumentIdentifier |
An alternate identification that uniquely identifies this document in addition to the Document ID, e.g., Part Order Number, Parts Purchase Order Number or Parts Invoice Number. | 0..* | Component | DocumentIdentifierType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.3. DocumentIdentification
<DocumentIdentification> <DocumentIdentifier>......</DocumentIdentifier> [0..1] <AlternateDocumentIdentifier>......</AlternateDocumentIdentifier> [0..*] </DocumentIdentification>
Uses the Component:DocumentIdentifierType
A group of identifications that uniquely identifies this document
Table 6.4. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
DocumentID |
The DocumentID is the identifier for the document. This identifier is a GUID or other unique identifier set by the creator of the document. | 1..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
AgencyRole |
The agency role that defined the Document ID. An example of an agency may be a manufacturer, a retail system provider, etc. This list does not contain specific entity names, only roles. See enumerated list. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:AgencyRoleCodeType |
Uses the Component:DocumentIdentifierType
An alternate identification that uniquely identifies this document in addition to the Document ID, e.g., Part Order Number, Parts Purchase Order Number or Parts Invoice Number.
Table 6.5. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
DocumentID |
The DocumentID is the identifier for the document. This identifier is a GUID or other unique identifier set by the creator of the document. | 1..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
AgencyRole |
The agency role that defined the Document ID. An example of an agency may be a manufacturer, a retail system provider, etc. This list does not contain specific entity names, only roles. See enumerated list. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:AgencyRoleCodeType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.5. AlternateDocumentIdentifier
<AlternateDocumentIdentifier> <DocumentID>......</DocumentID> [1..1] <AgencyRole>......</AgencyRole> [0..1] </AlternateDocumentIdentifier>
Uses the Component:oag:TimePeriodType
A specific period of time such as the length of time between two known date/time points, from a start date onwards, or up to an end date of when something is effective.
Uses the Component:PriceListDetailsType
Price List Details.
Table 6.6. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Code |
Price List Code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Name |
Price List Name. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Description |
Price List Description. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Currency |
Currency. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CurrencyCodeContentType | |
Vendor |
Vendor associated with the parts price list. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
OrderTypeCode |
Order type code. | 0..* | Field | oag:CodeType | |
CountryCode |
Country Code. | 0..* | Field | scl:CountryEnumeratedType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.7. PriceListDetails
<PriceListDetails> <Code>......</Code> [0..1] <Name>......</Name> [0..1] <Description>......</Description> [0..1] <Currency>......</Currency> [0..1] <Vendor>......</Vendor> [0..1] <OrderTypeCode>......</OrderTypeCode> [0..*] <CountryCode>......</CountryCode> [0..*] </PriceListDetails>
Uses the Component:PartyABIEType
Identifies the publisher organization/entity of the Catalog or transaction in which it is associated for the associated.
Table 6.7. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
PartyBase |
Party Basic Business Information Entity Type. | 0..1 | Component | PartyBBIEType | |
SpecifiedOrganization |
A specific organization represented in a party, or other component. | 0..1 | Component | OrganizationABIEType | |
SpecifiedPerson |
Identifies a specific individual or person. | 0..1 | Component | PersonType | |
PartyActionEvent |
An action taken for an event by or in behalf of the party. This can be used to track the creation of the party, deletion, or end date. This action is dirrectly related to the party. | 0..1 | Component | EventType | |
TimeZone |
Time Zone - Free format to allow the use of any of the Time Zone standards. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.8. PublisherParty
<PublisherParty> <PartyBase>......</PartyBase> [0..1] <SpecifiedOrganization>......</SpecifiedOrganization> [0..1] <SpecifiedPerson>......</SpecifiedPerson> [0..1] <PartyActionEvent>......</PartyActionEvent> [0..1] <TimeZone>......</TimeZone> [0..1] </PublisherParty>
Uses the Component:PartyBBIEType
Party Basic Business Information Entity Type.
Table 6.8. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
PartyID |
Party ID. | 0..* | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
Name |
Party Name. | 0..* | Field | oag:OpenNameType | |
RelationshipType |
Relationship type. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.9. PartyBase
<PartyBase> <PartyID>......</PartyID> [0..*] <Name>......</Name> [0..*] <RelationshipType>......</RelationshipType> [0..1] </PartyBase>
Uses the Component:OrganizationABIEType
A specific organization represented in a party, or other component.
Table 6.9. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
BusinessType |
A code identifying type of Business. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
CompanyName |
Company name of business entity. | 0..1 | Field | oag:NameType | |
OrganizationID |
Member Identification number of affiliate organization | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
DistrictID |
An identifier for the District an organization resides. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
Branch |
Manufacture branch code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Company |
Manufacture company code.. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Division |
Manufacture division code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
ServiceCenter |
Manufacturer service center code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
HoldingCompanyName |
The company that is securing or underwriting the loan. | 0..1 | Field | oag:NameType | |
PrimaryContact |
ABIE A primary person or department that acts as a point of contact with another peson or department. PrimaryContact | 0..* | Component | ContactABIEType | |
PostalAddress |
The location at which mail is delivered. | 0..* | Component | oag:AddressBaseType | |
DoingBusinessAsName |
Indicates the Business Party's relationship to the primary Party (e.g., mother, father, husband, etc.). | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
LegalClassification |
The code specifying the legal classification of this organization such as those representing Incorporated (Inc), limited liability corporation (LLC) or non-profit. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
InceptionDateTime |
The creation date and time that a business was started. | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateTimeType | |
NumberOfEmployees |
Number of employees in the organization. | 0..1 | Field | oag:NumberType | |
CompanyDescription |
Full description of the company or organization. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.10. SpecifiedOrganization
<SpecifiedOrganization> <BusinessType>......</BusinessType> [0..1] <CompanyName>......</CompanyName> [0..1] <OrganizationID>......</OrganizationID> [0..1] <DistrictID>......</DistrictID> [0..1] <Branch>......</Branch> [0..1] <Company>......</Company> [0..1] <Division>......</Division> [0..1] <ServiceCenter>......</ServiceCenter> [0..1] <HoldingCompanyName>......</HoldingCompanyName> [0..1] <PrimaryContact>......</PrimaryContact> [0..*] <PostalAddress>......</PostalAddress> [0..*] <DoingBusinessAsName>......</DoingBusinessAsName> [0..1] <LegalClassification>......</LegalClassification> [0..1] <InceptionDateTime>......</InceptionDateTime> [0..1] <NumberOfEmployees>......</NumberOfEmployees> [0..1] <CompanyDescription>......</CompanyDescription> [0..*] </SpecifiedOrganization>
Uses the Component:ContactABIEType
ABIE A primary person or department that acts as a point of contact with another peson or department. Primary Contact
Table 6.10. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ID |
A unique identifier for this contact. | 0..* | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
JobTitle |
The job title, position or designation, expressed as text, of this contact person within an organization such as Director, Software Engineer, Purchasing Manager. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Responsibility |
The responsibilities, expressed as text, of this contact. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
DepartmentName |
The name, expressed as text, of the department to which this contact belongs within an organization such as a support department. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Type |
A code specifying the type of contact. | 1..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Begin Choice | |||||
PersonName |
The name, expressed as text, of this contact person. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
or | |||||
SpecifiedPerson |
Identifies a specific individual or person. | 0..1 | Component | PersonType | |
End Choice | |||||
TelephoneCommunication |
Telephone communication information for this contact. | 0..* | Component | oag:CommunicationBaseType | |
UsagePreference |
The preference for usage of this contact such as type, order of importance, availability, or some other criteria. | 0..1 | Component | oag:PreferenceBaseType | |
PostalAddress |
Postal address information for this contact. | 0..1 | Component | oag:AddressBaseType | |
FaxCommunication |
Fax communication information for this contact. | 0..* | Component | oag:CommunicationBaseType | |
URICommunication |
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information for this contact such as an email address. | 0..* | Component | oag:CommunicationBaseType | |
ContactMethodType |
Indicates the preferred method of contact. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:ContactMethodTypeCodeType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.11. PrimaryContact
<PrimaryContact> <ID>......</ID> [0..*] <JobTitle>......</JobTitle> [0..1] <Responsibility>......</Responsibility> [0..1] <DepartmentName>......</DepartmentName> [0..1] <Type>......</Type> [1..1] <!-- Begin Choice --> <PersonName>......</PersonName> [0..1] <!-- or --> <SpecifiedPerson>......</SpecifiedPerson> [0..1] <!-- End Choice --> <TelephoneCommunication>......</TelephoneCommunication> [0..*] <UsagePreference>......</UsagePreference> [0..1] <PostalAddress>......</PostalAddress> [0..1] <FaxCommunication>......</FaxCommunication> [0..*] <URICommunication>......</URICommunication> [0..*] <ContactMethodType>......</ContactMethodType> [0..1] </PrimaryContact>
Uses the Component:PersonType
Identifies a specific individual or person.
Table 6.11. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ID | 0..* | Field | oag:OpenIDType | ||
GivenName | 0..* | Field | oag:NameType | ||
Alias |
Another name that a person is also known. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
MiddleName |
Middle Initial of business party | 0..1 | Field | oag:NameType | |
FamilyName | 0..* | Field | oag:NameType | ||
Title |
A general or descriptive heading given to a person, or item. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Salutation |
A word or phrase of greeting used to begin a letter or message. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
NameSuffix |
A word or phrase added to the end of a name | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
MaritalStatus |
Identifies marital status of business party - M = Married, U = Unmarried, S = Separated, O = Other | 0..1 | Field | scl:MaritalStatusEnumeratedType | |
Gender |
Gender of party - M = Male, F= Female | 0..1 | Field | scl:GenderEnumeratedType | |
BirthDate |
Birth date of party | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateType | |
AgeMeasure |
The numeric value of a person or parties age. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:TimeMeasureType | |
MaidenName |
The family name for a woman before she was married. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
PreferredName |
A name that a person preferrs to be known. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ResidenceAddress |
The location at which a particular person may be found or reached. | 0..1 | Component | oag:AddressBaseType | |
TelephoneCommunication |
Telephone Communication information like phone number | 0..* | Component | oag:CommunicationBaseType | |
FaxCommunication |
Fax communication includes fax number or mailto address | 0..1 | Component | oag:CommunicationBaseType | |
URICommunication |
Email or web communication | 0..* | Component | oag:CommunicationBaseType | |
NationalityCountryID |
The ISO Country Codelist used to indicate a person's nationality. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:CountryCodeType | |
ContactMethodType |
Indicates the preferred method of contact. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:ContactMethodTypeCodeType | |
Language |
The spoken language for a person. This may occur multiple times if they speak more than one language. | 0..* | Field | sqdt:LanguageCodeType | |
PostalAddress |
The location at which mail is delivered. | 0..* | Component | oag:AddressBaseType | |
OriginalContactMethodType |
Original contact method for this person. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:ContactMethodTypeCodeType | |
SpecifiedOccupation |
Occupation for this person. | 0..* | Component | OccupationABIEType | |
Trait |
Personal trait. | 0..* | Field | TraitType | |
CustomerStatus |
Code which indicates the customer status of the person (e.g. Deceased, Gone Away) | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
DateOfBirthTolerance |
Number of days tolerance for recorded date of birth. | 0..1 | Field | oag:NumberType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.12. SpecifiedPerson
<SpecifiedPerson> <ID>......</ID> [0..*] <GivenName>......</GivenName> [0..*] <Alias>......</Alias> [0..1] <MiddleName>......</MiddleName> [0..1] <FamilyName>......</FamilyName> [0..*] <Title>......</Title> [0..1] <Salutation>......</Salutation> [0..1] <NameSuffix>......</NameSuffix> [0..1] <MaritalStatus>......</MaritalStatus> [0..1] <Gender>......</Gender> [0..1] <BirthDate>......</BirthDate> [0..1] <AgeMeasure>......</AgeMeasure> [0..1] <MaidenName>......</MaidenName> [0..1] <PreferredName>......</PreferredName> [0..1] <ResidenceAddress>......</ResidenceAddress> [0..1] <TelephoneCommunication>......</TelephoneCommunication> [0..*] <FaxCommunication>......</FaxCommunication> [0..1] <URICommunication>......</URICommunication> [0..*] <NationalityCountryID>......</NationalityCountryID> [0..1] <ContactMethodType>......</ContactMethodType> [0..1] <Language>......</Language> [0..*] <PostalAddress>......</PostalAddress> [0..*] <OriginalContactMethodType>......</OriginalContactMethodType> [0..1] <SpecifiedOccupation>......</SpecifiedOccupation> [0..*] <Trait>......</Trait> [0..*] <CustomerStatus>......</CustomerStatus> [0..1] <DateOfBirthTolerance>......</DateOfBirthTolerance> [0..1] </SpecifiedPerson>
Uses the Component:oag:AddressBaseType
The location at which a particular person may be found or reached.
Uses the Component:oag:CommunicationBaseType
Telephone Communication information like phone number
Uses the Component:oag:CommunicationBaseType
Fax communication includes fax number or mailto address
Uses the Component:oag:CommunicationBaseType
Email or web communication
Uses the Component:oag:AddressBaseType
The location at which mail is delivered.
Uses the Component:OccupationABIEType
Occupation for this person.
Table 6.12. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
TypeCode |
The code specifying the type of the occupation. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Title |
The occupation title. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
Description |
The textual description of the occupation. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
Class |
The code specifying the class of the occupation, such as accountancy, banking, car delivery. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Ranking |
The code specifying the relative importance (ranking) of this occupation with respect to the person's other occupations such as main occupation, secondary occupation. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
FullTimeIndicator |
The indication of whether or not the occupation is full-time. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IndicatorType | |
PeriodHeld |
A period of time during which this occupation has been held. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TimePeriodType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.18. SpecifiedOccupation
<SpecifiedOccupation> <TypeCode>......</TypeCode> [0..1] <Title>......</Title> [0..*] <Description>......</Description> [0..*] <Class>......</Class> [0..1] <Ranking>......</Ranking> [0..1] <FullTimeIndicator>......</FullTimeIndicator> [0..1] <PeriodHeld>......</PeriodHeld> [0..1] </SpecifiedOccupation>
Uses the Component:oag:PreferenceBaseType
Precedence, advantage, or choice of one person or thing over another.
Uses the Component:EventType
An action taken for an event by or in behalf of the party. This can be used to track the creation of the party, deletion, or end date. This action is dirrectly related to the party.
Table 6.13. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
EventID |
A unique identifier for an event. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
EventType |
Enumerated list of unusual event types. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:EventTypeCodeType | |
EventDescription |
A textual description of the event. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
EventOccurrenceDateTime |
A date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of this event. This could be used to track such dates and times of creation, deletion, etc. | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateTimeType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.20. PartyActionEvent
<PartyActionEvent> <EventID>......</EventID> [0..1] <EventType>......</EventType> [0..1] <EventDescription>......</EventDescription> [0..1] <EventOccurrenceDateTime>......</EventOccurrenceDateTime> [0..1] </PartyActionEvent>
Uses the Component:CustomerPartyType
Customer information
Table 6.14. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Party |
Party Aggregated Business Information Entity Type. | 0..1 | Component | PartyABIEType | |
CustomerComments |
Customer comments. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType |
Uses the Component:PartyABIEType
Party Aggregated Business Information Entity Type.
Table 6.15. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
PartyBase |
Party Basic Business Information Entity Type. | 0..1 | Component | PartyBBIEType | |
SpecifiedOrganization |
A specific organization represented in a party, or other component. | 0..1 | Component | OrganizationABIEType | |
SpecifiedPerson |
Identifies a specific individual or person. | 0..1 | Component | PersonType | |
PartyActionEvent |
An action taken for an event by or in behalf of the party. This can be used to track the creation of the party, deletion, or end date. This action is dirrectly related to the party. | 0..1 | Component | EventType | |
TimeZone |
Time Zone - Free format to allow the use of any of the Time Zone standards. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.22. Party
<Party> <PartyBase>......</PartyBase> [0..1] <SpecifiedOrganization>......</SpecifiedOrganization> [0..1] <SpecifiedPerson>......</SpecifiedPerson> [0..1] <PartyActionEvent>......</PartyActionEvent> [0..1] <TimeZone>......</TimeZone> [0..1] </Party>
Uses the Component:SalesCampaignType
Sales Campaign Component to communicate sales promotions or sales programs.
Table 6.16. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
CampaignTypeCode |
Campaign type code. Possible values are "Promotion", "Program", etc. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
CampaignID |
The campaing identifier, | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
CampaignDescription |
The description of the campaign | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
MinimumBuyQuantity |
A minimum buy quantity may be required to qualify for the promotion. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:QuantityType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.23. SalesCampaign
<SalesCampaign> <CampaignTypeCode>......</CampaignTypeCode> [0..1] <CampaignID>......</CampaignID> [0..1] <CampaignDescription>......</CampaignDescription> [0..1] <MinimumBuyQuantity>......</MinimumBuyQuantity> [0..1] </SalesCampaign>
Uses the Component:VehiclePriceListLineType
Vehicle Price List Line
Table 6.17. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
LineNumber |
Line number. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
PriceListDetails |
Price List Details. | 0..1 | Component | PriceListDetailsType | |
EffectivePeriod |
A specific period of time such as the length of time between two known date/time points, from a start date onwards, or up to an end date of when something is effective. | 0..1 | Component | oag:TimePeriodType | |
Vehicle |
Common vehicle component | 0..1 | Component | VehicleABIEType | |
Price |
Base Price Component. | 0..* | Component | BasePriceType | |
Tax |
Base Tax Component. | 0..* | Component | BaseTaxType | |
Discount |
Discount Component. | 0..* | Component | BaseDiscountType | |
Charges |
Charges associated with an Invoice. | 0..* | Component | ChargesType | |
SalesCampaign |
Sales Campaign Component to communicate sales promotions or sales programs. | 0..1 | Component | SalesCampaignType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.24. VehiclePriceListLine
<VehiclePriceListLine> <LineNumber>......</LineNumber> [0..1] <PriceListDetails>......</PriceListDetails> [0..1] <EffectivePeriod>......</EffectivePeriod> [0..1] <Vehicle>......</Vehicle> [0..1] <Price>......</Price> [0..*] <Tax>......</Tax> [0..*] <Discount>......</Discount> [0..*] <Charges>......</Charges> [0..*] <SalesCampaign>......</SalesCampaign> [0..1] </VehiclePriceListLine>
Uses the Component:VehicleABIEType
Common vehicle component
Table 6.18. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
VehicleBase |
Vehicle Basic Business Information Entity. | 0..1 | Component | VehicleBBIEType | |
VehicleDetails |
Vehicle Details Information. | 0..1 | Component | VehicleDetailsType | |
VehicleConfiguration |
A group of elements to define the configuration of a vehicle such as axle, transmission curb weight, etc. | 0..1 | Component | VehicleConfigurationType | |
VehicleStatus |
A group of elements to define a Status of a Vehicle such as Built, Sold, Shipped, Schedule, etc. A date and description are available in this group. | 0..1 | Component | VehicleStatusType | |
VehicleEvent |
Component to communicate important dates and events for a vehicle. | 0..1 | Component | VehicleEventType | |
Measurement |
Measurement details. | 0..1 | Field | BaseMeasurementType | |
ImageAttachmentExtended |
The ImageAttachmentExtended component contains information about an image being attached to a BOD, e.g., image size, image type, image file name, etc. | 0..1 | Component | ImageAttachmentExtendedType | |
CertificationGroup | 0..1 | Component | CertificationGroupType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.25. Vehicle
<Vehicle> <VehicleBase>......</VehicleBase> [0..1] <VehicleDetails>......</VehicleDetails> [0..1] <VehicleConfiguration>......</VehicleConfiguration> [0..1] <VehicleStatus>......</VehicleStatus> [0..1] <VehicleEvent>......</VehicleEvent> [0..1] <Measurement>......</Measurement> [0..1] <ImageAttachmentExtended>......</ImageAttachmentExtended> [0..1] <CertificationGroup>......</CertificationGroup> [0..1] </Vehicle>
Uses the Component:VehicleBBIEType
Vehicle Basic Business Information Entity.
Table 6.19. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
VehicleIdentifier |
Manufacturer-assigned model code of vehicle - Usually available in the VIN number (use NCIC code) | 0..* | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
VehicleModel |
Vehicle Model Information. | 0..* | Component | VehicleModelType |
Uses the Component:VehicleModelType
Vehicle Model Information.
Table 6.20. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Model |
Manufacturer-assigned model code of vehicle - Usually available in the VIN number (use NCIC code) | 0..* | Field | oag:OpenNameType | |
ModelClass |
Indicates the specific class of vehicle attached to the model description (ie: GT, XLE, SE) | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ModelYear |
Vehicle designated model year | 0..1 | Field | oag:YearDateType | |
ModelDescription |
Descriptive vehicle model name | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.27. VehicleModel
<VehicleModel> <Model>......</Model> [0..*] <ModelClass>......</ModelClass> [0..1] <ModelYear>......</ModelYear> [0..1] <ModelDescription>......</ModelDescription> [0..*] </VehicleModel>
Uses the Component:VehicleDetailsType
Vehicle Details Information.
Table 6.21. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
VehicleDescription |
A detailed description of the vehicle. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
VehicleNote |
Vehicle notes | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
VehicleClass |
Vehicle Class | 0..1 | Field | scl:VehicleClassEnumeratedType | |
VehicleOperation |
Indicates industry/area where the vehicle operates. Possible values are: Truck Timber; Truck Tipper, Truck Tanker. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
VehicleApplication |
Indicates type of operations the vehicle is used in. Possible values are: Normal; Heavy; Severe; Other. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
VehicleUse |
Indicates the use of the vehicle (i.e., Agricultural, Commercial, Personal, Other). | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
Make |
Vehicle make code - Usually available in the VIN number (use NCIC code). | 0..1 | Field | oag:StringType | |
Series |
The model series code for the specified vehicle (i.e., trim level). This is different from Make and Model. Example, Limited Edition | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
SeriesName |
The name corresponding to the SeriesCode (i.e., trim level). This is different from Make and Model. Example, Limited Edition | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
ProductClass |
Used to communicate product class codes. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
ProductClassDescription |
Used to communicate product class code description. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
MarketConfiguration |
A code identifying a particular market-specific configuration. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Trim |
Manufacturer assigned trim code | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
BodyStyle |
Manufacturer-assigned vehicle body style | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Color | 0..* | Component | ColorType | ||
DoorsQuantity |
Number of doors on vehicle | 0..1 | Field | oag:NumberType | |
SeatQuantity |
Passenger/seat capacity count of vehicle | 0..1 | Field | oag:NumberType | |
InteriorDescription |
Description of the interior condition of a preowned vehicle | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Condition |
Condition of Vehicle - Example: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Unknown | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
OdometerReading |
Odometer reading. | 0..* | Component | OdometerReadingType | |
DoorKeyNumber |
Door Key Number | 0..1 | Field | oag:StringType | |
IgnitionKeyNumber |
Vehicle Ignition Key Number | 0..1 | Field | oag:StringType | |
DriveTrain |
Indicates whether the vehicle is 2 or 4 wheel drive (i.e., 2WD, 4WD, 4x4, 4x2) | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
DriveType |
Designates Vehicle drive type | 0..1 | Field | scl:DriveTypeEnumeratedType | |
RestrictionIndicator |
Indication that vehicle has restrictions on its use | 0..1 | Field | oag:IndicatorType | |
RestrictionDescription |
Description of vehicle use restrictions | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Project |
Used to identify if the vehicle is in project mode or in serial production. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Development |
Used to identify if a vehicle is development or design vehicle. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
RegistrationStateProvince |
State or Province where vehicle is registered. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
RegistrationCountry |
Country where vehicle is registered. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:CountryCodeType | |
CriticalRecallIndicator |
Provides indicator information on Critical Recalls, based on which important decisions can be made i.e to block incentives or not display the vehicles. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IndicatorType | |
Inactive |
Status code to indicate the reason why the vehicle became inactive; used to filter out campaigns. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
BrandCode |
Vehicle brand code | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
BrandName |
Vehicle brand name | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
MaximumSpeedMeasure |
The maximum speed at which a particular vehicle configuration may obtain. This includes the entire configuration of the vehicle. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:SpeedMeasureType | |
WheelBase |
Wheel base legnth. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
WheelBaseUOM |
Wheel base unit of measure. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
TelematicsEnabled |
Indicates if the vehicle has the telematics system enabled. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IndicatorType | |
CustomerTelematicsAgreement |
Indicates if owner of the vehicle has agreed to share the telematics data. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IndicatorType | |
Comodity |
Comodity description. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
CountryOfOrigin |
Country of origing component. | 0..1 | Component | CountryOfOriginType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.28. VehicleDetails
<VehicleDetails> <VehicleDescription>......</VehicleDescription> [0..1] <VehicleNote>......</VehicleNote> [0..*] <VehicleClass>......</VehicleClass> [0..1] <VehicleOperation>......</VehicleOperation> [0..*] <VehicleApplication>......</VehicleApplication> [0..*] <VehicleUse>......</VehicleUse> [0..*] <Make>......</Make> [0..1] <Series>......</Series> [0..1] <SeriesName>......</SeriesName> [0..1] <ProductClass>......</ProductClass> [0..1] <ProductClassDescription>......</ProductClassDescription> [0..1] <MarketConfiguration>......</MarketConfiguration> [0..1] <Trim>......</Trim> [0..1] <BodyStyle>......</BodyStyle> [0..1] <Color>......</Color> [0..*] <DoorsQuantity>......</DoorsQuantity> [0..1] <SeatQuantity>......</SeatQuantity> [0..1] <InteriorDescription>......</InteriorDescription> [0..1] <Condition>......</Condition> [0..1] <OdometerReading>......</OdometerReading> [0..*] <DoorKeyNumber>......</DoorKeyNumber> [0..1] <IgnitionKeyNumber>......</IgnitionKeyNumber> [0..1] <DriveTrain>......</DriveTrain> [0..1] <DriveType>......</DriveType> [0..1] <RestrictionIndicator>......</RestrictionIndicator> [0..1] <RestrictionDescription>......</RestrictionDescription> [0..1] <Project>......</Project> [0..1] <Development>......</Development> [0..1] <RegistrationStateProvince>......</RegistrationStateProvince> [0..1] <RegistrationCountry>......</RegistrationCountry> [0..1] <CriticalRecallIndicator>......</CriticalRecallIndicator> [0..1] <Inactive>......</Inactive> [0..1] <BrandCode>......</BrandCode> [0..1] <BrandName>......</BrandName> [0..1] <MaximumSpeedMeasure>......</MaximumSpeedMeasure> [0..1] <WheelBase>......</WheelBase> [0..1] <WheelBaseUOM>......</WheelBaseUOM> [0..1] <TelematicsEnabled>......</TelematicsEnabled> [0..1] <CustomerTelematicsAgreement>......</CustomerTelematicsAgreement> [0..1] <Comodity>......</Comodity> [0..1] <CountryOfOrigin>......</CountryOfOrigin> [0..1] </VehicleDetails>
Uses the Component:ColorType
Table 6.22. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ColorItem |
Identifies the item for which color is being described. | 1..1 | Field | scl:ColorItemEnumeratedType | |
ManufacturerColor |
Manufacturer-assigned color code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
ColorDescription |
Description of a color. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
ColorName |
The name of a color, e.g. Hawthorn Green. | 0..1 | Field | oag:NameType | |
ColorCodeChangeIndicator |
Indicates whether or not the color code (e.g., Interior Color Code, Exterior Color Code) can be changed. | 0..1 | Field | oag:IndicatorType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.29. Color
<Color> <ColorItem>......</ColorItem> [1..1] <ManufacturerColor>......</ManufacturerColor> [0..1] <ColorDescription>......</ColorDescription> [0..*] <ColorName>......</ColorName> [0..1] <ColorCodeChangeIndicator>......</ColorCodeChangeIndicator> [0..1] </Color>
Uses the Component:OdometerReadingType
Odometer reading.
Table 6.23. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
UnitOfMeasure |
The unit of measuer used by the motor vehicle. Examples: hours, km, miles. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Date |
Date and time the odometer measure was taken. | 0..1 | Field | oag:DateTimeType | |
Value |
This is the value recorded from the odometer reading. | 0..1 | Field | oag:NumberType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.30. OdometerReading
<OdometerReading> <UnitOfMeasure>......</UnitOfMeasure> [0..1] <Date>......</Date> [0..1] <Value>......</Value> [0..1] </OdometerReading>
Uses the Component:CountryOfOriginType
Country of origing component.
Table 6.24. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
CountryCode |
The Country Code. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:CountryCodeType | |
Quantity |
The Product quantity associated with the country of origin. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:QuantityType | |
PreferredOrigin |
The country of origin of goods is a factor in determining the amount of duty payable. Other factors include the type and value of the goods. | 0..* | Field | oag:IndicatorType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.31. CountryOfOrigin
<CountryOfOrigin> <CountryCode>......</CountryCode> [0..1] <Quantity>......</Quantity> [0..1] <PreferredOrigin>......</PreferredOrigin> [0..*] </CountryOfOrigin>
Uses the Component:VehicleConfigurationType
A group of elements to define the configuration of a vehicle such as axle, transmission curb weight, etc.
Table 6.25. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Transmission |
Vehicle Transmission type | 0..1 | Component | TransmissionType | |
Axle |
The code on the axle of the vehicle. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Chassis |
A general term that refers to all of the mechanical parts of a car attached to a structural frame. In cars with unitized construction, the chassis comprises everything but the body of the car. | 0..1 | Component | ChassisType | |
Tank |
Indicates the weight of the item when all fluids are added. | 0..* | Component | TankType | |
Engine |
Information describing the components that are part of an engine. | 0..* | Component | EngineType | |
Battery |
Detail information about a battery. | 0..* | Component | BatteryType | |
VehicleConfigItem |
Configuration alternative. | 0..* | Component | VehicleConfigItemType | |
TelematicUnit |
Telematics Unit Information. | 0..* | Component | TelematicUnitType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.32. VehicleConfiguration
<VehicleConfiguration> <Transmission>......</Transmission> [0..1] <Axle>......</Axle> [0..1] <Chassis>......</Chassis> [0..1] <Tank>......</Tank> [0..*] <Engine>......</Engine> [0..*] <Battery>......</Battery> [0..*] <VehicleConfigItem>......</VehicleConfigItem> [0..*] <TelematicUnit>......</TelematicUnit> [0..*] </VehicleConfiguration>
Uses the Component:TransmissionType
Details describing the transmission of a vehicle, truck, boat, etc..
Table 6.26. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Transmission |
Transmission Serial Number | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
TransmissionType |
Vehicle Transmission type - 3 = 3 speed, 4 = 4 speed, 5 = 5 speed, 6 = 6 speed, A - Automatic | 0..1 | Field | scl:TransmissionTypeEnumeratedType | |
TransmissionTypeName |
Name of transmission type (i.e., Hydromatic, Shiftronic, Manual, Automatic, etc.) | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.33. Transmission
<Transmission> <Transmission>......</Transmission> [0..1] <TransmissionType>......</TransmissionType> [0..1] <TransmissionTypeName>......</TransmissionTypeName> [0..1] </Transmission>
Uses the Component:ChassisType
A general term that refers to all of the mechanical parts of a car attached to a structural frame. In cars with unitized construction, the chassis comprises everything but the body of the car.
Table 6.27. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ChassisMake |
Make of chassis. | 1..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ChassisModel |
Model of chassis. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ChassisSerial |
Unique identifier for the chassis. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.34. Chassis
<Chassis> <ChassisMake>......</ChassisMake> [1..1] <ChassisModel>......</ChassisModel> [0..1] <ChassisSerial>......</ChassisSerial> [0..1] </Chassis>
Uses the Component:TankType
A large, often metallic container for holding or storing liquids or gases.
Table 6.28. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
TankUsage |
The purpose or usage of this tank. | 1..1 | Field | sqdt:TankUsageCodeType | |
TankMaterial |
The type of Material the Tank is constructed from. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:TankMaterialCodeType | |
TankCapacityMeasure |
How much the tank can hold. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:VolumeMeasureType | |
TankCount |
The number of tanks. | 0..1 | Field | oag:NumberType | |
UsagePreference |
Precedence, advantage, or choice of one person or thing over another. | 0..1 | Component | oag:PreferenceBaseType | |
TankSerial |
Unique identifier for the tank. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.35. Tank
<Tank> <TankUsage>......</TankUsage> [1..1] <TankMaterial>......</TankMaterial> [0..1] <TankCapacityMeasure>......</TankCapacityMeasure> [0..1] <TankCount>......</TankCount> [0..1] <UsagePreference>......</UsagePreference> [0..1] <TankSerial>......</TankSerial> [0..1] </Tank>
Uses the Component:EngineType
Information describing the components that are part of an engine.
Table 6.29. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
EngineType |
Describes the type of engine i.e., combustion, electric, hybrid, etc. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
FuelType |
Type of vehicle fuel | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:FuelTypeCodeType | |
EngineEmissionLevel |
Enegine emission level. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
EngineModel |
Engine Model. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
EngineSerial |
Engine Serial Number. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Brand |
The Brand of the engine. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Manufacturer |
The Manufacturer of the Engine. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ItemIdentifier |
A group of identifications that uniquely identifies this document | 0..* | Component | ItemIdentifierType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.36. Engine
<Engine> <EngineType>......</EngineType> [0..1] <FuelType>......</FuelType> [0..1] <EngineEmissionLevel>......</EngineEmissionLevel> [0..*] <EngineModel>......</EngineModel> [0..1] <EngineSerial>......</EngineSerial> [0..1] <Brand>......</Brand> [0..1] <Manufacturer>......</Manufacturer> [0..1] <ItemIdentifier>......</ItemIdentifier> [0..*] </Engine>
Uses the Component:ItemIdentifierType
A group of identifications that uniquely identifies this document
Table 6.30. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ItemID |
The identifier of an item (e.g, a part number) | 1..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
AgencyRole |
The agency role that defined the Item. An example of an agency may be a manufacturer, a retail system provider, etc. This list does not contain specific entity names, only roles. Use of the schemaAgencyName should be used to identify the agency defining the Role. Roles are defined in the enumeration. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:AgencyRoleCodeType |
Uses the Component:BatteryType
Detail information about a battery.
Table 6.31. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Power |
The battery's voltage measure. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:ElectricityMeasureType | |
BatteryModel |
The model of the battery. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Brand |
the brand of the battery. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Manufacturer |
The manufacturer of the battery. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Capacity |
The capacity of the battery in Amp Hours (Ah). | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:ElectricityMeasureType | |
BatterySerial |
The serial number of the battery. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ItemIdentifier |
A group of identifications that uniquely identifies this document | 0..* | Component | ItemIdentifierType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.38. Battery
<Battery> <Power>......</Power> [0..1] <BatteryModel>......</BatteryModel> [0..1] <Brand>......</Brand> [0..1] <Manufacturer>......</Manufacturer> [0..1] <Capacity>......</Capacity> [0..1] <BatterySerial>......</BatterySerial> [0..1] <ItemIdentifier>......</ItemIdentifier> [0..*] </Battery>
Uses the Component:VehicleConfigItemType
Configuration alternative.
Table 6.32. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Name |
Item name. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Description |
Item description. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ItemIdentifier |
A group of identifications that uniquely identifies this document | 0..* | Component | ItemIdentifierType | |
SerialNumber |
Item serial number. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Model |
Item model. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Brand |
Item brand. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Manufacturer |
The manufacturer of the item. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
EffectivePeriod |
A specific period of time such as the length of time between two known date/time points, from a start date onwards, or up to an end date of when something is effective. | 0..* | Component | oag:TimePeriodType | |
Price |
Base Price Component. | 0..* | Component | BasePriceType | |
ConfigurationAlternative |
Configuration alternative. | 0..* | Component | ConfigurationAlternativeType | |
VehicleConfigItem |
Configuration alternative. | 0..* | Component | VehicleConfigItemType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.39. VehicleConfigItem
<VehicleConfigItem> <Name>......</Name> [0..1] <Description>......</Description> [0..1] <ItemIdentifier>......</ItemIdentifier> [0..*] <SerialNumber>......</SerialNumber> [0..1] <Model>......</Model> [0..1] <Brand>......</Brand> [0..1] <Manufacturer>......</Manufacturer> [0..1] <EffectivePeriod>......</EffectivePeriod> [0..*] <Price>......</Price> [0..*] <ConfigurationAlternative>......</ConfigurationAlternative> [0..*] <VehicleConfigItem>......</VehicleConfigItem> [0..*] </VehicleConfigItem>
Uses the Component:BasePriceType
Base Price Component.
Table 6.33. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
PriceTypeCode |
Price type code. | 0..1 | Field | scl:PriceTypeEnumeratedType | |
OtherPriceTypeCode |
Other Price type code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Description |
Price Description. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
PriceScope |
Describes the aggregation level of the price. If it's a unit price, extended price, sub total, or total price. | 0..1 | Field | scl:PriceScopeEnumeratedType | |
PriceObject |
Specifies what has been priced in case the BOD doesn't include the object itself e.g., in an invoice. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
PriceAmount |
Price amount. | 0..1 | Field | oag:AmountType | |
BasisQuantity |
Basis Quantity. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:QuantityType | |
EffectivePeriod |
A specific period of time such as the length of time between two known date/time points, from a start date onwards, or up to an end date of when something is effective. | 0..1 | Component | oag:TimePeriodType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.40. Price
<Price> <PriceTypeCode>......</PriceTypeCode> [0..1] <OtherPriceTypeCode>......</OtherPriceTypeCode> [0..1] <Description>......</Description> [0..1] <PriceScope>......</PriceScope> [0..1] <PriceObject>......</PriceObject> [0..1] <PriceAmount>......</PriceAmount> [0..1] <BasisQuantity>......</BasisQuantity> [0..1] <EffectivePeriod>......</EffectivePeriod> [0..1] </Price>
Uses the Component:ConfigurationAlternativeType
Configuration alternative.
Table 6.34. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Name |
Configuration name. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
Value |
Configuration value | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType |
Uses the Component:TelematicUnitType
Telematics Unit Information.
Table 6.35. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Name |
The telematatics unit's Name. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ID |
The telematics unit identification. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
HardwareVersion |
The telematatics unit's hardware version. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
TelematicUnitSoftware |
Telematic Unit software information. | 0..* | Component | TelematicUnitSoftwareType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.42. TelematicUnit
<TelematicUnit> <Name>......</Name> [0..1] <ID>......</ID> [0..1] <HardwareVersion>......</HardwareVersion> [0..1] <TelematicUnitSoftware>......</TelematicUnitSoftware> [0..*] </TelematicUnit>
Uses the Component:TelematicUnitSoftwareType
Telematic Unit software information.
Table 6.36. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Name |
The telematic unit's software name. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
VersionID |
The telematic unit's software version. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
DateTime |
The date and time when the software version was installed. | 0..1 | Field | oag:DateTimeType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.43. TelematicUnitSoftware
<TelematicUnitSoftware> <Name>......</Name> [0..1] <VersionID>......</VersionID> [0..1] <DateTime>......</DateTime> [0..1] </TelematicUnitSoftware>
Uses the Component:VehicleStatusType
A group of elements to define a Status of a Vehicle such as Built, Sold, Shipped, Schedule, etc. A date and description are available in this group.
Table 6.37. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
VehicleStatus |
Vehicle status code - Example status could be Built, Scheduled, Shipped, In-Transit, Sold, etc. | 0..1 | Field | scl:VehicleStatusEnumeratedType | |
VehicleStatusDescription |
Vehicle status description to further describe the vehicle status code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
VehicleStatusDate |
Date of the Vehicle Status change. It should be used with the VehicleStatusCode element above. | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.44. VehicleStatus
<VehicleStatus> <VehicleStatus>......</VehicleStatus> [0..1] <VehicleStatusDescription>......</VehicleStatusDescription> [0..1] <VehicleStatusDate>......</VehicleStatusDate> [0..1] </VehicleStatus>
Uses the Component:VehicleEventType
Component to communicate important dates and events for a vehicle.
Table 6.38. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
VehicleHistoryDate |
Date when an important event took place for the vehicle. | 1..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateType | |
VehicleHistoryType |
Type code of the event that took place on the Vehicle History Date. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
VehicleHistoryTypeDescription |
Description of the event that took place on VehicleHistoryDate. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.45. VehicleEvent
<VehicleEvent> <VehicleHistoryDate>......</VehicleHistoryDate> [1..1] <VehicleHistoryType>......</VehicleHistoryType> [0..1] <VehicleHistoryTypeDescription>......</VehicleHistoryTypeDescription> [0..1] </VehicleEvent>
Uses the Component:ImageAttachmentExtendedType
The ImageAttachmentExtended component contains information about an image being attached to a BOD, e.g., image size, image type, image file name, etc.
Table 6.39. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
ID |
A unique identifer for this image. Can be used to help uniquely identify multiple images but of different sizes and types. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType | |
URI | 0..1 | Field | oag:URIType | |
ImageWidthMeasure |
Image tag width. Example: "100" | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:LengthMeasureType | |
ImageHeightMeasure |
Image tag height Example: "120" | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:LengthMeasureType | |
ImageAlternateText |
Image alternate text. Example: "1997 Honda Accord" | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
ImageAttachmentTitle |
Image attachment title | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
EmbeddedData |
Holder for embedded data. (Will have an attribute for type of enbedded document) | 0..* | Component | EmbeddedDataType | |
ImageFileSizeMeasure |
Size of image file. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:ComputerStorageMeasureType | |
ImageLastModifiedDateTime |
The date and time the image was last modified. | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateTimeType | |
ImageDescription |
Free-form text description of the image. This field is used to provide a more detailed description than the ImageTitle. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
ImagePerspective |
Indicates the perspective from which the photo was taken. | 0..1 | Field | scl:ImagePerspectiveEnumeratedType | |
UsagePreference |
Indicates the usage preference. | 0..1 | Component | oag:PreferenceBaseType | |
FreeFormTextGroup |
Used to provide additional information that helps describe the image. Can be used to add additional notes about the image and information beyond a general description. | 0..1 | Component | FreeFormTextGroupType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.46. ImageAttachmentExtended
<ImageAttachmentExtended> <ID>......</ID> [0..1] <URI>......</URI> [0..1] <ImageWidthMeasure>......</ImageWidthMeasure> [0..1] <ImageHeightMeasure>......</ImageHeightMeasure> [0..1] <ImageAlternateText>......</ImageAlternateText> [0..*] <ImageAttachmentTitle>......</ImageAttachmentTitle> [0..1] <EmbeddedData>......</EmbeddedData> [0..*] <ImageFileSizeMeasure>......</ImageFileSizeMeasure> [0..1] <ImageLastModifiedDateTime>......</ImageLastModifiedDateTime> [0..1] <ImageDescription>......</ImageDescription> [0..*] <ImagePerspective>......</ImagePerspective> [0..1] <UsagePreference>......</UsagePreference> [0..1] <FreeFormTextGroup>......</FreeFormTextGroup> [0..1] </ImageAttachmentExtended>
Uses the Component:EmbeddedDataType
Embedded data witin a BOD
Table 6.40. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Data |
Container to carry the embedded data | 1..1 | Field | oag:StringType |
Uses the Component:FreeFormTextGroupType
This component allows for the free form entry of notes and text descriptions. Detailed data should use one of the existing fields or submit a modification request back to STAR to capture the appropriate data.
Table 6.41. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
Note |
Free-form text field describing a note. | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
Description | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType |
Uses the Component:CertificationGroupType
Table 6.42. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
CertificationIssuerName |
Name of issuer of certification | 0..1 | Field | oag:NameType | |
CertificationValue |
certification value (i.e., gold) | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
CertificationDate |
Date when the car completed the certification testing. | 0..1 | Field | oag:xbt_DateType | |
CertifiedWarranty |
Warranty applicable for the certified vehicle. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
ActualOdometer |
Odometer reading when the vehicle was certifiied | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:LengthMeasureType | |
VehiclePreviousUse |
A code indicating how the vehicle was previously used. Refer to the Vehicle UseEnumeratedType code list | 0..1 | Field | scl:VehicleUseContentType | |
PreviousOwnerParty |
Individual or company that owned the vehicle previously | 0..1 | Component | PartyABIEType | |
ClassAndWarranty |
A code indicating how the vehicle was previously used. Refer to the Vehicle UseEnumeratedType code list | 0..* | Field | oag:TextType | |
RepairOrderNumber |
A code indicating how the vehicle was previously used. Refer to the Vehicle UseEnumeratedType code list | 0..* | Field | oag:StringType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.49. CertificationGroup
<CertificationGroup> <CertificationIssuerName>......</CertificationIssuerName> [0..1] <CertificationValue>......</CertificationValue> [0..1] <CertificationDate>......</CertificationDate> [0..1] <CertifiedWarranty>......</CertifiedWarranty> [0..1] <ActualOdometer>......</ActualOdometer> [0..1] <VehiclePreviousUse>......</VehiclePreviousUse> [0..1] <PreviousOwnerParty>......</PreviousOwnerParty> [0..1] <ClassAndWarranty>......</ClassAndWarranty> [0..*] <RepairOrderNumber>......</RepairOrderNumber> [0..*] </CertificationGroup>
Uses the Component:PartyABIEType
Individual or company that owned the vehicle previously
Table 6.43. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
PartyBase |
Party Basic Business Information Entity Type. | 0..1 | Component | PartyBBIEType | |
SpecifiedOrganization |
A specific organization represented in a party, or other component. | 0..1 | Component | OrganizationABIEType | |
SpecifiedPerson |
Identifies a specific individual or person. | 0..1 | Component | PersonType | |
PartyActionEvent |
An action taken for an event by or in behalf of the party. This can be used to track the creation of the party, deletion, or end date. This action is dirrectly related to the party. | 0..1 | Component | EventType | |
TimeZone |
Time Zone - Free format to allow the use of any of the Time Zone standards. | 0..1 | Field | oag:OpenIDType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.50. PreviousOwnerParty
<PreviousOwnerParty> <PartyBase>......</PartyBase> [0..1] <SpecifiedOrganization>......</SpecifiedOrganization> [0..1] <SpecifiedPerson>......</SpecifiedPerson> [0..1] <PartyActionEvent>......</PartyActionEvent> [0..1] <TimeZone>......</TimeZone> [0..1] </PreviousOwnerParty>
Uses the Component:BaseTaxType
Base Tax Component.
Table 6.44. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
TaxTypeCode |
Tax type code. | 0..1 | Field | scl:TaxTypesEnumeratedType | |
OtherTaxTypeCode |
Other Tax type code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
TaxJurisdictionCode |
The Tax Jurisdiction such as Country, State, Province, County, etc. | 0..1 | Field | scl:TaxJurisdictionEnumeratedType | |
Description |
Tax Description. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
TaxScope |
Describes the aggregation level of the Tax. If it's a unit Tax, extended Tax, sub total, or total Tax. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
TaxObject |
Specifies the Tax of the item in case the BOD doesn't include the object itself e.g., in an invoice. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
TaxAmount |
Tax amount. | 0..1 | Field | oag:AmountType | |
TaxPercent |
Tax percent. | 0..1 | Field | oag:PercentType | |
BasisQuantity |
Basis Quantity. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:QuantityType | |
EffectivePeriod |
A specific period of time such as the length of time between two known date/time points, from a start date onwards, or up to an end date of when something is effective. | 0..1 | Component | oag:TimePeriodType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.51. Tax
<Tax> <TaxTypeCode>......</TaxTypeCode> [0..1] <OtherTaxTypeCode>......</OtherTaxTypeCode> [0..1] <TaxJurisdictionCode>......</TaxJurisdictionCode> [0..1] <Description>......</Description> [0..1] <TaxScope>......</TaxScope> [0..1] <TaxObject>......</TaxObject> [0..1] <TaxAmount>......</TaxAmount> [0..1] <TaxPercent>......</TaxPercent> [0..1] <BasisQuantity>......</BasisQuantity> [0..1] <EffectivePeriod>......</EffectivePeriod> [0..1] </Tax>
Uses the Component:BaseDiscountType
Discount Component.
Table 6.45. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
DiscountTypeCode |
Discount type code. | 0..1 | Field | scl:DiscountTypeEnumeratedType | |
OtherDiscountTypeCode |
Other Discountt type code. | 0..1 | Field | oag:CodeType | |
Description |
Discount Description. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
DiscountScope |
Describes the aggregation level of the discount. If it's a unit price, extended price, sub total, or total price. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
DiscountObject |
Specifies what has been discounted in case the BOD doesn't include the object itself e.g., in an invoice. | 0..1 | Field | oag:TextType | |
DiscountAmount |
Discount amount. | 0..1 | Field | oag:AmountType | |
DiscountPercent |
Discount percent. | 0..1 | Field | oag:PercentType | |
BasisQuantity |
Basis Quantity. | 0..1 | Field | sqdt:QuantityType | |
EffectivePeriod |
A specific period of time such as the length of time between two known date/time points, from a start date onwards, or up to an end date of when something is effective. | 0..1 | Component | oag:TimePeriodType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.52. Discount
<Discount> <DiscountTypeCode>......</DiscountTypeCode> [0..1] <OtherDiscountTypeCode>......</OtherDiscountTypeCode> [0..1] <Description>......</Description> [0..1] <DiscountScope>......</DiscountScope> [0..1] <DiscountObject>......</DiscountObject> [0..1] <DiscountAmount>......</DiscountAmount> [0..1] <DiscountPercent>......</DiscountPercent> [0..1] <BasisQuantity>......</BasisQuantity> [0..1] <EffectivePeriod>......</EffectivePeriod> [0..1] </Discount>
Uses the Component:ChargesType
Charges associated with an Invoice.
Table 6.46. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
DeliveryChargeAmount |
Total additional costs for delivery | 0..1 | Field | oag:AmountType | |
HandlingRestockChargeAmount |
Total invoice additional costs for handling and restocking of returned items | 0..1 | Field | oag:AmountType | |
RackContainerChargeAmount |
Indicates a charge for a rack or container | 0..1 | Field | oag:AmountType | |
ServiceFreightChargeAmount |
Total service/freight charges for invoice | 0..1 | Field | oag:AmountType |
The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.
Example 6.53. Charges
<Charges> <DeliveryChargeAmount>......</DeliveryChargeAmount> [0..1] <HandlingRestockChargeAmount>......</HandlingRestockChargeAmount> [0..1] <RackContainerChargeAmount>......</RackContainerChargeAmount> [0..1] <ServiceFreightChargeAmount>......</ServiceFreightChargeAmount> [0..1] </Charges>
The STAR XML Schema repository makes use of several different data types. The base of which come from the UNCEFACT Core Components specification.
The unqualified data types come from UNCEFACT and are the base types for all of the STAR BODs. See the "Core Components Technical Specification" for more information.
Note: udt:string refers to a string that must be at least 1 character in length.
A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of the currency is explicit or implied.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
Table A.1. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
currencyID |
The currency of the amount. | 1..1 | Code List | oacl:CurrencyCodeContentType |
A set of finite-length sequences of binary octets.
Data Type Format: xsd:base64Binary
Table A.2. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
format |
The format of the binary content. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
mimeCode |
The mime type of the binary object. | 0..1 | Code List | oacl:MIMECodeContentType | |
encodingCode |
Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
characterSet |
The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
uri |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI | |
filename |
The filename of the binary object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string |
A diagram, graph, mathematical curves, or similar representation.
Data Type Format: xsd:base64Binary
Table A.3. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
format |
The format of the graphic content. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
mimeCode |
The mime type of the graphic object. | 0..1 | Code List | oacl:MIMECodeContentType | |
encodingCode |
Specifies the decoding algorithm of the graphic object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
uri |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the graphic object is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI | |
filename |
The filename of the graphic object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string |
A diagram, graph, mathematical curves, or similar representation.
Data Type Format: xsd:base64Binary
Table A.4. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
format |
The format of the picture content. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
mimeCode |
The mime type of the picture object. | 0..1 | Code List | oacl:MIMECodeContentType | |
encodingCode |
Specifies the decoding algorithm of the picture object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
uri |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the picture object is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI | |
filename |
The filename of the picture object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string |
A diagram, graph, mathematical curves, or similar representation.
Data Type Format: xsd:base64Binary
Table A.5. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
format |
The format of the sound content. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
mimeCode |
The mime type of the sound object. | 0..1 | Code List | oacl:MIMECodeContentType | |
encodingCode |
Specifies the decoding algorithm of the sound object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
uri |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the sound object is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI | |
filename |
The filename of the sound object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string |
A diagram, graph, mathematical curves, or similar representation.
Data Type Format: xsd:base64Binary
Table A.6. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
format |
The format of the video content. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
mimeCode |
The mime type of the video object. | 0..1 | Code List | oacl:MIMECodeContentType | |
encodingCode |
Specifies the decoding algorithm of the video object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
uri |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the video object is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI | |
filename |
The filename of the video object. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string |
A character string (letters, figures, or symbols) that for brevity and/or languange independence may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of an attribute together with relevant supplementary information.
Data Type Format: udt:string
Table A.7. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
listID |
The identification of a list of codes. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
listAgencyID |
An agency that maintains one or more lists of codes. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
listAgencyName |
The name of the agency that maintains the list of codes. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
listName |
The name of a list of codes. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
listVersionID |
The identification of a list of codes. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
name |
The textual equivalent of the code content component. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
languageID |
The identifier of the language used in the code name. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
listURI |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI | |
listSchemeURI |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the code list scheme is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI |
A particular point in the progression of time together with the relevant supplementary information.
Data Type Format: xsd:datetime
A character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects in the same scheme together with relevant supplementary information.
Data Type Format: udt:string
Table A.8. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
schemeID |
The identification of the identification scheme. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
schemeAgencyID |
The identification of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
schemeAgencyName |
The name of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
schemeName |
The name of a scheme. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
schemeVersionID |
The version of the identification scheme. | 0..1 | Attribute | udt:string | |
schemeDataURI |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme data is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI | |
schemeURI |
The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the identification scheme is located. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:anyURI |
A list of two mutually exclusive Boolean values that express the only possible states of a property. The values are true or false .
Data Type Format: xsd:boolean
A numeric value determined by measuring an object along with the specified unit of measure.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
Table A.9. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
The type of unit of measure. | 1..1 | Code List | oacl:UnitCodeContentType |
Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
A counted number of non-monetary units possibly including fractions.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
Table A.10. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
The type of unit of measure. | 1..1 | Code List | oacl:UnitCodeContentType |
A character string (i.e. a finite set of characters) generally in the form of words of a language.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
Table A.11. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
languageID |
The identifier of the language used in the content component. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:language |
A character string that consititues the distinctive designation of a person, place, thing or concept.
Data Type Format: xsd:decimal
Table A.12. Attributes
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
languageID |
The identifier of the language used in the content component. | 0..1 | Attribute | xsd:language |
Data Type Based On: xsd:hexBinary
hexBinary represents arbitrary hex-encoded binary data. The ·value space· of hexBinary is the set of finite-length sequences of binary octets.
Data Type Based On: xsd:gYear
Year represents a gregorian calendar year. The value space of gYear is the set of Gregorian calendar years as defined in section 5.2.1 of [ISO 8601]. Specifically, it is a set of one-year long, non-periodic instances e.g. lexical 1999 to represent the whole year 1999, independent of how many months and days this year has.
Data Type Based On: xsd:gYearMonth
gYearMonth represents a specific gregorian month in a specific gregorian year. The value space of gYearMonth is the set of Gregorian calendar months as defined in section 5.2.1 of [ISO 8601]. Specifically, it is a set of one-month long, non-periodic instances e.g. 1999-10 to represent the whole month of 1999-10, independent of how many days this month has.
Data Type Based On: xsd:float
float corresponds to the IEEE single-precision 32-bit floating point type [IEEE 754-1985]. The basic value space of float consists of the values m × 2^e, where m is an integer whose absolute value is less than 2^24, and e is an integer between -149 and 104, inclusive. In addition to the basic value space described above, the value space of float also contains the following special values: positive and negative zero, positive and negative infinity and not-a-number. The order-relation on float is: x less than y iff y - x is positive. Positive zero is greater than negative zero. Not-a-number equals itself and is greater than all float values including positive infinity.
Data Type Based On: xsd:double
The double datatype corresponds to IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating point type [IEEE 754-1985]. The basic value space of double consists of the values m × 2^e, where m is an integer whose absolute value is less than 2^53, and e is an integer between -1075 and 970, inclusive. In addition to the basic value space described above, the value space of double also contains the following special values: positive and negative zero, positive and negative infinity and not-a-number. The order-relation on double is: x less than y iff y - x is positive. Positive zero is greater than negative zero. Not-a-number equals itself and is greater than all double values including positive infinity.
Data Type Based On: xsd:integer
Integer is derived from decimal by fixing the value of fractionDigits to be 0. This results in the standard mathematical concept of the integer numbers. The value space of integer is the infinite set {...,-2,-1,0,1,2,...}. The base type of integer is decimal. Numeric Integer decimal
Data Type Based On: xsd:positiveInteger
PositiveInteger is derived from nonNegativeInteger by setting the value of ·minInclusive· to be 1. This results in the standard mathematical concept of the positive integer numbers. The value space of positiveInteger is the infinite set {1,2,...}. The base type of positiveInteger is nonNegativeInteger.
Data Type Based On: xsd:negativeInteger
NegativeInteger is derived from nonPositiveInteger by setting the value of maxInclusive to be -1. This results in the standard mathematical concept of the negative integers. The value space of negativeInteger is the infinite set {...,-2,-1}. The base type of negativeInteger is nonPositiveInteger.
Data Type Based On: xsd:nonPositiveInteger
NonPositiveInteger is derived from integer by setting the value of maxInclusive to be 0. This results in the standard mathematical concept of the non-positive integers. The value space of nonPositiveInteger is the infinite set {...,-2,-1,0}. The base type of nonPositiveInteger is integer.
Data Type Based On: xsd:nonNegativeInteger
NonNegativeInteger is derived from integer by setting the value of minInclusive to be 0. This results in the standard mathematical concept of the non-negative integers. The value space of nonNegativeInteger is the infinite set {0,1,2,...}. The base type of nonNegativeInteger is integer.
Data Type Based On: xsd:duration
Duration represents a duration of time. The value space of duration is a six-dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second components defined in section of [ISO 8601], respectively. These components are ordered in their significance by their order of appearance i.e. as year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
Data Type Based On: xsd:string
The string datatype represents character strings in XML. The value space of string is the set of finite-length sequences of characters (as defined in [XML 1.0 (Second Edition)]) that ·match· the Char production from [XML 1.0 (Second Edition)]. A character is an atomic unit of communication; it is not further specified except to note that every character has a corresponding Universal Character Set code point, which is an integer.
Data Type Based On: xsd:normalizedString
NormalizedString represents white space normalized strings. The value space of normalizedString is the set of strings that do not contain the carriage return (#xD), line feed (#xA) nor tab (#x9) characters. The lexical space of normalizedString is the set of strings that do not contain the carriage return (#xD) nor tab (#x9) characters. The base type of normalizedString is string.
Data Type Based On: xsd:token
Token represents tokenized strings. The value space of token is the set of strings that do not contain the line feed (#xA) nor tab (#x9) characters, that have no leading or trailing spaces (#x20) and that have no internal sequences of two or more spaces. The lexical space of token is the set of strings that do not contain the line feed (#xA) nor tab (#x9) characters, that have no leading or trailing spaces (#x20) and that have no internal sequences of two or more spaces. The base type of token is normalizedString. Text Token string
Data Type Based On: xsd:anyURI
AnyURI represents a Uniform Resource Identifier Reference (URI). An anyURI value can be absolute or relative, and may have an optional fragment identifier (i.e., it may be a URI Reference). This type should be used to specify the intention that the value fulfills the role of a URI as defined by [RFC 2396], as amended by [RFC 2732].
Data Type Based On: oacl:LanguageCodeContentType
language represents natural language identifiers as defined by [RFC 1766]. The value space of language is the set of all strings that are valid language identifiers as defined in the language identification section of [XML 1.0 (Second Edition)]. The lexical space of language is the set of all strings that are valid language identifiers as defined in the language identification section of [XML 1.0 (Second Edition)]. The base type of language is token.
Data Type Based On: oag:NormalizedStringType
Derived from oagis NormalizeStringType
Used to indicate a length of time in months, years, or weeks.
Table A.13. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Indicates the duration of time in months, weeks, years, etc. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:TimeUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a weight.
Table A.14. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Use to indicate how much something weighs. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:WeightUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope or type of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a length.
Table A.15. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Use to indicate the length or distance. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:LengthUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a volume.
Table A.16. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate volume. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:VolumeUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate an area.
Table A.17. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate area. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:AreaUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a speed.
Table A.18. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate a speed type. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:SpeedUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a speed.
Table A.19. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate a temperature type. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:TemperatureUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicates fuel consumption speed.
Table A.20. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
volumeUnitCode |
Used to indicate the volume of consumption. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:VolumeUnitsContentType | |
timeUnitCode |
Used to indicate the duration or speed of consumption. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:TimeUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate power rating.
Table A.21. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate a type of power. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:PowerUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate the amount of time in hours, minutues, seconds, etc.
Table A.22. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate a the time measurement. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:TimeUnitsContentType |
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatLengthContentType
Indicates the type of boat length being measured.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatDraftContentType
Indicates the type of draft being measured.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatCategoryContentType
Indicates the category in which a boat is defined. Note this is not the same as the BoatClass which identifies the intended usage of a boat. There may be multiple BoatClasses defined in one BoatCategory.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatClassContentType
Indicates the definition of the boat, i.e. the intended usage.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatHullDesignContentType
Indicates the type of hull design on the boat.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatHullMaterialContentType
Indicates the primary material out of which the hull is made.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatKeelContentType
Indicates the type of keel on the boat.
Used to indicate pressure measurements.
Table A.23. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate electricity measurements. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:ElectricityUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate force measurements.
Table A.24. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate force measurements. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:ForceUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatEngineLocationContentType
Defines the location on the boat that the engine can be mounted.
Used to indicate pressure measurements.
Table A.25. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate pressure measurements. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:PressureUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Data Type Based On: scl:DeliveryTypeContentType
Indicates the type of boat length being measured.
Data Type Based On: scl:PartActivityTransactionContentType
Part Activity Transactions
Data Type Based On: scl:LanguageContentType
The ISO Language Code used to represent a spoken or written language.
Data Type Based On: scl:CrossShipmentRestrictionContentType
The restrictions to be applied to an OEM when shipping to a Dealer if cross shipment is allowed.
Used to indicate the amount of computer storage needed.
Table A.26. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate computer storage measurements. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:ComputerStorageUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to identify a scheme
Table A.27. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
schemeID |
The identification of the identification scheme. | 0..1 | Code List | oag:StringType |
Used in the RepairOder ServiceLabor.ServiceLaborTimeValue.TimeUnit element
Table A.28. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
schemeID |
The identification of the identification scheme. | 0..1 | Code List | oag:StringType |
Data Type Based On: scl:AssigningOrganizationPartyIdContentType
Organization that Assigns the ID
Data Type Based On: scl:AgencyRoleCodeContentType
Indicates the type of keel on the boat.
Used to indicate the amount of computer storage needed.
Table A.29. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate displace in either Volume or Weight | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:DisplacementUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Data Type Based On: scl:ContactMethodTypeContentType
Indicates the preferred method of contact.
Data Type Based On: scl:VehicleUseContentType
Indicates the preferred method of contact.
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierCompanyContentType
Preferred carrier of deliver of part.
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierTransportMethodTypeContentType
Defines the method by which a shipment carrier transports an item (i.e., air, ground, etc.)
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierServiceLevelContentType
Indicates the priority of service to be provided by the Shipment Carrier
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierDeliveryContentType
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierCollectionMethodContentType
Data Type Based On: scl:OrderTypeContentType
Part Order Type entered or selected at dealership. Stock-STK, Vehicle Off Road-VOR, Daily-DPO, Emergency-EMG, Supplemental-SUP, Promotional-PRO, Solicited-SOL, Vehicle Off Road Parts Inquiry-VPI, Weekly-WKL, Interim-INT, Export-EXP, Dropship Stock-DSS, Dropship Vehicle Off Road-DVR, Lock and Key-LAK, Will Call-WCL, Return Request w/ Reference-RRR, Return Request w/o Reference-RWR, Credit Request w/ Reference-CRR, Credit Request w/o Reference-CWR, Debit Request w/ Reference-DRR, Debit Request w/o Reference-DWR, Rush-RUS, Urgent-URG, Other-OTH, N/A-N/A, Hold-HLD, Dating-DTG.
Data Type Based On: scl:RequestedAmountTypeContentType
Enumerated field that indicates the type of amount requested by the Dealer for a Warranty Submission Claim.
Data Type Based On: scl:ItemIDCategoryTypeContentType
Indicates the category that a part number is associated with.
Data Type Based On: scl:DealerServiceTypeContentType
Indicates the type of services performed by the Dealer.
Data Type Based On: scl:HoursTypeContentType
Indicates a type of hours such as Sales hours, Service hours, etc.
Data Type Based On: scl:DayOfWeekContentType
The DaysOfWeek component is used to identify availability based on days of the week.
Data Type Based On: scl:LocationIDTypeContentType
Code representing the type of location.
Data Type Based On: scl:DeliveryProcessStateContentType
Enumerated list of delivery states indicating what is going on with the vehicle.
Data Type Based On: scl:EventTypeContentType
Enumerated list of unusual event types.
Data Type Based On: scl:FleetAccountContentType
Describes the contents of the Fleet Account.
Data Type Based On: scl:SubtotalTypeCodeContentType
Describes the contents of the SubtotalAmount.
Data Type Based On: scl:DealerProductsTypeCodeContentType
Descibes the various dealer product types a dealer can sell. These are not related to other charges or programs and rates.
Data Type Based On: scl:LeaseEndOptionVehicleDecisionContentType
Enables the customers decision at the end of an option to keep the vehicle or not. It records whether the client has decided to refinance, return, or retain the vehicle or whether they have not made up their mind etc.
Data Type Based On: scl:LeaseEndOptionFinanceDecisionContentType
Enables the customers decision at the end of an option to be recorded along with other associated information. It records whether the client has decided to finance their next vehicle or whether they have not made up their mind etc.
Data Type Based On: scl:RepairStatusCodeContentType
Allows the dealer to indicate to customer whether the problem has been inspected only or fixed as well.
Data Type Based On: ???
This is used to indicate general quantity information. It is combination of several code lists. Including The STAR Codelist UOMEnumeratedtype. The XFront code lists, LengthUnitsContentType, WeightUnitsContentType, and VolumeUnitsContentType
Table A.30. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
This is used to indicate general quantity information. It is combination of several code lists. Including The STAR Codelist UOMEnumeratedtype. The XFront code lists, LengthUnitsContentType, WeightUnitsContentType, and VolumeUnitsContentType | 0..1 | Code List | QuantityContentType |
Data Type Based On: scl:AcquisitionMethodTypeCodeContentType
Method of purchase normally used to acquire this item.
Data Type Based On: scl:StockingLevelIndicatorCodeContentType
Indicates level of stocking maintained by OEM for this part. This pertains not only to the replentishment algorithm, but the number of stocking locations.
Data Type Based On: scl:DistributionMethodCodeContentType
Used to indicate how an item may be distributed to a buyer.
Data Type Based On: scl:BuyPercentageRateAdjustmentTypeContentType
Indicates the type of adjustment, either an addition or subtraction, to be made to the buy rate.
Data Type Based On: scl:TaxCreditTypeContentType
Indicates the type of tax credit being applied.
Data Type Based On: scl:TransferStatusContentType
A code that that identifies the recommended transfer as either Processed or Unprocessed.
Data Type Based On: scl:PaymentLineTypeContentType
Identifies the type of charge associted with this line item. The types are parts, labor, lubrication, core amount, freight, sublet and miscellaneous.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:DisplacementMeasureTypeContentType
Further qualifies the Displacement Measurement.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:TankUsageCodeContentType
How the tank is going to be used. i.e. what type of liquids, gas, etc will it be used to contain.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:TankMaterialCodeContentType
The type of material the tank is constructed.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:AccommodationTypeCodeContentType
Describes the room / accommodations available on the vehicle including; type, Description, size and Number
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:WindlassTypeCodeContentType
An aparatus for moving heavy weights.
Data Type Based On: scl:TaxStatusCodeContentType
Used to indicate the status of the tax.
STAR BODS use many different code lists, some maintained by STAR, some maintained by external organizations. This section documents all of the STAR Code Lists, not every code list may be used by a BOD. Please refer to the fields data type for information on if it uses a code list.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AccountingTermEnumeratedType
ME - Month End
PM - Prior Month
BOMYTD - Beginning of Month Year-To-Date
EOMYTD - End of Month Year-To-Date
PYTD - Prior Year-To-Date
CMPA - Current Month Plan Amount
YTDPA - Year-To-Date Plan Amount
AA - Aged Amount. The associated MonetaryValue is an aged amount
UA - Units Aged. The associated NonMonetaryValue is an aged amount
SA - Service department amount
SU - Service department units
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SecondaryAccountingTermEnumeratedType
0 - 0 = Accepted as received
1 - 1 = Accepted with modifications in the Header only or in the Header and the Lines
2 - 2 = Order has been rejected
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AcknowledgmentCodeEnumeratedType
WorkAddress - Work Address
SeasonalAddress - Seasonal Address
DeliveryAddress - Delivery Address
HomeAddress - Home Address
PreviousAddress - Previous Address
Other - Other
Garage - Garage
Billing - Billing
NonSigningSpouseAddress - Non Signing Spouse Address
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AddressQualifierEnumeratedType
No Back Order - Dealer will not accept back orders
No Back Order Ship Available - Back order shipping is not available
Allow Back Order - Dealer will allow back orders
Allow Back Order No Partial - Dealer will allow back orders with no partial shipments
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AllowBackOrderPartialShipEnumeratedType
Finance Source - Application number assigned by the Finance Source
Retail System Provider - Application Number assigned by the Retail System Provider
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ApplicationNumberDescriptionEnumeratedType
P - "P" = Pending
A - "A" = Approved
C - "C" = Approved with Conditions
D - "D" = Denied
B - "B" = Booked
N - "N" = New
M - "M" = Modified
R - "R" = Preliminary
I - "I" = Withdrawn
L - "L" = Canceled
O - "O" = Condition
E - "E" = Error
RO - "RO" = Reopened
OT - "OT" = Other
Pre-Approved - Pre-Approved
More Information Required - More Information Required
Not Submitted - Not Submitted
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ApplicationStatusEnumeratedType
LegalId - Legal ID
NationalId - Government-assigned ID such as a social security Number
Other - Other type of Assigning Organization Party ID
DUNS - Dun and Bradstreet
MotorDealerRegistrationId - Department of Motor Vehicle Registration number for a dealer. This is the dealer's license number to do business.
GSTRegistrationId - Canadian Goods and Services Tax Id.
HSTRegistrationId - Canadian HarmonizedTax Id.
Certification Of Registration Id - Id of the certificate of registration assigned to a business to allow that business to collect and remit certain taxes or fees to a state.
QSTRegistrationId - Canadian Sales Tax Id.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AssigningOrganizationPartyIdEnumeratedType AssigningPartyIdEnumeratedType
LegalId - Legal ID
DriversLicense - Drivers License
NationalId - Government-assigned ID such as a social security Number
Other - Other type of Assigning Party ID
GSTRegistrationId - Canadian Goods and Services Tax Id.
HSTRegistrationId - Canadian HarmonizedTax Id.
QSTRegistrationId - Canadian Sales Tax Id.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AssigningOrganizationPartyIdEnumeratedType AssigningPartyIdEnumeratedType
In Stock - Part is in stock.
Out Of Stock - Part is in stock.
Other - Other availability status.
N/A - Not Applicable.
In Transit - Indicates that the part is in transit to the warehouse facility.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AvailabilityStatusEnumeratedType
Inboard - Inboard
Inboard/Outboard - Inboard/Outboard
Jet - Jet
Outboard - Outboard
Outboard 2 Stroke - Outboard 2 Stroke
Outboard 4 Stroke - Outboard 4 Stroke
Stern Drive - Stern Drive
V Drive - V Drive
Electric - Electric
Other - A engine type that is not listed in the standard code list.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: BoatEngineTypeEnumeratedType
Arbitration - Customer Arbitration
Legal - Legal Action
Technical Analysis - Customer Arbitration Intervention or legal action related to technical analysis
Customer Relations - Customer Arbitration Intervention or legal action related to customer relations
Better Business - Customer Arbitration Intervention or legal action related to better business
Other - Other
Base - Description of an amount for items included in the base vehicle cash price.
Total - Description of an amount for items included in the total vehicle cash price.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CashPriceInclusionTypeEnumeratedType
Multi-Condition - One or more child lines exist due to differences in allocation such as back orders and warehouse supply.
Kit Exploded - One or more child lines exists to express the availability of parts within the kit.
Superseded - One or more child lines exist to express the ordered part was superseded by the listed parts.
Substituted - One or more child lines exist to express the ordered part was substituted by the listed parts.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ChildLineReasonCodeEnumeratedType
A - Add to existing table
D - Delete existing table by code
DA - Delete total table
N - Initial table load
R - Replace existing table by code
RA - Replace total table
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CodesActionEnumeratedType
Regular -
Broadened -
Limited -
PassengerVehicle -
LimitedCommercialVehicle -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CollisionDeductibleTypeEnumeratedType
Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous service type
GasOilGrease - Service type related to gas, oil and grease
PaintMaterials - Service type related to paint materials
ShopSupplies - Service type related to shop supplies
Freight - Service type related to freight
Other - Other
Core - Charges related to cores.
Parts - Charges related to parts.
Labor - Charges related to labor
Travel - Travel
Text Line - Text Line
Text Amount Line - Text Amount Line
Sublet Line - Sublet Line
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ComponentTypeEnumeratedType
0 - Never send confirmation
1 - Only send confirmation on error
2 - Always send confirmation
Never - Never send confirmation
OnError - Only send confirmation on error
Always - Always send confirmation
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ConfirmationEnumeratedType
Insurance Company - Confirmation was performed by Insurance Company
Agency - Confirmation was performed by Insurance Agent
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ConfirmationEntityEnumeratedType
Evening Phone - Evening Phone
Day Phone - Day Phone
Cell Phone - Cell Phone
Pager - Pager
Other - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ContactTelephoneNumberDescriptionEnumeratedType
Day Phone - Day Phone
Cell Phone - Cell Phone
Pager - Pager
Other - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ContactTelephoneNumberOrganizationDescriptionEnumeratedType
Visa - Visa
MasterCard - MasterCard
AMEX - American Express
Discover - Discover
gmcard - GM Credit Rewards Card
Other - Other
N/A - N/A
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CreditCardTypeEnumeratedType
Batch - The total accumulation of captured transactions sent at a set interval
Interactive - Transactions that take place in real-time
Detail - Contains detail or line item information.
Summary - Contains summary information.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DeliveryTypeEnumeratedType
ft - ft = feet
yd - yd = yard
in - in = inch
m - m = meter
cm - cm = centimeter
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DimensionMeasureEnumeratedType
Front - Front wheel drive
Rear - Rear wheel drive
4X4 - Four wheel drive
AWD - All wheel drive
Stern - The engine is located inboard just forward transom (sterm) and delivers power via a shaft that goes through the transom to the drive unit.
Sail - An arrangement of an inboard motor that is about a sailboat's equivalent of a motorboat's stern drive. The difference is the motor sticks out of the bottom of the hull of the boat, instead of from the stern.
V - Consists of two drive shafts, a gearbox, and a propeller. In these types of "V-drive" boats the engine is mounted in the rear of the boat and the front of the engine faces aft. Connected to the rear of the engine is the transmission and out of the transmission comes the first of the two drive shafts. This drive shaft connects to the rear of the transmission and to the gearbox which is mounted in the center of the boat. Then out of the gearbox comes the second drive shaft which extends to the rear and out the bottom of the boat which gives this propulsion system it's V configuration. At the end of the second drive shaft the propeller is mounted.
Jet - Unlike a powerboat or motorboat that uses a propeller in the water below or behind the boat, a jet drive draws the water from under the boat into a pump-jet inside the boat, then expels it through a nozzle at the stern.
Direct - Configuration where a drive shaft is used to connect the transmission to the propeller.
Surface - Engine(s) located aft or amidships, mated to a transmission with an output shaft passing through the transom to a non-steering outdrive that locates the propeller near the water surface. Usually associated with high-performance boats and yachts.
Air Propeller - Engine drives a propeller spinning in the air to create thrust to move the craft forward. Used on hovercraft and air boats.
Pod - Engines located amidships and mated to pivoting drive units located below the hull that steer the boat by changing the direction of propeller thrust.
Other - Other drive type not available in the list.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DriveTypeEnumeratedType
base64 - Base 64
octal - Octal
binary - Binary
plainText - Plain Text
other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EncodingBaseEnumeratedType
horizontal - Horizontal engine configuration
in-line - In-line engine configuration
rotary - Rotary engine configuration
V-type - V-type engine configuration
W-type - W-type engine configuration
other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineConfigurationEnumeratedType
ci - ci - Cubic Inches
cc - cc - Cubic Centimeters
liters - liters
other - other
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineDisplacementEnumeratedType
turbo - Turbo engine induction
supercharger - Supercharger engine induction
twin-turbo - Twin-turbo engine induction
normally aspirated - Normally aspirated engine induction
other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineInductionEnumeratedType
DocumentPreparationFee - Documentary fees also typically referred to as document preparation fees , documentary service fees, closing fees, delivery fee, seller documentation fee, processing fee, administrative fee or other terminology permitted by law. Documentary fees are not official fees and not required by law.
SmogCertificateFeePaidToState - This fee is paid by the dealer on behalf of the buyer to the state. This fee is not charged on new vehicles.
DocumentationFee - Documentary fees also typically referred to as document preparation fees , documentary service fees, closing fees, delivery fee, seller documentation fee, processing fee, administrative fee or other terminology permitted by law. Documentary fees are not official fees and not required by law.
FloridaDocumentFee - A dealer may charge a "delivery" or "documentary" fee only if that charge is separately itemized by the dealer on the Buyer's Order. The delivery or documentary fee must not be separately itemized on the retail installment contract. The delivery or documentary fee may be financed only if it is included in the Cash Price in Section 1, line a. of the retail installment contract.
FilingFee - Filing fees (also typically referred to as recording, lien notations, or release of lien fees) are those fees actually paid by the dealer to public officials for determining the existence of, or for perfecting or satisfying any lien related to the retail contract.
TitleFee - Title fees are those fees actually paid by the dealer on behalf of the buyer to public officials for titling of the vehicle being purchased related to the contract.
RegistrationFee - Title fees are those fees actually paid by the dealer on behalf of the buyer to public officials for the registration of the vehicle being purchased related to the contract.
LicenseFee - Title fees are those fees actually paid by the dealer on behalf of the buyer to public officials for licensing of the vehicle being purchased related to the contract.
TireFee - This fee will be charged on the sale of new tires, including new tires that are sold or leased as part of a new or used motor vehicles (including spare).
MotorVehicleInspectionFee - The Motor Vehicle inspection Fee is a fee paid out by the dealer on behalf of the Buyer.
BatteryFee - Battery fee is charged for new or remanufactured batteries.
WarrantyRightsFee - This fee is charged on each sale of a motor vehicle, fees paid to public officials.
CanadaFilingFee -
OfficialFeesPaidToGovtAgencies - Fees paid to local government jurisdictions by the dealer on behalf of the buyer.
DocumentaryStampFee -
GAP - Guaranteed Auto Protection is an insurance that covers the deficiency balance on a customers account, in the event that the said customers vehicle insurance company claims the vehicle a total loss.
LoanOriginationFee - Fee charged by the dealer for completion and execution of the retail/lease contract, paid for by the buyer.
DeputyServiceFeePaidToDealer -
SmogCertificateFeePaidToSeller - This fee is charged by the Seller or other testing station. There is no legal minimum or maximum amount that may be charged for this fee. This fee is not charged on new vehicles.
SmogImpactFee - Vehicles that were subject to payment of the Smog Impact Fee were vehicles previously registered in another state or country prior to California registration. The Smog Impact Fee and, if appropriate, a penalty fee for late payment were imposed on 1975 or newer gasoline-powered, 1980 or newer diesel-powered passenger motor vehicles, and/or commercial motor vehicles with an unladen weight of 6,000 pounds or less, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) label did not indicate the vehicle met California emission control standards.
ServiceContract - A service agreement that is purchased by the customer for maintenance/service of the vehicle from the manufacturer's provider or approved 3rd party
PlateFee - Fee paid by the dealer on the customers behalf to public officials, when a customer requires a new license plate for the newly purchased vehicle.
LienNotationFee - Fee paid by the dealer on the customers behalf to public officials when laws require for the vehicle title to be noted with a recorded lien.
WasteTire - Waste Tire Fee is based on the size of the tire and applies to new vehicles
ArbitrationFee - The Arbitration Fee is used to fund a comprehensive arbitration program for the enforcement of warranties on new vehicles which includes the establishment of a consumer arbitration board for settling warranty disputes.
NotaryFee - A notary fee must actually be paid to a third-party notary for notarizing the back of the Certificate of Origin in connection with the purchase of a new vehicle.
SecurityInterestChargesFilingFee - This fee is actually paid by the dealer to public officials for determining the existence of, or perfecting, releasing, or satisfying any lien related to the retail sale.
ElectronicTitleFee - Fee to charge the buyer of the vehicle for the actual cost to the dealer of the electronic transmission service for issuing permanent registration plate
SafetyInspectionFee - Fee for safety inspection of vehicle as required by jurisdiction of where vehicle is registered.
ProcessingFee - Fee for processing the vehicles purchase, which includes the obtaining of the title and license plates for the purchaser
EmergencyMedicalServiceAdministrationFee - Upon the retail sale or lease of any new or used motor vehicle by a vehicle dealer, the dealer shall collect from the consumer an emergency medical services fee which shall be an administrative fee to be retained by the vehicle dealer.
EmissionInspectionFee - Fee for emission inspection of vehicle as required by jurisdiction of where vehicle is registered.
AcquisitionFee - The acquisition fee is charged to a customer at the inception of a lease contract.
Other - Describes the type of product, but unable to determine what product is.
DispositionFee - The disposition fee is charged when a customer turns in their lease vehicle and has paid all remaining payments.
TurnInFee - The vehicle turn-in fee is charged when a customer turns in their lease vehicle and has paid all remaining payments.
UDriveItPermit - The U Drive it permit is a fee paid for by the dealer on behalf of the customer when the vehicle is first registered with the state clerkâs office under the U-Drive-It program. It is based on the month of incorporation for the leasing company and the month the vehicle is registered.
SellPaidSmogFee - This fee is charged by the Seller or other testing station. There is no legal minimum or maximum amount that may be charged for this fee.This fee is not charged on new vehicle
TemporaryTagFee - Fee charged by licsensing state/jurisdiction for a temporary tag.
TransferFee -
SmogExemptionDonationFee - Fee for vehicles that do not qualify for regular smog fees where buyer still wants to donate a portion of funds.
LienFee - Lien fees are those fees actually paid by the dealer to public officials for determining the existence of, or for perfecting or satisfying any lien related to the retail contract.
WeightFee - Fee charged based on the weight of the vehicle, paid to public officials.
PostageFee - Fee charged by the Seller for mailing of documents to public officials and financing company.
N/A - Not Applicable
PurchaseOptionFee - Fee charged by Financing Company to Buyer if Buyer opts to purchase vehicle at the end of the lease agreement.
MonthlyLocalFee -
SPVFee - State Patrol Motor Vehicle Title Fee
OnlineRegistrationFee - Title fees are those fees actually paid by the dealer on behalf of the buyer to public officials for the registration of the vehicle being purchased related to the retail contract via the internet.
FloridaMVWEAFee - Motor Vehicle Warranty Enforcement Act is a fee charged at the sale of a new vehicle and paid to the Department of Revenue.
ExemptionFee -
LemonLawFeePaidToGovernmentAgency - The fee is collected from the purchaser or lessee by a motor vehicle dealer at the time of sale or at the time of entry into a lease agreement for a motor vehicle and paid to public officials.
TerminationFee - Amount customer would have to pay upon early termination of contract with the finance provider.
PublicSafetyFee -
VehicleTheftRecoveryFee -
RearEndDeterrentSafetyFee -
NonFilingInsuranceFee - Non filing insurance fee is property insurance utilized in connection with credit transactions in lieu of the actual recording, filing, or releasing of a security instrument or finance statement.
EnvironmentalProtectionFee - Environmental protection fee is a fee imposed on the consumers to protect and clean up the environment. This fee can be applied to clean up of underground storage tank site studies and clean up as well as other environmental protections.
FreightFee - Freight charges are the fee for hauling a vehicle to a dealership.
DealerProcessingFee - Dealer processing charge.
VendorSingleInterestFee - A fee charged by the Creditor to protect the creditor for loss or damage to the vehicle during the initial term of the contract.
AutoClubMembershipFee - Fee for membership to auto club such as AAA.
DPSHandlingFee - Fee for Louisiana. Department of Public Service Handling fee.
ElectronicFilingFee - Electronic Filing Fee for online system filing.
ConvenienceFee - Fee for Louisiana. Additional fee charged by the dealer.
PPSAFee - Personal Property Security Act - Fee charged to customer for registration of the vehicle contract (VIN) with the Government.
AdministrationFee - Fee charged for administration of records.
ERTFee - State regulated electronic registration and titling fee.
GasFee - State regulated gas fee.
TitlePrepFee - Fee charged for preparation of title.
SupplementalTitleFee - State regulated supplemental title fee.
GeorgiaMotorVehicleWarrantyRightsActFee - Companies that sell or lease new motor vehicles to consumers have certain responsibilities under the law. Pursuant to the Georgia Motor Vehicle Warranty Rights Act [O.C.G.A. Section 10-1-789(a)], a fee of $3.00 shall be collected by every dealer, lessor or distributor from each consumer at the completion of the sale or lease of a new motor vehicle.
RoadandBridgeFee - A fee on motor vehicle registrations to fund costs associated with road improvements. - Texas
MotorVehicleWarrantyTrustFundFee - The $2 fee is collected by the motor vehicle dealer when a new motor vehicle is sold or leased for one year or more. The fee is reported and paid by the selling dealer to the county tax collector or private tag agency when the dealer applies for title. The fees are transferred monthly by the Florida Department of Revenue to the Department of Legal Affairs for deposit into the Motor Vehicle Warranty Trust Fund. - Florida
InspectionStickerFees - A fee charged by the dealer for inspection purposes to protect unsafe vehicles from being operated on the road. The fee is used to inspect the vehicle ensuring it is mechanically sound and safe. - Mississippi
EmergencyMedicalServiceFees - Fee charged for EMS services for all drivers. - Washington
Smog Abatement Fee - The Smog Abatement Fee is the annual fee that must be paid upon registration renewal in lieu of the bi-annual smog inspection.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction - A fee that is placed on the registration or renewal of a vehicle that uses fossil fuels for propulsion.
Rental Car Surcharge Fee - Rental Car Surcharge is imposed upon a lease or rented motor vehicle
Messenger Fee - Messenger Fee pass through charge by dealers to have an outside company provide a public service of delivering and obtaining documents to and from the Department of Motor Vehicle
Encumbrance Fee - The Encumbrance Fee is charged to establish a claim against property. This fee is charged by the Dealer but handle by a third party.
Motor Vehicle Processing Fee - States like New Jersey that charge the consumer a processing fee for the Motor Vehicle.
Title and Registration Processing Fee - A fee charged to process the title and registration of a vehicle
DEQ Certification Fee - Air and qualify certification fee.
DMV Fee - Miscellaneous Department of Motor Vehicle Fees.
New Tag Fee - A fee to obtain a new plate tag.
Duplicate of Registration Fee - A fee to obtain a copy of an existing registration if lost, stolen, or destroyed.
Vehicle Theft Registration Fee - A fee charged to register theft deterrent products.
Total Annual Fees - Total of Annual Fees
Total Initial Fees - Total of Initial Fees
Document Service Fee - Fee charged to a buyer/lessee for the handling of documents and the performing of services related to the sale /lease and may include dealer profit.
Service and Handling Fee - Fee charged to a buyer/lessee for the performing services and handling related to the closing of a sale /lease and may include dealer profit.
Delivery and Handling Fee - Fee charged to a buyer/lessee for the handling related to the closing of a sale /lease and may include dealer profit.
Recording Fee - Fee charged to a buyer/lessee for the recording of the title (part of the title fee that must be disclosed separately) and is related to the closing of a sale /lease.
Air Quality Fee - Air Quality Fee
Lender and Member Fee - Lender and Member Fee
Mobility Fee - Fee paid to Texas Mobility Fund
Acquisition Fee Markup - An amount added to the finance company Acquisition Fee that is retained by the dealer.
Courtesy Delivery Fee - Fee for delivery of ordered vehicle(s) to multiple destinations.
Electronic Temp Tag Processing Fee - Electronic temporary tag processing fee paid to a vendor (not the state).
Special Monthly Fee - Finance source-specific monthly fee on a lease. This differs from "Monthly Local Fee" which is generally a monthly property tax that the vehicle owner (which is the lender in the case of a lease) passes on to the lessee. "Special Monthly Fee" is a fee that the lender collects and pays into a fund for a special purpose--for example, in New York, the fund is used to pay parking tickets that are by law the responsibility of the vehicle owner (the lender). Not all lenders handle this the same way, but those that do require that these two fees be accounted for differently.
diesel - Diesel Fuel
premium unleaded - Premium Unleaded Fuel
unleaded - Unleaded Fuel
natural gas - Natural Gas
electric - Electric
ethanol - Ethanol is an alternative automotive fuel derived from grain and corn; usually blended with gasoline to form gasohol.
propane - Propane
hybrid - Hybrid is a vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to propel the vehicle
Other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
liquid propane gas - Liquid Propane Gas or LPG is typically a mixture of propane and butane
dual fuel - Dual Fuel indicates the engine is capable of running off two distinct, unmixed fuels (ie the boat can run off gas or diesel)
petrol - petrol
Country - Geographical region by Country
State - Geographical region by State
Province - Geographical region by Province
ZipCode - Geographical region by Zip Code
PostalCode - Geographical region by Postal Code
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: GeographicalConstraintTypeEnumeratedType
Less than $20,000 - Income less than $20,000
$20,000 - 34,999 - Income between $20,000 - $34,999
$35,000 - 49,999 - Income between $35,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - 74,999 - Income between $50,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - 99,999 - Income between "75,000 - $99,000
$100,000 - 124,999 - Income between $100,000 - $124,999
$125,000 or more - Income of $125,000 or more
Other - Other income range
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: HouseholdIncomeRangeEnumeratedType
HR - Hour
WK - Week
BiWK - Bi-Weekly
MO - Monthly
YR - Year
SmMO - Semi-Monthly
SmAN - Semi-Annually. Semi-Annually is twice per year
Q - Quarterly. Quarterly is four times per year.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: IncomePeriodEnumeratedType
Buyer Paid - Indicates that the buyer will pay the indebtedness on the trade in vehicle.
Seller Paid - Indicates that the seller will pay the indebtedness on the trade in vehicle.
Other - Other Indebtedness Responsibility value.
N/A - Not Applicable.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: IndebtednessResponsibilityEnumeratedType
Customer - Initiative applies to Customer category, e.g. First Time Buyer, etc.
Vehicle - Initiative applies to Vehicle category.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: InitiativeCategoryEnumeratedType
Lease - Initiative applies to lease deals only.
Finance - Initiative applies to finance deals only.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: InitiativeFinanceTypeEnumeratedType
Program - Program-related initiative
Incentives - Incentive-related initiative
N/A - Not Applicalbe
Other - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: InitiativeTypeEnumeratedType
Comprehensive -
Collision -
FireTheftCombinedAdditionalCoverage -
TowingAndLabor -
RentalReimbursement -
Limited -
LimitedCollision -
SoundEquipment -
Other -
Liability -
BodilyInjury -
PropertyDamage -
Medical -
CollateralProtection -
N/A -
30DayElimination - Credit Disability option indicating coverage is active 30 days after the disability occurred.
30DayRetroactive - Credit Disability option indicating coverage is retroactive to the time the disability occurred.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: InsuranceDetailTypeEnumeratedType
Vehicle -
Credit Life -
Credit Disability -
Mechanical Breakdown -
Other -
Involuntary Unemployment -
Liability Coverage -
Single Interest -
Double Interest -
Public Liability -
Full Coverage -
N/A -
Debt Cancellation - Debt Cancellation is a form of insurance. In Maryland, Debt Cancellation can be selected as well as GAP Insurance.
Excess Protection Wear and Tear - Insurance purchased by customer to protect against mileage overage and incidental damage to the vehicle.
Etch - A theft deterent device that is applied to a window or other portion of the vehicle.
Service Plan - Service Plan. Certain states or regions require this to be displayed as insurance.
Tire and Wheel - Tire and Wheel. Certain states or regions require this to be displayed as insurance.
Warranty - Warranty. Certain states or regions require this to be displayed as insurance.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: InsuranceTypeEnumeratedType
Full - Full inventory transmission
Incremental - Incremental inventory transmission
Daily - End of Day Net Changes
Historical - Sales History
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: InventoryTypeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: InvoiceShipmentEnumeratedType
Automotive - Automotive
Boats - Boats
Motorcycles - Motorcycles
RVs - RVs
Marine Engines - Marine Engines
Snowmobiles - Snowmobiles
Trailers - Trailers
Scooters - Scooters
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LeadIndustryTypeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LeadInterestEnumeratedType
Hold - Hold identifies the fact the part on the subject line has been put on hold.
Submitted - Submitted identifies the fact the part on the subject line has been submitted.
Rejected - Rejected identifies the fact the part on the subject line has been rejected
Back Ordered - Back Ordered identifies the fact the part on the subject line is on back order.
Allocated - Allocated identifies the fact the part on the subject line has been allocated.
Cancelled - Cancelled identifies the fact the order for the part on the subject line has been cancelled
Pick List Printed - Pick List Printed identifies the fact the pick list for the subject line has been printed.
Shipped - Shipped identifies the fact the part on the subject line has been shipped
Other - Other Line State
N/A - Not Applicable
Referral - Referral identifies the fact the part on the subject line has been referred to another supplier and will not be reported on through this parts order going forward. The Primary Supplier is giving a referral to another Supplier for this particular line. It is similar to canceling a line. The Primary Supplier will not report on this line any further with this order. The Dealer will still receive the part, however it will be a different Supplier providing the part.
Invoiced - Invoiced
Completed - Completed
Partially Invoiced - Partially invoiced
Partially Shipped - Partially shipped
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LineStateTypeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MaritalStatusEnumeratedType
Success - The operation completed successfully. This does not necessarily mean that the BOD was processed. Instead it means that the client's role is done and that it won't receive any error messages later. Type of Response Code: Success.
Accepted - The BOD was received, validated, and accepted. However, it may not have yet been processed. The client should expect to receive a response once process is complete. If no response will be generated, use the "Success" code instead. This is typically used for batch processing. Type of Response Code: Success.
Received - The BOD was received. However, it has not yet been validated or processed yet. The client may receive a response or a ConfirmBOD at a later time. Type of Response Code: Success.
Other - An unspecified outcome status. The accompanying description array contains the actual text to display to the user. Type of Response Code: Error, Warning.
Duplicate Document - This code refers to a document that already exists. This may happen for a BOD such as ProcessPartsOrder where the document identifiers to another existing parts order from the same dealer. Type of Response Code: Error, Warning.
Invalid Required Value - One or more required data elements have invalid values. Type of Response Code: Error.
Invalid Optional Value - One or more optional data elements have invalid values. Type of Response Code: Warning.
Already Performed - This code refers to an operation that has already been performed on a document. This may happen for a BOD such as CancelPartsOrder where the document identifier refer to a parts order that has already been cancelled. Type of Response Code: Error.
Cannot Perform - This code refers to an operation that cannot be performed such as Change or Cancel based on the receiver's business rules and the condition of the document. For example, the part order has already been shipped therefore the order cannot be cancelled. Type of Response Code: Error.
Required Field Missing - This occurs when one or more required fields are missing. Type of Response Code: Error.
Optional Field Missing - This occurs when one or more optional fields are missing. Type of Response Code: Warning.
Not Permitted - This code occurs when the client attempts to perform an operation that is not permitted. An example of when this may occur is if the dealer attempts to order a part when their account is placed on hold. This is to be used for authorization errors. Type of Response Code: Error.
Server Error - An error (e.g. database server is down) on the server prevented the execution of the BOD. The client will have to resend the BOD at a later time. Type of Response Code: Error.
BOD Not Supported - The received BOD or BOD version is not supported b the receiver. Type of Response Code: Error.
Invalid Structure - The structure of the BOD is not valid. For example, the BOD failed schema validation. Type of Response Code: Error.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MessageReasonCodeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MileageMeasureEnumeratedType
Retail - Amount typically sold for to a retail customer (dealer to consumer, or consumer to consumer transactions).
Loan - Amount lenders typically loan on the listed vehicle.
Trade-In - Amount allowed by dealers on a trade.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: OptionPricingTypeEnumeratedType
Hold - The supplier should not process this order.
Submitted - The order is submitted from the dealer to the supplier.
Rejected - The order was rejected for some reason.
Pending Processing - The supplier has the order, has successfully parsed the order, but has not submitted the order to back end systems for processing.
Credit Hold - The order is on hold until credit is determined to be satisfactory for the order to complete.
Cancelled - The order in its entirety is cancelled.
Allocated - Parts for one or more order Lines have been reserved for the order.
Released - One or more Lines have been released to the warehouse for fulfillment.
Completed - All Lines are either Shipped, Cancelled, Referral, or Rejected.
Other - Other Order State not specified in enumerated list.
N/A - Not Applicable
Created - Created
Confirmed - Confirmed
Updated - Updated
Payment Terms Updated - Payment terms updated
Released to Production - Released to Production
Production Started - Production started
Production Finished - Production finished
Shipped - Shipped
Vehicle Identifier Assigned - Vehicle identifier assigned
Available - Available
Back Ordered - Back Ordered
Blocked - Blocked
Invoiced - Invoiced
Partially Invoiced - Partially Invoiced
Partially Shipped - Partially Shipped
Pick List Printed - Pick List Printed
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: OrderStateTypeEnumeratedType
STK - Stock. A stock order is an order generated by Dealer.
VOR - Vehicle Off Road
DPO - Daily. Suggested or automated order replenishment is generated daily by OEM. Suggested Orders are to be made using the Proposed verb. ASR orders are to be made using the Notify verb.
EMG - Emergency. An emergency order is an order generated by the Dealer where the Dealer is responsible for the freight costs and the order is expected to ship immediately (same day/time depending on the OEM policy).
SUP - Supplemental. A supplemental order is an order generated by the Dealer as an extra buy, e.g., a Dealer may want to have extra quantities of a particular part. This is for replenishment of items on the shelf.
PRO - Promotional. A promotional order is an order generated by a Dealer. In this case the Dealer will use a promotional code received at a trade show or advertisement when placing the order in order to receive a special rate.
SOL - Solicited. A solicited order is an order generated by the Dealer for a direct ship from a Supplier directly to the Dealer.
VPI - Vehicle Off Road Parts Inquiry
WKL - Weekly. A weekly order is an order replenishment this generated by Dealer on specific days (e.g., Order replenishment generated on Tuesdays).
WKE - Weekend. An order that could be processed over the weekend.
INT - Interim
EXP - Export
DSS - Dropship Stock
DVR - Dropship Vehicle Off Road
LAK - Lock and Key
WCL - Will Call
RRR - Return Request w/ Reference
RWR - Return without Reference
CRR - Credit Request with Reference
CWR - Credit Request without Reference
DRR - Debit Request with Reference
DWR - Debit Request without Reference
RUS - Rush
URG - Urgent. An urgent order is a critical order where the Dealer will pay for expediting of the order, e.g., for example the OEM will find the part even if it is indicated as a back ordered item. This is different from an emergency order due to the additional expediting process.
OTH - Other. Other Order Type not identified on the enumerated list. May be predetermined by a Dealer configuration.
N/A - Not Applicable
HLD - Hold
DTG - Dating
CUS - Customer. A basic customer order placed at the dealership, (e.g., a particular radio). The order generated by a Dealer.
PPI - Part Price Inquiry
HOL - Order to be processed on Holidays
LDO - Large Dealer Order (Confirms order was not placed in error)
SVC - Service Vehicle Campaign
TOS - Transient Owner Service
MAN - Manual Order
CSC - Customer Special Care
ASR - Automatic Stock Replenishment
SPC - Special Customer Care
FCO - Free of Charge Order
INI - Initial Orders (e.g. for a new model)
REP - Replenishment Orders
WRO - Warranty Rush Order
YOLR - Late Rush Order
YPMP - Production Memo Parts
YWAR - Warranty Order
YOR - YOR Stock
YOCV - YOCV Campaign
ZCAM - ZCAM Campaign
ZPRO - ZPRO Promotion Order
EOS - Extended Offer Stock order
EOD - Extended Offer Day order
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: OrderTypeEnumeratedType
Current - Vehicle information related to the current vehicle
Previous - Vehicle information related to the previous vehicle
Household - Vehicle information related to the household vehicle
Other - Other type of vehicle information
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: OwnedTypeEnumeratedType
Line Boxing Detail - Each line is associated with a specific box in the shipment. This provides a complete picture of what part is contained in which box.
Line Boxing Aggregate - Lines and Boxing data is available, however there is no detail as to which parts are contained in which boxes. The line data is aggregate.
Line Aggregate - There is no boxing detail provided and the line data is in aggregate for the shipment.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartsShipmentLineBoxingTypeEnumeratedType
RS - Repair Order Sale
RL - Repair Order Lost Sale
CS - Counter Ticket Sale
CL - Counter Ticket Lost Sale
SS - Service Appointment Sale
AS - All Sales
AL - All Lost Sales
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartSaleTypeEnumeratedType
Supplier - OEM or aftermarket distributor
Dealer - Dealer
Other - Other Party Type
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartyTypeEnumeratedType
Terms - Indicates that payment terms are provided.
COD - Cash On Delivery
Due On Receipt - Payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
Credit Card - Indicates that a credit card will be used as the method of payment.
Check - Indicates that a check will be used as the method of payment.
EFT - Electronic funds transfer.
Payroll Deduction - Indicates that a payment will be via deduction of an individual's payroll.
Cash - Indicates that cash will be used as the method of payment.
Finance - The payment has been included in the financing of the contract.
Other - Other type of payment method.
N/A - Payment method not applicable.
Exchange - Indicates the dealers intent to return parts in exchange for the monetary value of the order.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PaymentMethodEnumeratedType
HR - Hour
WK - Week
BiWK - Bi-Weekly
MO - Month
YR - Year
SmMO - Semi-Monthly
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PayrollFrequencyEnumeratedType
Optional - Optional Plan
Mandatory - Mandatory Plan
Standard - Standard Plan
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PlanOptionTypeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: OriginalContactMethodEnumeratedType
Internet Channel - Internet Channel
Showroom Walk-In - Showroom Walk-In
Event/Trade Fair - Event/Trade Fair
Service Walk-In - Service Walk-In
Appointment at Customer - Appointment at Customer
Day Phone - Day Phone
Evening Phone - Evening Phone
Cell Phone - Cell Phone
Work Fax - Work Fax
Home Fax - Home Fax
Pager - Pager
Work Email - Work Email
Home Email - Home Email
US Mail - US Mail
Text - SMS Text
WhatsApp - WhatsApp
IM - Instant Messaging
Other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PreferredContactMethodEnumeratedType
Day Phone - Day Phone
Cell Phone - Cell Phone
Work Fax - Work Fax
Pager - Pager
Work Email - Work Email
US Mail - US Mail
Other - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PreferredContactMethodOrganizationEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PriceTypeEnumeratedType
Manufacturer - Manufacturer Rebate
Dealer - Dealer Rebate
Third Party - Third Party Rebate
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: RebateTypeEnumeratedType
invoice - Price relative to invoice
msrp - Price relative to msrp
other - Price relative to other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: RelativeToEnumeratedType
Dealer - Searching dealers
Supplier - Searching suppliers
Dealer And Supplier - Searching dealers and suppliers
Other - Other search criteria type
N/A - Not Applicable
Dealer Radius - Powersports will be able to search by: Supplier, Dealers, and Dealers by Provided Radius. So we need a new enumerated value to support the DealerRadius selection type of search.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: RequestedSearchCriteriaTypeEnumeratedType
Regional - The Option is required based on regional requirements
Government - The Option is required based on governmental requirements
Other - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: RequiredOptionEnumeratedType
New - Never owned.
Used - Previously Owned
Demo - Demonstration item.
Other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
Floor Sample - This is a vehicle that is provided in the showroom as an example.
Factory - Identifies that the vehicle may have been used as a product demonstration for an official or executive from the manufacturer.
Non-Current - Brand new item but not the current year.
Scratch and Dent - New item but has defects.
Trade In - Used item but traded in.
Purchase - Indicates the vehicle is to be purchased or has been purchased.
Lease - Indicates the vehicle is to be leased or has been leased.
Current Model - Indicates that the data is a "spec" for a current year boat Model, i.e. not an actual boat
Non Current Model - Indicates that the data is a "spec" for a non current year boat Model, i.e. not an actual boat
Certified Pre-Owned - Certified Pre-Owned
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SaleClassEnumeratedType
01 - Purchase – Individual
02 - Purchase – Retail TMS SPP
03 - Purchase – Business
04 - Lease – Business
05 - Lease – Individual
06 - Rental
07 - Sold for Resale
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TypeSalesEnumeratedType
A - All Dealers
D - Specific Dealers
I - District Dealers
Z - Zone
O - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SearchCriteriaEnumeratedType
Warranty - Service performed under warranty
Customer Pay - Service performed under customer pay
Internal Pay - Service performed under internal pay
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ServiceTypeEnumeratedType
EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
Check - Check
Parts Credit - Parts Credit
Other - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SettlementTypeEnumeratedType
FED - Fedex
ACT - Air Contact Transport
DAN - Danzas
YFT - Yellow Freight
MTC - Motor Cargo
AVE - Averitt
CHO - Chopper
COM - Command
OTH - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
USPS - United States Postal Service
CON - California Overnight
Burl - Burlington Ontario
7ALQ Alliance Shipping - 7ALQ Alliance Shipping
Roadway Express - Roadway Express
Parker Motor Freight - Parker Motor Freight
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ShipmentCarrierEnumeratedType
Air Delivery -
2nd Day Delivery -
Saturday Delivery -
Next Day Delivery by Air -
Surface By Noon Delivery -
Surface 12-3pm Delivery -
Surface 3-5pm Delivery -
Pickup Noon -
Pickup 12-3pm -
Pickup 3-5pm -
Next Day Delivery -
Surface -
Will Call -
Air Freight Collect -
Fastest Way -
Best Surface -
Other -
N/A -
Prearranged Shipping Terms -
Next Day AM -
Next Day PM -
Second Day AM -
Second Day PM -
Third Day -
Next Day Saturday -
Air Deferred -
Ship The Best Way -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ShipPriorityEnumeratedType
Job - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to the Job
Labor - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to the Labor
Parts - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to the Parts
Sublet - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to the Sublet
Miscellaneous - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to a miscellaneous charge.
GasOilGrease - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to Gas, Oil and Grease
PaintMaterials - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to Paint Materials
ShopSupplies - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to Shop Supplies
Freight - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to Freight
Total - Split in the charge of vehicle service related to the Total of a particular charge, i.e. Total Job Split Adjustment
Other -
LaborApproved - Labor Approved
LaborRejected - Labor Rejected
PartsApproved - Parts Approved
PartsRejected - Parts Rejected
OtherApproved - Other Approved
OtherRejected - Other Rejected
TravelApproved - Travel Approved
TravelRejected - Travel Rejected
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SplitsTypeEnumeratedType
Success - The operation was successful.
Unspecified - An unspecified error occurred. The StatusText field contains the complete text.
Not In Inventory - Inventory is not currently available and back ordering was not requested.
Discontinued - The part has discontinued.
Invalid Part - Invalid part number.
Not Yet Available - The part is scheduled for a future release date and is not available at this time.
Not Authorized - The part is not authorized for your product line.
Under Development - The part is under development and not ready for sale.
Assembly Only - The part is a component part and is only available as an assembly.
Component Only - The part is an assembly part and is only available as a component.
Internal Use Only - The part is reserved for manufacturing and supplier internal use; it is not a service replacement part.
Recalled - The part has been recalled.
Cannot Sell - The part is not available for sale for an unspecified reason. For example, part is only available for government procurement.
Export Only - The part is not available for sale in the United States; it is for export vehicles only.
Credit Limit Exceeded - Credit limit exceeded.
Credit Card Denied - Credit card transaction denied by creditor.
Account On Hold - The dealer's account has been put on hold.
Invalid Unit Of Measure - The unit of measurement was invalid for this part number.
Invalid Promotion Code - The promotion code is invalid.
Invalid Shipping Method - The shipping method is invalid, for example, shipping by ground to Puerto Rico.
Duplicate Line Number - The line number is the same as another line within this transaction.
No Drop Shipment - Drop shipments are not allowed.
No Will Call - Will-call pickups are not allowed.
Minimum Quantity Not Met - There is a minimum quantity purchase requirement for this part and the quantity has not been met. The minimum quantity is: NN
Other - Other
N/A - Not applicable.
Invalid Dealer ID - Dealer Identification submitted could not be validated.
Invalid Fleet Account - Fleet account number submitted could not be validated.
Invalid Price As Of Date - Submitted Price As Of Date not valid
Price Not Found - A price for a valid part number submitted could not be found.
Use Suggested Retail Price - Retail Price excceds contracted price.
Use Retail Price - The retail price is less than or equal to the contracted price. Use the Retail Price.
Use Submitted Price - The dealer is allowed to use its Retail price which it sent. This price may differ from the price that the OEM has.
Non-Stock - An item that is not kept on hand that is ordered from the vendor when requested.
Duplicate Claim - A duplicate claim was submitted.
Backorder Available - Backorder of this part is available.
Package Only - This part is available in packages only
Open - Open
Closed - Closed
Invoiced - Invoiced
Cancelled - Cancelled
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: StatusCodeEnumeratedType
Success - The operation was successful.
Error - The operation resulted in error and did not succeed.
Warning - The operation completed a warning.
Informational - The provided StatusText is informational.
Other - Other
N/A - N/A
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: StatusTypeEnumeratedType
Total -
Amount -
Labor -
Parts -
Claim -
Dealer -
Deductible -
Prorated -
Other -
Luxury -
Vehicle Inventory -
Taxes Not In Cash Price -
Document Stamp -
Sales -
Tire -
Personal Property -
Registration -
Monthly/Use -
Weight -
Adjustment -
DownPayment -
CapCostReduction -
Lieu -
CurrentYear -
N/A -
LocalOption - Tennessee Tax - combination of city and county.
SingleArticle - Tennessee Tax - State Tax
Gas - Gas tax levied to applicable vehicles or by state/province law. (Referred to in US as "Gas Guzzler" tax).
Total Monthly/Use - The total amount of monthly use tax for a payment on a contract.
Service Contract - Tax charged on service contracts (where applicable).
Adjusted Sales - Adjusted sales tax due to tax modifications when capitalized (i.e. NY)
Total Sales/Use - The total amount of sales/use tax for a single payment contract.
Air Conditioning Excise - Provincal tax providing for the installation or removal of freon. (Canada)
Purchase and Use - A type of tax that is assessed upon "tax free" tangible personal property purchased by a resident of the assessing state for use, storage or consumption of goods in that state (not for resale), regardless of where the purchase took place. The tax is a one time retail tax due at registration or titling of a vehicle.
County Tax - A county tax charged based on the location of the dealer and the customer. An example, The Cook County Tax.
General Excise - This is a general excise tax that a state or region could impose.
Gross Receipt - A gross receipts tax, sometimes referred to as a gross excise tax, is a tax on the total gross revenues of a company, regardless of their source.
Tax on Trade-In - Tax due on a Trade-In vehicle.
Tax on Upfront Fees - Total tax due on fees paid upfront.
Tax on Acquisition Fee - Tax due on amount of acquisition fee.
Muncipal Hazard and Special Waste - A Tax that the seller of record must pay to a governmental body and will pass the tax on to its customers.
Environmental Tax - Environmental Levy / Tax
Motor Vehicle Tax - Tax paid at of registration based on the vehicle's age and MSRP.
Wheel Tax - A tax levied by cities and villages to be credited to a road fund of the city or village.
GOG Tax -
Misc Materials Tax -
Paint Materials Tax -
Shop Supplies Tax -
Freight Tax -
AdditionalVAT1 - Additional VAT1
AdditionalVAT2 - Additional VAT2
AdditionalVAT3 - Additional VAT3
AdditionalVAT4 - Additional VAT4
AdditionalVAT5 - Additional VAT5
Cess1 - Cess1
Cess2 - Cess2
ExciseDuty - ExciseDuty
CS - City
CP - County
ST - State
OT - Other
EX - Excise
VAT - Value Added
PST - Provincial Sales Tax
RT - Rental
GST - Goods and Services Tax
HST - Harmonized Tax
ART - Air Tax
QST - Quebec Sales Tax
IMP - Import Tax
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TaxTypeIdEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TermLengthEnumeratedType
Initial - Initial transaction
Update - Update transaction
Delete - Delete transaction
Cancel - Cancel transaction
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TransactionTypeEnumeratedType
HR - Hour
WK - Week
BiWK - Bi-weekly
MO - Month
YR - Year
SmMO - Semi-Monthly
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TransferFrequencyEnumeratedType
3 - 3 Speed
4 - 4 Speed
5 - 5 Speed
6 - 6 Speed
A - Automatic
Automatic 3 - Automatic 3 speed transmission type
Automatic 4 - Automatic 4 speed transmission type
Automatic 5 - Automatic 5 speed transmission type
Automatic 6 - Automatic 6 speed transmission type
Automatic 7 - Automatic 7 speed transmission type
7 - 7 Speed
CVT Automatic 3 - Continuously Variable T ransmission Automatic 3 speed transmission type (natural gas and hybrid).
CVT Automatic 4 - Continuously Variable T ransmission Automatic 4 speed transmission type (natural gas and hybrid).
CVT Automatic 5 - Continuously Variable T ransmission Automatic 5 speed transmission type (natural gas and hybrid).
CVT Automatic 6 - Continuously Variable T ransmission Automatic 6 speed transmission type (natural gas and hybrid).
CVT Automatic 7 - Continuously Variable T ransmission Automatic 7 speed transmission type (natural gas and hybrid).
Manual - Manual Transmission
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TransmissionTypeEnumeratedType
ea - Each
bx - Box
case - Case
ctn - Carton
gal - Gallon
qt - Quart
pt - Pint
ft - Foot
yd - Yard
in - Inch
L - Liter
m - meter
cm - centimeter
kg - Kilogram
g - Gram
other - Other
tn - Ton
km - kilometers
mi - miles
hp - horsepower
kw - kilowatt
pound - pound
pk - pack
pr - pair
rl - roll
bt - bottle
cs - crate
h - hour
set - set
can - canister
pc - piece
tb - tube
A - All Dealers
D - To District Dealers
N - No Do Not Send
Z - To Zone Dealers
O - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: UrgentSearchMessageCodeEnumeratedType
Passed - Credit contract passed validation
Failed - Credit contract failed validation
Other - Other
N/A - Not Application
Warning - Credit contract validation produced a warning
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ValidationResultsEnumeratedType
passenger - Passenger
minivan - Minivan
pickup - Pickup
fullsizevan - Full size van
sportutil - Sport utility vehicle
motorcycle - Motorcycle
rv - RV
atv - ATV
boats - Boats
snowmobile - Snowmobile
heavy truck - Heavy truck
medium duty - Medium duty
truck - Truck
sedans - Sedans
Other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
watercraft - Watercraft
outboardengine - Outboard Engine
sidebyside - Side by side
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: VehicleClassEnumeratedType
Individual Applicant - Represents the individual applicant is the owner of the vehicle
Co-Applicant - Represents the co-applicant is the owner of the vehicle.
Joint - Represents that both individual applicant and co-applicant is the owner of the vehicle.
Other - Other Indebtedness Vehicle Ownership value.
N/A - Not Applicable.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: VehicleOwnerTypeEnumeratedType
Hold Back -
Destination/Handling -
Group Fund Price -
Wholesale Price -
Wholesale Cost -
Actual Cash Value -
Employee -
Invoice -
Sale Price -
Final MSRP -
Base MSRP -
Employee Order Price -
Employee Stock Price -
Other -
Selling Price -
Cap Cost -
Total Option Price -
Total Option Cost -
Retail -
N/A -
MSRP Discount -
Gross Cap Cost -
Net Cap Cost -
Taxable Selling Price -
Loan - Amount lenders typically loan on the listed vehicle.
Trade-In - Amount allowed by dealers on a trade.
Adjusted Gross Cap Cost - Adjusted gross cap cost due to tax calculations.
Adjusted Net Cap Cost - Adjusted net cap cost due to tax calculations.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: VehiclePricingTypeEnumeratedType
Cubic Inches - Cubic inches
Cubic Feet - Cubic feet
Cubic Centimeters - Cubic centimeters
Cubic Meters - Cubic meters
Other - Other
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: VolumeMeasureEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: WeightMeasureEnumeratedType
en-US - English - American
en-CA - English -Canada
aa-ET - Afar - Ethiopia
ab-GE - Abkhazian - Georgia
af-ZA - Afrikaans - South Africa
am-ET - Amharic - Ethiopia
ar-SA - Arabic - Saudi Arabia
as-IN - Assamese - India
ay-BO - Aymara - Bolivia
az-AZ - Azerbaijani - Azerbaijan
ba-RU - Bashkir - Russian Federation
be-BY - Byelorussian - Belarus
bg-BG - Bulgarian - Bulgaria
bh-IN - Bihari - India
bi-VU - Bislama - Vanuatu
bn-BD - Bengali, Bangla - Bangladesh
bo-BT - Tibetan - Bhutan
br-FR - Breton - France
ca-ES - Catalan - Spain
co-FR - Corsican - France
cs-CZ - Czech - Czech Republic
cy-GB - Welsh - United Kingdom
da-DE - Danish - Germany
da-DK - Danish - Denmark
de-DE - German - Germany
dz-BT - Bhutani - Bhutan
el-GR - Greek - Greece
es-ES - Spanish - Spain
et-EE - Estonian - Estonia
eu-ES - Basque - Spain
fa-AF - Persian - Afghanistan
fi-FI - Finnish - Finland
fj-FJ - Fiji - Fiji
fo-FO - Faeroese - Faroe Islands
fr-CA - French - Canada
fr-FR - French - France
fy-NL - Frisian - Netherlands
ga-IE - Irish - Ireland
gd-GB - Gaelic Scots Gaelic - United Kingdom
gl-ES - Galician - Spain
gn-PY - Guarani - Paraguay
gu-IN - Gujarati - Indonesia
ha-NG - Hausa - Nigeria
hi-IN - Hindi - India
hr-HR - Croatian - Croatia
hu-HU - Hungarian - Hungary
hy-AM - Armenian - Armenia
ik-GL - Inupiak - Greenland
in-ID - Indonesian - Indonesia
is-IS - Icelandic - Iceland
it-IT - Italian - Italy
iw-IL - Hebrew - Israel
ja-JP - Japanese - Japan
ji-IL - Yiddish - Israel
jw-ID - Javanese - Indonesia
ka-GE - Georgian - Georgia
kk-KZ - Kazakh - Kazakhstan
kl-GL - Greenlandic - Greenland
km-KH - Cambodian - Cambodia
kn-IN - Kannada - India
ko-KP - Korean - Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
ko-KR - Korean - Korea, Republic of
ks-IN - Kashmiri - India
ku-IQ - Kurdish - Iraq
ky-CN - Kirghiz - China
la-VA - Latin - Holy See (Vatican City State)
ln-CD - Lingala - Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
lo-LA - Laothian - Lao People's Democratic Republic
lt-LT - Lithuanian - Lithuania
lv-LV - Latvian Lettish - Latvia
mg-MG - Malagasy - Madagascar
mi-NZ - Maori - New Zealand
mk-MK - Macedonian - Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav
ml-IN - Malayalam - India
mn-MN - Mongolian - Mongolia
mo-MO - Moldavian - Macao
mr-IN - Marathi - India
ms-MY - Malay - Malaysia
mt-MH - Maltese - Marshall Islands
my-MM - Burmese - Myanmar
na-NR - Nauru - Nauru
ne-NP - Nepali - Nepal
nl-NL - Dutch - Netherlands
no-NO - Norwegian - Norway
oc-FR - Occitan - France
om-ET - Oromo Afan - Ethiopia
or-IN - Oriya - India
pa-IN - Punjabi - India
pl-PL - Polish - Poland
ps-PK - Pashto, Pushto - Pakistan
pt-PT - Portuguese - Portugal
qu-PE - Quechua - Peru
rm-CH - Rhaeto-Romance - Switzerland
rn-BI - Kirundi - Burundi
ro-RO - Romanian - Romania
ru-RU - Russian - Russian Federation
rw-RW - Kinyarwanda - Rwanda
sa-IN - Sanskirt - India
sd-PK - Sindhi - Pakistan
sg-CF - Sangro - Central African Republic
sh-HR - Serbo-Croatian - Croatia
si-LK - Singhalese - Sri Lanka
sk-SK - Slovak - Slovakia
sl-SI - Slovenian - Slovenia
sm-WS - Samoan - Samoa
sn-ZW - Shona - Zimbabwe
so-SO - Somali - Somalia
sq-AL - Albanian - Albania
sr-CS - Serbian - SErbia and Montenegro
ss-ZA - Siswati - South Africa
st-ZA - Sesotho - South Africa
su-SD - Sudanese - Sudan
sv-SE - Swedish - Sweden
sw-TL - Swahili - Timor-Leste
ta-IN - Tamil - India
te-IN - Tegulu - India
tg-TJ - Tajik - Tajikistan
th-TH - Thai - Thailand
ti-ET - Tigrinya - Ethiopia
tk-TM - Turkmen - Turkmenistan
tl-PH - Tagalog - Philippines
tn-ZA - Setswana - South Africa
to-TO - Tonga - Tonga
tr-TR - Turkish - Turkey
ts-ZA - Tsonga - South Africa
tt-RU - Tatar - Russian Federation
tw-GH - Twi - Ghana
uk-UA - Ukrainian - Ukraine
ur-PK - Urdu - Pakistan
uz-UZ - Uzbek - Uzbekistan
vi-VN - Vietnamese - Vietnam
wo-SN - Wolof - Senegal
xh-ZA - Xhosa - South Africa
yo-NG - Yoruba - Nigeria
zh-CN - Chinese - China
zu-ZA - Zulu - South Africa
en-GB - English - United Kingdom
zh-TW - Mandarin - Taiwan
es-MX - Spanish - Mexico
pt-BR - Portuguese - Brazil
nl-BE - Locale Dutch (Belgium)
fr-BE - Locale French (Belgium)
de-BE - Locale German (Belgium)
CS - Deprecated: Use RS for Serbia or ME for Montenegro.
TZ -
Rebate - Offered to eligible consumers a cash allowance applied toward the retail purchase or lease of eligible vehicles.
Lease Cash - Offered to eligible consumers a lease cash allowance applied toward the retail lease of eligible vehicles.
Consumer Cash - Offered to eligible consumers a cash allowance applied toward the retail purchase of eligible vehicles.
Lease Loyalty - Consumers returning from any lease on a Finance Source brand vehicle and entering into a lease on an eligible model are eligible.
Employee Bonus Cash - Customers must finance through eligible finance source. Eligible consumers are only those who are eligible to receive benefit in the manufacturer's employee pricing program.
Finance Source Cash - Offered to eligible consumers a cash allowance applied toward the retail purchase or lease of eligible vehicles. Customers must finance through eligible finance source.
Conquest Cash - Available to current owners or lessees of any "competitor" vehicle.
Trade-In Allowance - Offered to eligible consumers trading in a vehicle (OEM or competitor).
Event Bonus - Offered to eligible consumers during a particular event (e.g., Auto Show).
Owner Loyalty Cash - Available on eligible vehicles for current owners or lessees of an OEM vehicle.
Regional Bonus Cash - 11. Offered to eligible consumers of a defined geographic region, a cash allowance applied toward the retail purchase or lease of eligible vehicles.
Down Payment Match -
Delivery Allowance -
Other -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: IncentiveEnumeratedType
Owned - Indicates that the vehicle is owned by the individual or company
Leased - Indicates that the vehicle is being leased to the individual or company for a specified period of time.
Rented - Indicates that the vehicle is being rented by the individual or company for a specified period of time.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: VehicleOwnershipTypeEnumeratedType
Radial - A type tire construction utilizing plies that run radially from bead to bead under the tread. This construction requires a belt to stabilize the tread and define the tire diameter.
Bias-Ply - A type of tire construction utilizing plies that run diagonally from one bead to the other. One ply is set on a bias in one direction, and succeeding plies are set alternately in opposing directions crossing each other.
Bunk - Type of boat trailer
Roller - Type of boat trailer
Pontoon Bunk - Type of boat trailer
Pontoon Centerlift - Type of boat trailer
Composite Bunk - Type of boat trailer
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TrailerTypeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: BrakeTypeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: WinchTypeEnumeratedType
Electric - Electric engine starting system
Manual - Pull engine starting system
Other - Other engine starting system
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: StartingSystemTypeEnumeratedType
Interior - Image take from the interior of an item or location.
Exterior - Image take from the exterior of an item or location.
Other - Image take from a perspective other than interior or exterior.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ImagePerspectiveEnumeratedType
Added Commission - Added Commission
Added Freight - Added Freight
Added Miscellaneous - Added Miscellaneous
Added Warranty - Added Warranty
Loan - Amount lenders typically loan on the listed vehicle.
Retail - Amount typically sold for to a retail customer (dealer to consumer, or consumer to consumer transactions).
Trade-In - Amount allowed by dealers on a trade.
List - This is the advertised price of the item.
Sold - This is the price at which the item actually sold.
Actual Wholesale Price - The vehicle invoice amount minus the dealer's holdback amount which is the amount that is paid to the dealer on a vehicle basis refunding the dealer for inflated vehicle invoice amounts.
Dealer Discount Amount - Discount off the original retail price by the Dealer (comes out of the Dealer's revenue).
OEM Discount Amount - Discount off the original retail price by the OEM (comes out of the OEM's revenue).
Core Price Amount - The value of a used part if returned to the OEM for refurbishing.
National Fleet Price - Fleet price for a national account.
Major Fleet Price - Fleet price for a major fleet acount.
Fleet Price - Fleet price.
Extended Amount - The quantity of an item times the sold price less all discounts plus all additions for an item. Formula: item quantity x sold price - (all discounts + all additions)
Extended Core Amount - Total core value
Suggested Retail Price - Selling price suggested by the sender.
Gross Discount Amount - The gross amount of all discounts applied to an item.
Parts Invoice Item Net Amount - The difference between the Extended Amount and the Gross Discount Amount to be paid for an item.
Total Option MSRP - Total of all itemized products of the Manufactured Suggested Retail Price.
Unit Price - Price of single unit
Submitted Price - The submitted price is the dealer's while the Retail price is the OEM's. The OEM will classify the dealer's submitted retail price as the submitted price.
Select Fleet - A specially contracted fleet.
Reconditioning Cost - The total amount a dealer spends on Vehicle preparation for Mechanical Reconditioning .
Total Vehicle Cost - Sum of all Vehicle Cost of sales.
Certification Fee - The amount spent by dealer as a certification fee.
Actual Cash Value - The appraisal/actual cash value paid by the dealer during trade-in or at the time of auction.
Base MSRP - MSRP for the vehicle with no options
Standard MSRP - MSRP for a vehicle with standard options
High MSRP - MSRP for vehicle with all options
Job -
Labor -
Parts -
Sublet -
Miscellaneous -
GasOilGrease -
PaintMaterials -
ShopSupplies -
Freight - Price for Transportation.
Claim -
SubletLabor -
SubletParts -
ReturnCore -
Customer -
Internal -
RentLoaner -
Return -
Splits -
Total -
Prepping - Preparation Price
PackAmount - Additional cost dealer adds above initial cost that is not included in commission
HoldBackAmount - Amount that the OEM retains, and is provided to the dealer after the sale
PartCost -
CampaignPrice - Campaign Price
LowestAcceptablePrice - Lowest Acceptable Price
InternetPrice - Internet Price
OtherDiscountAmount - Other Discount Amount
OtherSurchargeAmount - Other Surcharge Amount
SubtotalIncludingDiscount - Subtotal Including Discount
TotalAmountExcludingTax - Total Amount Excluding Tax
TotalTaxAmount - Total Tax Amount
TotalAmountIncludingTax - Total Amount Including Tax
EstimatedAmount - Estimated Amount for Repairs
AdditionalWorkRequestEstimatedAmount - Estimated Amount for Additional Work Requested by the Customer
Cost - A generic cost
Total Trades Actual Cash Value - Total Trades Actual Cash Value
Total Trades Payoff Amount - Total Trades Payoff Amount
Total Accessories - Total Accessories
Total Gross Profit - Total Gross Profit
Frontend Gross Profit - Frontend Gross Profit
Backend Gross Profit - Backend Gross Profit
Balloon Payment - Balloon Payment
Total Term Depreciation - Total Term Depreciation
Total Drive Off Amount - Total Drive Off Amount
Net Cost - Net Cost
Net List Price - Net List Price
Net Price - Net Price
Net Core Cost - Net Core Cost
Net Core Price - Net Core Price
Net Total - Net Total
Total Cost - Total Cost
Total List Price - Total List Price
Total Price - Total Price
Total Core Cost - Total Core Cost
Total Core Price - Total Core Price
Total Tax - Total Tax
Total Miscellaneous - Total Miscellaneous
Total Freight - Total Freight
Total Restock - Total Restock
Total Net - Total Net
Total Invoice - Total Invoice
Total Customer Parts Price - Total Customer Parts Price
Total Customer Labor Price - Total Customer Labor Price
Total Customer Miscellaneous Price - Total Customer Miscellaneous Price
Total Customer GOG Price - Total Customer GOG Price
Total Customer Sublet Price - Total Customer Sublet Price
Total Customer Repair Order Price - Total Customer Repair Order Price
Total Customer Parts Cost - Total Customer Parts Cost
Total Customer Labor Cost - Total Customer Labor Cost
Total Customer Miscellaneous Cost - Total Customer Miscellaneous Cost
Total Customer GOG Cost - Total Customer GOG Cost
Total Customer Sublet Cost - Total Customer Sublet Cost
Total Customer Repair Order Cost - Total Customer Repair Order Cost
Total Warranty Parts Price - Total Warranty Padts Price
Total Warranty Labor Price - Total Warranty Labor Price
Total Warranty Miscellaneous Price - Total Warranty Miscellaneous Price
Total Warranty GOG Price - Total Warranty GOG Price
Total Warranty Sublet Price - Total Warranty Sublet Price
Total Warranty Repair Order Price - Total Warranty Repair Order Price
Total Warranty Parts Cost - Total Warranty Parts Cost
Total Warranty Labor Cost - Total Warranry Labor Cost
Total Warranty Miscellaneous Cost - Total Warranty Miscellaneous Cost
Total Warranty GOG Cost - Total Warranty GOG Cost
Total Warranty Sublet Cost - Total Warranty Sublet Cost
Total Warranty Repair Order Cost - Total Warranty Reapir Order Cost
Total Internal Parts Price - Total Internal Parts Price
Total Internal Labor Price - Total Internal Labor Price
Total Internal Miscellaneous Price - Total Internal Miscellaneous Price
Total Internal GOG Price - Total Internal GOG Price
Total Internal Sublet Price - Total Internal Sublet Price
Total Internal Repair Order Price - Total Internal Repair Order Price
Total Internal Parts Cost - Total Internal Parts Cost
Total Internal Labor Cost - Total Internal Labor Cost
Total Internal Miscellaneous Cost - Total Internal Miscellaneous Cost
Total Internal GOG Cost - Total Internal GOG Cost
Total Internal Sublet Cost - Total Internal Sublet Cost
Total Internal Repair Order Cost - Total Internal Repair Order Cost
Total Repair Order Parts Price - Total Repair Order Parts Price
Total Repair Order Labor Price - Total Repair Order Labor Price
Total Repair Order Miscellaneous Price - Total Repair Order Miscellaneous Price
Total Repair Order GOG Price - Total Repair Order GOG Price
Total Repair Order Sublet Price - Total Repair Order Sublet Price
Total Repair Order Price - Total Repair Order Price
Total Repair Order Parts Cost - Total Repair Order Parts Cost
Total Repair Order Labor Cost - Total Repair Order Labor Cost
Total Repair Order Miscellaneous Cost - Total Repair Order Misccellaneous Cost
Total Repair Order GOG Cost - Total Repair Order GOG Cost
Total Repair Order Sublet Cost - Total Repair Order Sublet Cost
Total Repair Order Cost - Total Repair Order Cost
Total Repair Order Tax Price - Total Repair Order Tax Price
Operation Parts Price - Operation Parts Price
Operation Parts Cost - Operation Parts Cost
Operation Total Price - Operation Total Price
Operation Total Cost - Operation Total Cost
Unit Core Cost - Unit Core Cost
Unit Core Price - Unit Core Price
Unit List Price - Unit List Price
Net Cost - Net Cost
Net List Price - Net List Price
Net Price - Net Price
Net Core Cost - Net Core Cost
Net Core Price - Net Core Price
Net Miscellaneous - Net Miscellaneous
Net Freight - Net Freight
Net Restock - Net Restock
Net Total - Net Total
Vehicle Advertised Price - Dealer advertised price for a vehicle.
Vehicle Selling Price - Dealer offer price for known customers (i.e., logged in customers).
DIO Invoice Price - Dealer Invoice cost of dealer installed option (DIO).
DIO Retail Price - Dealer suggested retail price of dealer installed option (DIO).
Temporary Price - Temporary price for an item.
Hull - Hull
Engine - Engine
Deck - Deck
Seat - Seat
Carpet - Carpet
Interior - Interior
Exterior - Exterior
ExteriorSecondary - Some vehicles have a two tone paint scheme on the exterior
Trailer - Trailer
Top - Top
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ColorItemEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CylinderConfigurationEnumeratedType
Adjustment Other - An adjustment that isn't listed.
Cancelled Countersales - Cancelled from countersales
Cancelled Countersales Exempt - Cancelled from counter sale exempt count
Cancelled Internal Repair Order - Cancelled from Internal Repair Order
Cancelled Internal Repair Order Exempt - Cancelled from Internal Repair Order exempt count.
Cancelled Receipt Manufacturer - Cancelled Receipt from Manufacturer.
Cancelled Receipt Other - Cancelled receipt from other.
Cancelled General Restock - Cancelled General Restock.
Cancelled Retail Repair Order - Cancelled Retail Repair Order.
Cancelled Retail Repair Order Exempt - Cancelled Retail Repair Order exempt count.
Cancelled Return - Cancelled Return
Cancelled Warranty Repair Order - Cancelled Warranty Repair Order
Cancelled Warranty Repair Order Exempt - Cancelled Warranty Repair Order exempt count
Cancelled Wholesale - Cancelled from Wholesale.
Cancelled Wholesale Exempt - Cancelled from Wholesale exempt count.
Counter - Counter.
Counter Exempt - Counter Exempt.
Internal Repair Order - Internal Repair Order.
Internal Repair Order Exempt - Internal Repair Order exempt count.
Lost Sale - Lost Sale.
Inventory Adjustment Plus - Inventory Adjustment Plus.
Cancelled Scrap - Cancelled Scrap.
Inventory Adjustment Minus - Inventory Adjustment Minus.
Scrap - Scrap.
Receipt Other - Receipt Other.
Receipt Manufacturer - Receipt Manufacturer.
Receipt From Other - Receipt from other.
General Restock - Receipt from other.
Retail Repair Order - Retail Repair Order
Retail Repair Order Exempt - Retail Repair Order Exempt
Return - Return
Return Other - Return Other
Sale Other - Sale Other
Warranty Repair Order - Warranty Repair Order
Warranty Repair Order Exempt - Warranty Repair Order
Wholesale - Wholesale
Wholesale Exempt - Wholesale Exempt
New Part - New part added to inventory
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartActivityTransactionEnumeratedType
Active - Active Sales Status
On-Order - On-Order Sales Status
Inactive - Inactive Sales Status
Sale Pending - Sale Pending Status
Sold - Sold Sales Status
Delete - Delete Sales Status
Trade-In Pending - Trade-In Pending Sales Status
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SalesStatusEnumeratedType
Primary - The primary parts distribution center to ship the parts.
Alternate - Allows any altenate parts distribution center to be used.
Low Volume - Use the low volume parts distribution center for slow moving parts.
Domestic Only - Only use domestic parts distribution centers
None - No restrictions are to be applied.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CrossShipmentRestrictionEnumeratedType
Dealer - Identifies the role as a Dealer
Owner - Identifies the role as a Owner
Operator - Identifies the role as a Owner
Global ID - A unique global system identifier
Direct Shipper - Direct Shipper ID
Packager - Packager
Importer - Importer
Exporter - Exporter
Batch Number - Batch Number
OEM Order Number - OEM Order Number
Transfer Reference Number - Transfer Refrence Number
Customer Purchase Order Number - Customer Purchase Order Number
OEM Delivery Number - OEM Delivery Number
OEM Invoice Number - OEM Invoice Number
Supplier - Supplier Name
Supplier no - Supplier Number
Supplier Line - Supplier Line
Dealer no - Dealer Number
Dealer Line - Dealer Line
Base Sales Code - Base Sales Code
Original Sales Order Line Number - Original Sales Order Line Number
Case Number - Case Number
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AgencyRoleCodeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PreferredContactMethodContentType PreferredContactMethodOrganizationContentType OriginalContactMethodContentType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PreferredContactMethodEnumeratedType PreferredContactMethodOrganizationEnumeratedType OriginalContactMethodEnumeratedType
Demonstration - Vehicle was used as demonstration model.
Daily Rental - Used as a rental or loaner car.
Personal - Used for personal or individual use.
Household - Used for family or house hold purposes.
Other - Other or unknown use.
Not Applicable - Not applicable.
Taxi - Taxi
Lease - Lease
Agri/Farm - Agriculture/Farming
Beverage - Beverage
BusTrans - Bus Transportation
Constr - Construction
Dealer - Dealer
Emergency - Emergency Vehicle
Fin.Lease - Leased-Financed
FoodProc - Food Processing
ForestLum - Forestry/Lumber
GF/Haz - Gen Freight-Hazardous
GenFrt - General Freight
Govt - Government
Hazard - Hazardous
Individ - Individual
Landsc - Landscaping
Manuf - Manufacturing
Mfg.Lease - Leased-Manufacturing
Min/Qua - Mining
Misc - Miscellaneous
Mnt.Lease - Lease Rent
Mov/Stor - Moving/Storage
Petro - Petroleum
Petro/Haz - Petroleum-Hazardous
Ref/Haz - Spec-Hazardous
Road/Hwy - Road/Highway
San/Refuse - Sanitation/Refuse
Services - Services
SpecHaul - Specialized Hauling
Unknown - Unknown
Util/Haz - Utility-Hazardous
Utility - Utility
Veh.Trnsprtr - Vehicle Transporter
Wh/Retail - Wholesale/Retail
OffRoad - Off-Road
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: VehicleUseEnumeratedType
Air - Shipment made by air delivery
Ground - Shipment made by ground delivery
Cab - Shipment made by cab delivery
Bus - Shipment made by bus delivery
Parcel Post - Shipment made by parcel post delivery
Charter - Shipment made by charter delivery
Courier - Shipment made by courier delivery
Truck - Shipment made by truck delivery
Ocean - Shipment made by ocean (ship) delivery
Collect - Used when goods is Collected by dealer/customer at WH
Other - Used when goods is transported in any other way
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ShipmentCarrierTransportMethodTypeEnumeratedType
Federal Express - Federal Express (FedEx)
Air Contact Transport - Air Contact Transport
Danzas - Danzas
Yellow Freight - Yellow Freight
United Parcel Service - United Parcel Service (UPS)
Motor Cargo - Motor Cargo
Averitt - Averitt
Chopper - Chopper
Command - Command
United States Postal Service - United States Postal Service (USPS)
California Overnight - California Overnight
Ryder Integrated Logistics Inc - Ryder Integrated Logistics Inc
Dedicated Logistics Inc - Dedicated Logistics Inc
Exel Logistics Inc - Exel Logistics Inc
Penske Logistics Inc - Penske Logistics Inc
Express Leasing Inc - Express Leasing Inc
Vanguard Global Services - Vanguard Global Services
Central Transport International Inc - Central Transport International Inc
Swift Transportation - Swift Transportation
Ottaway Motor Express - Ottaway Motor Express
Schneider National Carriers - Schneider National Carriers
Nebraska Transport Company - Nebraska Transport Company
Golden Gate Air Freight Inc - Golden Gate Air Freight Inc
Roadway Express Inc - Roadway Express Inc
United American Freight - United American Freight
Allen Logistics - Allen Logistics
Cross Country Courier - Cross Country Courier
Midwest Motor Express Inc - Midwest Motor Express Inc
RAC Transport - RAC Transport
Land Air Express - Land Air Express
Landstar Ranger Inc - Landstar Ranger Inc
Oak Harbor Freight Lines - Oak Harbor Freight Lines
Covenant Transport Inc - Covenant Transport Inc
Automotive Component Carrier Inc - Automotive Component Carrier Inc
North Shore Transportation Services Inc - North Shore Transportation Services Inc
Knight Transportation Inc - Knight Transportation Inc
JB Hunt - JB Hunt
Hollingsworth Expedited Lane Partner LLC - Hollingsworth Expedited Lane Partner LLC
First Class Expediting Service Inc - First Class Expediting Service Inc
Asconauto Logistica - Asconauto Logistica
Bartolini - Bartolini
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ShipmentCarrierCompanyEnumeratedType
0 Day - 0 Day is same day
1 Day - 1 Day is next day and/or overnight
2 Day - 2 Day
3 Day Deferred - 3 Day Deferred
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ShipmentCarrierServiceLevelEnumeratedType
Saturday - Shipment Carrier to make a Saturday delivery
Sunday - Shipment Carrier to make a Sunday delivery
Pick-up - Customer to pick-up item at Shipment Carrier depot.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ShipmentCarrierDeliveryEnumeratedType
Prepaid - The delivery has been paid for by the shipper.
Collect - The delivery will be paid for at the time of receipt.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ShipmentCarrierCollectionMethodEnumeratedType
Requested Labor Amount - Indicates the labor amounts requested by the dealer on the submitted transaction.
Requested Parts Amount - Indicates the part amounta requested by the dealer on the submitted transaction.
Requested Handling Amount - Indicates the part handling amount requested by the dealer on the submitted transaction.
Requested Other Amount - Indicates the net item amounts requested by the dealer on the submitted transaction.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: RequestedAmountTypeEnumeratedType
OEM - Manufacturer part number
ACDelco - ACDelco part number
Universal Product Code - Universal Product Code (UPC) part number
Vendor - Vendor part number
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ItemIDCategoryTypeEnumeratedType
Sales - The dealer performs sales services
Finance Available - The dealer has financing services available.
Rentals - The dealer has rental services available.
Warranty Servicing - The dealer has warranty servicing available.
Repairs - The dealer has repair services available.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DealerServiceTypeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: HoursTypeEnumeratedType
Monday - Monday
Tuesday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Wednesday
Thursday - Thursday
Friday - Friday
Saturday - Saturday
Sunday - Sunday
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DayOfWeekEnumeratedType
Dealer - Dealer location
Fleet - Fleet location
Approved Body Company - Approved Body Company location
Body Company Not Approved - Body Company Not Approved location
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LocationTypeEnumeratedType
Plant - The manufacturer palnt where vehicle is being manufacturered
Terminal - A carrier destination where pairing, decking, etc. takes place.
PDI - Nav International to provide description
Mod Center - A destination that is making modifications to a vehicle, e.g., a body shop.
On Road - In transit location.
Delay Location - Location if the delivery has been delayed.
Border - International border entry point.
Final Destination - Prescribed final destination.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LocationIDTypeEnumeratedType
Unpaired - The carrier has received the vehicle.
Paired - Pairing particular vehicles for shipment.
In Decking - During the process of establishing the order of vehicles and hooking vehicles together.
Decking Complete - The process of establishing the order of vehicles and the hooking of vehicles is complete.
Ready For Driver Assign - The driver may be assigned for the delivery.
Dispatched - Driver has been assigned to the delivery.
In Transit - Driver is in transit with delivery.
Final Delivery - Driver has made delivery to the destination.
In Production - Nav Intertional to provide description.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DeliveryProcessStateEnumeratedType
On Hold - The vehicle has been placed on hold.
Off Hold - The vehicle has been taken off hold.
On Delay - The vehicle delivery has been delayed.
Off Delay - The delay condition has been resolved.
Miscellaneous Problem - There is a problem with vehicle delivery.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EventTypeEnumeratedType
Fleet Charge Card Number - The number found on a Fleet Charge Card
Account Number - Any Dealer or OEM assigned account number
Fleet Account Number - Parent billing account for a range of Fleet Charge Card numbers.
Dealer Fleet Account Name - The official name associated with the Fleet Account Number.
Diners Club - Diners Club credit card
Visa - Visa credit card
Mastercard - Mastercard credit card
Optima - Optima credit card
Amex - Amex credit card
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: FleetAccountEnumeratedType
Excluding Downpayment - Subtotal amount excluding the down payment amount.
Other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SubtotalTypeCodeEnumeratedType
Etching - Theft deterrent item where the VIN is etched into the window of a vehicle
Theft Deterrent - A device sold by the dealer used to deter theft of a vehicle.
Surface Protection - Paint and/or undercoating protection applied to a vehicle
Used Vehicle Contract Cancellation Option Agreement - agreement that allows the customer to cancel the contract under certain conditions
Other - Other
N/A - Not Applicable
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DealerProductsTypeCodeEnumeratedType
Keep Vehicle OEM Finance - Retain current vehicle, outstanding balance financed from OEM.
Keep Vehicle Finance - Retain current vehicle, outstanding balance not financed from OEM.
Dealer Purchase - Return current vehicle to dealer. Dealer retains vehicle, paying with cheque/transfer
Dealer OEM Credit Facility - Return current vehicle to dealer. Dealer retains vehicle, financing with existing OEM credit facility.
Return Vehicle OEM Finance - Return current vehicle to dealer. Dealer returns vehicle to OEM finance
Undecided - No decision has been made.
Uncontactable - Could not contanct customer for a decision.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LeaseEndOptionVehicleDecisionEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LeaseEndOptionFinanceDecisionEnumeratedType
Renew Contract - Renew options contract, to finance a new vehicle.
Buy New OEM Finance - Not renewing contract, financing new vehicle with other finance package from OEM.
Buy New Finance - Not renewing contract, financing new vehicle from none-OEM source.
No New Vehicle - Not renewing contract, not taking a replacement vehicle.
Undecided - No decision has been made.
Uncontactable - The customer was not able to be contacted.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: RepairStatusCodeEnumeratedType
Modified - The repair has be reviewed and/or fixed.
Inspected - The issue has been reviewed and is waiting the appropriate action.
Incomplete - The repair has neither been reviewed nor modified.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AcquisitionMethodTypeCodeEnumeratedType
Direct Ship - Special purchasing arrangement direct from item creator only - do not stock from other sources.
Direct Ship PDC Backfill - Order via Direct Ship when qualifying - backfill from PDC.
PDC - Parts Distribution Center.
Other - Other.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartConditionCodeEnumeratedType
New - The part is in new condition.
Used - The part has been previously used.
Remanned - A refurbished or reconditioned part.
Core - Core
Other - Other.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartSalesRestrictionCodeEnumeratedType
0 - OK to sell the part
1 - Restricted distribution
2 - Not for Sale
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartOrderingRestrictionCodeEnumeratedType
0 - No restrictions
3 - Obsolete
4 - Non-USA part
5 - Out of Production
6 - No longer Procured
7 - Not yet Adopted
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: StockingLevelIndicatorCodeEnumeratedType
Regionally Stocked - Regionally stocked parts will arrive quicker and have lower shipping costs for ermergency orders.
Focused - Focus parts will have sufficient quantity to not stock out at a central location.
Normal - Normal stocking level.
Other - Other.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DistributionMethodCodeEnumeratedType
PDC - Orders are shipped from a Parts Distribution Center. This could be the OEM's warehouse.
Direct Ship - Item is directly shipped from the supplier's warehouse.
Production Only - Need a good Description here.
Other - Other.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: BuyPercentageRateAdjustmentTypeEnumeratedType
Addition - Indicates an addition to be made to the buy rate.
Subtraction - Indicates a subtraction to be made to the buy rate.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TaxCreditTypeEnumeratedType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TransferStatusEnumeratedType
Processed - The recommended transfer has been processed.
Unprocessed - The recommended transfer remains unprocessed.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PaymentLineTypeEnumeratedType
Parts - Parts
Labor - Labor
Lubrication - Lubrication
Core Amount - Core Amount
Freight - Freight
Sublet - Sublet
Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous
Shop Charge - Shop Charge
Paid - The asking price already included tax so it has been paid.
Not Paid - The asking price does not include tax so may not have been paid.
Not Applicable - Not Applicable
Other - Status not in this list.
OrderDate - Order date
OrderRequestDate - Order request date
OrderCreationDate - The date the order was created
OrderConfirmationDate - Order confirmation date
OrderAcknowledgeDate - Order acknowledge date
OriginalOrderDate - Original order date
OrderUpdateDate - Order update date
OrderChangeDate - Order change date
RequestedShipDate - Requested shipping date
EstimatedShipDate - Estimated shipping date
ConfirmedShipDate - Confirmed Shipping Date
PromisedShipDate - Promised shipping date
OriginalShipDate - Original shipping date
RequestedDeliveryDate - Requested delivery date
ConfirmedDeliveryDate - Confirmed delivery date
PromisedDeliveryDate - Promised delivery date
EstimatedDeliveryDate - Estimated delivery date
OriginalDeliveryDate - Original delivery date
InvoiceDate - Invoice date
OriginalInvoiceDate - Original invoice date
PaymentDate - Payment date
OriginalPaymentDate - Original payment date
Other - Other date code
MinimumBuyQuantity - The minimum quantity requires to purchase a part
MaximumBuyQuantity - Maximum buy quantity
MultipleBuyQuantity - Multiple buy quantity
ExceptionalBuyQuantity - Exceptional buy quantity
PackageQuantity - Part quantity in a package
ItemQuantity - Item quantity
SupersedingQuantity - Superseding quantity
SupersededQuantity - Superseded quantity
DistributionQuantity - Distribution quantity
MerchandiseQuantity - Merchandise Quantity
PriceBreakQuantity - Price Break required quantity
MinimumPriceBreakQuantity - Minimum Price Break required quantity
OrderQuantity - Quantity ordered
RequestedOrderQuantity - Requested order quantity
ConfirmedOrderQuantity - Confirmed order quantity
BackOrderQuantity - Back order quantity
BlockedQuantity - Blocked part quantity
AvailableQuantity - Quantity available
ShippedQuantity - Quantity shipped
InTransitQuantity - Quantity in transit
DeliveredQuantity - Quantity delivered
InvoicedQuantity - Invoiced Quantity
Other - Other quantity code
QuantityOnHand - The quantity of part currently in inventory.
QuantitySold - Quantity of part sold since last inventory.
QuantityOfLostSale - Potential quantity of sales lost due to non-inventory since last inventory.
QuantityOnOrder - Quantity of all outstanding orders not received into inventory.
QuantityReOrderPoint - Quantity that triggers dealer's reordering of part.
QuantityTwelveMonthSales - Quantity sold over last 12 months (rolling).
QuantityTwelveMonthLostSales - Quantity of lost sales over last 12 months (rolling).
BackOrderQuantity - Quantity of part on back order
QuantityOfReturn - Quantity of part returned since last inventory.
QuantityReserved - Quantity of part reserved for service.
QuantityDealerPartStocking - Dealer defined quantity that is to be stocked above the manufacturer recommended stocking level of the part.
QuantityAvailable - The quantity the dealer has available for release from inventory. It is traditionally defined as Quantity On Hand minus reserved or encumbered parts.
QuantityUserMin - User-defined minimum stocking quantity for a part.
QuantityUserMax - User-defined maximum stocking quantity for a part to be held in inventory.
QuantityBestStockingLevel - The optimal quantity of a part to keep on-hand based on dealer specified parameters.
AverageWeeklyUsageQuantity - The average weekly usage of a part as calculated by the dealer's DMS.
OrderQuantityReceived - Quantity of parts on an order that was received into inventory. Value should be month to date receipts for the calendar month.
LastReceiptQuantity - The last receipt quantity. Not month to date, but the last receipt quantity for the part number.
MinimumOrderQuantity - The number of items the dealer must order for the order to be processed.
QuantityBinning - Quantity of part binning.
QuantityInTransit - Quantity of part in transit.
NumberOfPicks - Number of picks of a part since last inventory.
FixedOrderQuantity - Fixed order quantity that the dealer orders when the reorder level is reached.
QuantityAdjustmentDaily - Part quantity adjustments that is being removed from or added to the part inventory excluding sales or purchases for the day.
CustomerReservedQuantity - Part inventory quantity reserved for customers.
ShipmentReservedQuantity - Part inventory quantity reserved for shipment.
SpecialOrderQuantity - Part inventory quantity reserved for special orders.
PackageQuantity - Part quantity in a package
ItemQuantity - Quantity of items
QuantityAllocated - Quantity allocated
JobQuantity - Quantity assigned to a job
FullBinQuantity - Quantity in a full bin
QuantitySoldHistory - Quantity sold history
QuantityDelivered - Quantity delivered
QuantityForecast - Quantity forecast
Other - Other quantity code
EXW - Ex Works
FCA - Free Carrier
CPT - Carriage Paid To
CIP - Carrier and Insurance Paid To
DAT - Delivered at Terminal
DAP - Delivered at Place
DDP - Delivered Duty Paid
FAS - Free Alongside Ship
FOB - Free On Board
CFR - Cost and Freight
CIF - Cost Insurance and Freight
DAF - Delivered at Frontier
DDU - Delivered Duty Unpaid
DEQ - Delivered ex quay (duty paid)
DES - Delivered ex ship
FH - Free House
UN - Not Free
LoadNumber - Shipment carrier-assigned load number
ETADate - Estimated time of arrival
OrderDate - Date order originally placed
TargetBuildDate - The date the OEM expects to build the vehicle
OriginalSoldDate - The date the item, e.g., a vehicle, engine, boat, part, etc. was sold.
DeliveredToDealer - Date a vehicle arrived at Dealer
DeliveredToCustomer - Date delivered to a Customer
AcquisitionMethod - Communicates the method of acquisition of the used vehicle. Sample Values: Auction, Trade-In
LocationID - The localtion where the vehicle is physically stored. Can be used to track the lot where the vehicle is sotored at.
Shipped - Vehicle has been shipped
Sold - Vehicle has been sonld
DealerInventoryDate - Date that the vehicle was added to the dealer's inventory.
VehiclePromoteStatus - Indicator if a vehicle is being advertised online.
VehicleHoldStatus - Indicator if vehicle has been held by customer or by dealer. E.g., Dealer Hold or Customer Hold (DH or CH).
Net Price - Net Price
List Price - List Price
Retail Price - Retail Price
Suggested Retail Price - Suggested Retail Price
Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price - Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price
Maximum Price - Maximum Price
Minimum Price - Minimum Price
Net Price including Tax - Net Price including Tax
Net Price excluding Tax - Net Price excluding Tax
Taxable Amount - Taxable Amount
Trade-In Price - Trade-In Price
Hold Back - Hold Back
Campaign Price - Campaign Price
Internet Price - Internet Price
Fleet price - Fleet price
National Fleet Price - National Fleet Price
Major Fleet Price - Major Fleet Price
Actual Cash Value - Actual Cash Value
Payoff - Payoff
Net Price including Surcharges and Discounts - Net Price including Surcharges and Discounts
Net Price including Surcharges - Net Price including Surcharges
Net Price including Discounts - Net Price including Discounts
Core Price - Core Price
Other - Other
Dealer Discount Amount - Dealer Discount Amount
OEM Discount Amount - OEM Discount Amount
Gross Discount Amount - Gross Discount Amount
Discount amount - Discount amount
Net Price including Discount - Net Price including Discount
Campaign Discount - Campaign Discount
Other - Other
Income tax - An income tax is a tax imposed on individuals or entities in respect of the income or profits earned by them, commonly called taxable income. Income tax generally is computed as the product of a tax rate times the taxable income. Taxation rates may vary by type or characteristics of the taxpayer and the type of income.
Payroll tax - Payroll taxes are taxes imposed on employers or employees, and are usually calculated as a percentage of the salaries that employers pay their employees
Capital gains tax - A capital gains tax (CGT) is a tax on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals, real estate, and property.
Property tax - The property tax is levied by the governing authority of the jurisdiction in which the property is located.
Estate tax - The estate tax is a federal tax on the transfer of the estate of a person who dies. The tax applies to property that is transferred by will or, if the person has no will, according to state laws of intestacy
Real estate tax - This tax may be imposed on real estate. The tax is nearly always computed as the fair market value of the property times an assessment ratio times a tax rate, and is generally an obligation of the owner of the property
Sales tax - Sales tax is a percentage of a product value, which is charged at the point of exchange or purchase.
Excise tax - An excise tax is a tax imposed on a specific good or activity. Excise taxes are commonly levied on cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, soda, gasoline, insurance premiums, amusement activities, and betting, and typically make up a relatively small and volatile portion of state and local and, to a lesser extent, federal tax collections.
User fee - A user fee is a fee, tax, or impost payment paid to a facility owner or operator by a facility user as a necessary condition for using the facility. People pay user fees for the use of many public services and facilities
Luxury tax - A luxury tax is a tax on luxury goods: products not considered essential. A luxury tax may be modeled after a sales tax or VAT, charged as a percentage on all items of particular classes, except that it mainly directly affects the wealthy because the wealthy are the most likely to buy luxuries such as expensive cars, jewelry, etc.
Inheritance tax - An inheritance tax is a tax paid by a person who inherits money or property of a person who has died.
Wholesale Sales Tax - The tax applied to individuals dealing with the wholesale distribution of goods or services is referred to as the wholesale sales tax.
Manufacturer Sales Tax - It is the tax charged on the creator/manufacturers of some distinct goods or services.
Retail Sales Tax - The tax applied on Sale of goods which is directly paid by the final customer is called as retail sales tax.
Use Tax - This is applicable when a consumer bought goods or services without paying sales tax. Vendors who are not part of the tax jurisdictions, Use Tax is applicable to them.
VAT - This is the additional tax that is applied by some central government on all kinds of purchases is referred to as Value-added Tax.
GST - Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value-added tax levied by the federal government. It is placed on almost all goods and services.
PST - Provincial Sales Tax (PST) is a tax levied by certain provinces in addition to GST. The tax amount varies by province.
HST - Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) is a combination of GST and PST that exists in some provinces. The goal is to make it easier to collect sales tax by only collecting one tax
QST - In Quebec, the provincial sales tax is called the Quebec Sales Tax (QST)
Other - Other type of tax.
Country - Country
State - State
Regional - Regional
City - City
Local - Local
Postal Code - Postal Code
Federal - Federal
Provincial - Provincial
National - National
County - County
Total Price - Total Price
Sub Total Price - Sub Total Price
Unit Price - Unit Price
Extended Price - Extended Price
Ready for transport - Ready for transport
Transporter notified - Transporter notified
Transporter accepted - Transporter accepted
Pickup inspection complete - Pickup inspection complete
In Transit - In Transit
Unloaded - Unloaded
Dropoff inspection complete - Dropoff inspection complete
Delivered - Delivered
Completed - Completed
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ActionCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AgencyRoleCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CategoryCodeEnumerationType
OUR - All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor.
BEN - All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor.
SHA - Transaction charges on the Sender's side are to be borne by the ordering customer. Transaction charges on the Receiver's side are to be borne by the beneficiary customer.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ChargeBearerCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ChargeCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ClassificationCodeEnumerationType
MLDB - Mail to Debitor
MLCD - Mail to Creditor
MLFA - Mail to Final agent
CRDB - Courier to debtor
CRCD - Courier to creditor
CRFA - Courier to final agent
PUDB - Pickup by debtor
PUCD - Pickup by creditor
PUFA - Pickup by final agent
RGDB - Registered mail to debtor
RGCD - Registered mail to creditor
RGFA - Registered mail to final agent
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ChequeDeliveryMethodCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ChequeInstructionCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ContactLocationCodeEnumerationType
Completeness -
Existence or Occurance -
Presentation and Disclosure -
Rights and Obligations -
Valuation or Measurement -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ControlAssertionEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString CountryCodeEnumerationType
Risk Assessment -
Monitoring -
Control Environment -
Control Activities -
Information and Communication -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ControlComponentEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CountryCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CountrySubdivisionCodeEnumerationType
CASH - Cash management transfer.
CORT - Payment made in settlement of a trade
DIVI - Dividend.
GOVT - Government payment.
HEDG - Hedging
INTC - Intra-company payment
INTE - Interest
LOAN - Loan. Transfer of loan to borrower.
PENS - Pension payment
SALA - Salary payment
SECU - Securities.
SSBE - Social security benefit. Payment made by government to support individuals.
SUPP - Supplier payment
TAXS - Tax payment
TRAD - Trade.
TREA - Treasury payment
VATX - Value added Tax payment
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CreditTransferCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: clm54217:CurrencyCodeContentType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DayOfWeekCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DebitCreditCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DeliveryPointCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EMailFormatCodeEnumerationType
amendment - An activity to add information to product data
analysis - An activity to determine the behavior of an element under certain physical circumstances
cancellation - An activity to delete an element from the bill of material or to cancel he whole bill of material
deliveryChange - An actity to change the delivery schedule of an element
designChange - An activity to change the design of an item or an assembly; this might include changes to the geometry or to the properties of the object
design - An activity concerning the development of a design of an item
mockUpCreation - An activity to create an experimental model or replica of an item
protoypeBuilding - An activity to manufacture a preliminary version of an item
rectification - An activity to correct the data, documentation or structure associated wih an item
restructuring - An activity to create an new structure or position within a bill of material without changin the data associated with the items in the bill of material
sparePartCreation - An activity to design a spare part or to classify an item as a spare part
stopNotice - An activity to stop the manufacturing process of an item
testing - An activity to test an item
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineeringActivityCodeEnumerationType
designDeviationPermit - An authorization for a deviation from the approved design data
designRelease - An auhorization for the design of a product or of an item or o create a bill of material
managementResolution - An authorization by a committee, such as the board of directos, to design or change an item
manufacturingRelease - An authorization for the manufacturing process of a product or of an item
productionDeviationPermit - An authorization for a deviation from the approved manufacturing process
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineeringWorkOrderCodeEnumerationType
ChangeOfStandard - A request to translate a change to a standard into action
CostReduction - A request aimed at reducing the engineering and manufacturing costs of an item
CustomerRejection - A request resulting from a rejection by a customer
CustomerRequest - A request for an activity that is necessary to solve the request of a customer
DurabilityImprovement - A request aimed at extending the life time of an item
GovernmentRegulation - A request resulting from legal requirements
ProcurementAlignment -
ProductionAlignment -
ProductionRelief -
ProductionRequirement -
QualityImprovement -
SecuriyReason -
Standardization -
SupplierRequest -
TechnicalImprovement -
ToolImprovement -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineeringWorkRequestCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineeringWorkRequestCodeEnumerationType
CHQB - Pay creditor only by cheque. The creditor's account number must not be specified.
HOLD - Hold cash for creditor. Creditor will call; pay upon identification.
PHOB - Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by phone.
TELB - Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by the most efficient means of telecommunication.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString FinalAgentInstructionCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: FreightTermCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: GenderCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: IncotermsCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString clm5639:LanguageCodeContentType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LicenseTypeCodeEnumerationType
Divorced -
Married -
NeverMarried -
Separated -
SignificantOther -
Widowed -
Unknown -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MaritalStatusCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MatchCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MatchDocumentEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: clmIANAMIMEMediaTypes:BinaryObjectMimeCodeContentType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartyCategoryCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartyRoleCodeEnumerationType
InvoiceDate -
ShippingDate -
DeliveryDate -
PurchaseOrderDate -
ReceiptOfGoodsDate -
AcceptanceOfGoodsDate -
AcceptanceOfOrderDate -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PaymentBasisCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString PaymentPurposeCodeEnumerationType
Cash -
Cheque -
CreditCard -
DebitCard -
ElectronicFundsTransfer -
ProcurementCard -
BankDraft -
PurchaseOrder -
CreditTransfer -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PaymentMethodCodeEnumerationType
ACH - Payment has to be executed through an Automated Clearing House
RTGS - Payment has to be executed through Real time gross settlement system.
Fednet - Payment has to be executed through FedNet
CHIPS - Payment has to be executed through CHIPS.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString PaymentSchemeCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PaymentTermCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ProcessCategoryEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ReasonCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: RecurrencePatternCodeEnumerationType
FAX - Remittance advice information needs to be faxed.
EDI - Remittance advice information needs to be sent through Electronic Data Interchange.
URI - Remittance advice information needs to be sent to a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URI is a compact string of characters that uniquely identify an abstract or physical resource. URI's are the super-set of identifiers, such as URLs, email addresses, ftp sites, etc, and as such, provide the syntax for all of the identification schemes.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString RemitLocationMethodCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ResourceTypeCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ResponseActionCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ResponseCodeEnumerationType
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations -
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations -
Reliability of Financial Statements -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString RiskTypeEnumerationType
LiteratureRequest -
NewLead -
DeadContent -
TrafficReport -
Sold -
EMail -
Letter -
Fax -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SalesActivityCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString SalesTaskCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: StateCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SystemEnvironmentCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TransferCodeEnumerationType
Length Overall - The overall length of the boat.
Length Of Deck - The length of the boat's deck.
Length At Water Line - The length of the boat at the water line.
Nominal Length - The nominal or advertised length of the boat.
Max Draft - Maximum Draft
Drive Up - Draft with engine up.
Drive Down - Draft with engine down.
Keel Up - Draft with keel up.
Keel Down - Draft with keel down.
Power - A boat propelled by an internal-combustion engine
Fish - A vessel for fishing;
Sail - A boat which uses the wind as its primary means of propulsion.
Personal Water Craft - Personal Water Craft or PWC is a power driven ship that- has a fully enclosed hull; and does not take on water if capsized; and is designed to be operated by a person standing, sitting astride, or kneeling on it, but not seated within it
Small Boats - Dinghies, rafts, kayaks, canoes, row boats and other forms of smaller floatable vessels.
Commercial - A vessel used for commerce, for-profit activities, or trade.
Air Boat - Also called fan boats, these are flat-bottomed punts powered by a propeller attached to an automobile or aircraft engine.
Aluminum Fish Boats - A type of boat used primary for fishing constructed of an alumium body.
Antique and Classics - Includes wooden hull boats, antique as determined by age, or no longer supported by the boat builder.
Barge - A large, flat-bottomed vessel for carrying cargo, towed behind or pushed by a tugboat.
Bass Boats - Low, flat-bottomed powerboat usually equipped with an outboard as well as small trolling motor.
Bay Boats - Low profile, inshore fishing boat intended for use in protected coastal waters, and frequently made with rolled edge construction.
Beach Catamarans - A small, lightweight sailboat less than 25ft long that can be easily launched and retrieved from a beach.
Bluewater Fishing - Mid to large V-hulled boat suitable for offshore fishing, typically fitted with outriggers, fish boxes, aluminum towers, a host of electronics and large fuel tank.
Bowrider - A runabout with seating area in the bow.
Canoe - A long narrow boat propelled by paddles or a paddle.
Center Consoles - A fishing boat with helm station located amidships for maximum walk through space around the perimeter of the boat.
Charter - A boat rental either 1. with paid crew, called a crewed charter or 2. without paid crew, called a bareboat charter.
Combination Carrier - A ship for transportation of both liquid and dry bulk cargoes.
Commercial Boats - Boats used for activities which receive payment, such as fishing boats, hire boats, etc.
Crabber - Crab fishing boats which vary in shape and size, from aluminum skiffs with outboard motors that fish the inside waters for Dungeness, to seagoing vessels of 100' or more that fish for king crab. The decks of a crabber are usually stacked with pots.
Crew - A rowing boating used in the sport of crew. Also a large powerful boat used for tranporting crew members or supplies.
Cruisers - A boat where living accomodations and comfort are given precedence over performance and speed.
Cuddy Cabin - Small cabin below decks with limited space for shelter or amenities.
Cutter - Similar to a sloop, a single-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel.
Convertible Boats - Powerboat with a flying bridge, outfitted with both fishing gear and comfortable accomodations.
Daysailers - A boat without a cabin used for short sails or racing.
Deck Boats - A boat with a single-level deck and often rails or gunnels all around. A runabout with an extra wide bow seating area.
Dinghies - A small boat used as tender or a small racing boat.
Dive Boat - A powerboat specially equipped to support SCUBA and other diving operations.
Dragger - A fishing boat operating a trawl or dragnet.
Dual Console - A type of boat with twin dashboards separated by a centerline walk-through-deck leading to the bow.
Express Cruiser - A planing powerboat with a comfortable cockpit for entertaining, helm on the same level, and cabin below. A crusing boat without a deck-level salon.
Flats Boats - A shallow-draft boat, usually fiberglass, with tilting outboard engines to allow access to shallow water and saltwater flats for fishing.
Flybridge - A high steering position above the normal wheelhouse on a power cruiser.
Folding Boat - A small collapsible boat typically ranging between 8 to 12 feet. Typically made of highly bouyant material some designs literally can be folded for stowage and off water transport.
Freshwater Fishing - Any fishing boat used in fresh water. Boat may not be equipped to handle the harsh saltwater environment.
High Performance Boats - A watercraft that can exceed 50 miles per hour.
House Boats - Boxy, flat-bottomed or pontoon boat usually used in lakes and rivers.
Inflatables - An inflatable boat or personal floatation device (life jacket)
Jet Boats - A waterfraft propelled by an engine that drives a jet pump and has no external propeller.
Jon Boats - Multi-purpose camping, fishing and hunting craft, typically aluminum and powered by a small outboard or oars.
Kayak - A light, closed, narrow, generally sea-going boat propelled by single- or double-bladded paddles.
Ketch - Two-masted sailing rig in which the mizzen (aft) mast is shorter than the main mast and stepped in front of the rudder post.
Longliner - A type of fishing vessel that is used to fish different species with equipment to support longline fishing, which entails suspending baited hooks at intervals on droppers from a heavy main line that may extend many feet or kilometres.
Mega Yachts - A pleasure yacht, usually worth more than 1 million dollars with full time paid captain and crew. A "Megayacht" is a motoryacht in excess of 100 feet LOA
Motor Yachts - A large and luxurious powerboat designed for comfortable cruising.
Motorsailers - A boat that is designed for propulsion by both sails and engine power, either alternately or simultaneously OR a sailboat with a larger than normal engine and spacious accomodations designed to motor moe and sail less than typical sailboats.
Multi-Hulls - A boat designed with more than one hull, such as a catamaran or trimaran.
Other - Boat class not known or specified.
Passenger - A powerboat designed for the transportation of people.
Personal Watercraft - PWC; small, jet-driven one- or two-seater motorboat, also called a wet bike.
Pilothouse - The place on a vessel that houses the helm and protects the helmsperson from the elements.
Pontoon Boats - A flat, usually square deck boat with aluminum, steel or composite pontoons.
Power Catamarans - A multihulled powerboat with two identical side-by-side hulls.
Power Cruisers - A powerboat with overnight accommodations, typically up to 40 feet long.
Processor - Also known as a factory ship, processors receive a fish catch from other boats. They, gut, package and freeze the catch. This allows the fish to be frozen as soon as possible after catch, and permits the boat(s) to stay at sea longer before returning to port to unload the packaged catch.
Racers and Cruisers - A fast sailboat designed with comfortable accommodations, often 'one design' yachts that are eligible for one design class racing
Racers - A boat designed for speed and ease of handling, often at the expense of comfort.
Runabouts - A powerboat less than 25 feet designed for cruising and watersports. May have outboard or sterndrive engine.
Saltwater Fishing - Any fishing boat used in the ocean or coastal waters that's specially equipped to handle the harsh saltwater environment
Schooner - Fore-and-aft rigged sailing vessel with two to six masts, with the fore mast shorter than the main mast.
Sea Kayak - An ocean going or seaworthy kayak, able to withstand adverse conditions of weather and sea.
Seiner - A seiner is so named because it fishes with a net called a seine that is laid out in a circle around a school of fish and drawn into a purse that closes the bottom, trapping the catch inside.
Ski and Fish - A powerboat designed for both towing waterskiers and recreational fishing
Ski and Wakeboard Boats - Low profile, pleasure boats with minimal deadrise specifically designed for waterskiing and/or wakeboarding.
Skiff - A small open boat, generally with an outboard engine.
Sloop - A boat with a single mast and working sails(genoa and main)set fore and after respectively.
Sports Fishing Boats - A type of bluewater fishing boat with at least two sleeping cabins and many dedicated fish-fighting features
Sternpicker - Also known as a gillnetter, this type of boat is used in troll, crab and sport fishery. Usually 30-40 feet long, with curtain-like nets
Submarine - A vessel that can operate submerged.
Tender - A small boat used to transport persons, gear, and supplies to and from a yacht or other pleasure vessel, a dinghy.
Troller - Used primarily on the salmon grounds off southeast Alaska and in deep-ocean albacore tuna fisheries, these fishing boats range in size from small skiffs to offshore boats of up to seventy feet.
Tug - A boat used to maneuver, primarily by towing or pushing other vessels in harbours, over the open sea or through rivers and canals. They are also used to tow barges, disabled ships, or other equipment like towboats.
Tuna - A fishing boat equipped with a tall aluminum "tuna tower" used for spotting fish in the distance, often equipped with a second set of helm controls.
Unspecified - Boat class is unknown or not specified
Utility Boats - Small, inexpensive all purpose boats similar to jon boats. Typically constructed of steel with flat bottoms.
Walkarounds - A open motorboat with cockpit-level deck access all around the console or cabin.
Yawl - A two-masted sailboat with a main mast and smaller mizzen mast stepped after of the rudder post.
Angler - An open fishing boat designed for offshore or large bays and lakes
Downeast - A type of yacht used traditionally for lobster and other types of fishing off the coast of Maine, normally measuring between 20 and 50 feet in length.
Submersible - A craft that can go underwater and explore, and collect samples.
Trawlers - Large, long distance powerboats with stable, comfortable cabins and creature comforts for living aboard.
Cargo Ship - General purpose freight ship. Often configured with onboard cranes for autonomous materials handling.
Container Ship - Ship designed to efficiently transport standard 20 and 40 foot shipping containers.
Cruise Ship - Large passenger ship designed for ocean cruising and providing comfortable accommodation and resort-like facilities.
Dredger - Specialized vessel for excavating the sea floor to provide depth in harbors and navigation channels.
Ferry - Passenger and/or roll-on roll-off vehicle carrying ship designed for scheduled sea, lake or river crossings.
Fire Boat - Fire-fighting boat.
Floatel - Floating accommodation barge. Typically used for accommodating construction or drilling workers close to work site.
Floating Dry Dock - High sided semi-submersible barge that provides floating dry-dock facilities.
Ice Breaker - Powerful heavily built ship designed to clear navigation channels in frozen seas.
Landing Craft - Shallow draft vessel used for landing vehicles, passengers or animals in shallow waters and beaches.
Life Boat - Rugged boat carried aboard ships for use in the event of emergency.
Patrol Boat - High performance ship used for marine security. Typically naval or coastguard type vessels.
Pilot Boat - High performance work boat designed with good seakeeping qualities and wide deck access for delivering port pilots to and from visiting ships.
Platform Barge - Flat decked barge for carrying cranes, excavators or other heavy equipment on the water.
Rescue Boat - Specialist high performance vessel designed to rescue mariners in distress in the roughest of sea conditions.
Research Ship - Ship equipped for exploration or other research work at sea. Self-contained for extended periods at sea.
Supply Ship - Offshore support and supply vessel.
Tanker - Crude oil or gas carrier
Water Taxi - Small shuttle boat for carrying passengers short distances around harbours, marinas or islands.
Dory - Open boat with highly stable cathedral hull configuration. Popularly used as a tender, for fishing and in club safety work.
Lobster Boat - Open water work boat designed for easy transport, setting and recovery of lobster pots.
Aft Cabin - Power cruiser with an aft cabin.
Hover Craft - An air-cushion vehicle capable of operating over water or land. Used both recreationally and commercially.
Hydrofoil - Fast motor boat with wing-like foils attached to the hull. Designed to raise the hull out of the water at speed.
Hydroplane - Racing power boat designed for high speed over the water with minimal surface contact.
Motor Barge - European motor barges traditionally used for cargo, but now being built as cruising and liveaboard barges.
Narrow Boat - Narrow beam boat designed to navigate the narrow British canal network. Originally working cargo boats; now entirely recreational.
Rigid Cabin Inflatable - Large inflatable with enclosed cabin accommodation or wheelhouse.
Rigid Dive and Rescue Inflatable - Heavy duty rigid inflatable designed for easy entry and recovery from the water.
Rigid Sports Inflatable - Recreational inflatable designed for passenger comfort and/or high performance. Commonly used as a yacht tender or runabout day boat.
River Cruiser - Shallow draft and low air-draft full displacement motor cruiser designed for inland waterways. Typically configured with a modest single engine.
Roll Up Inflatable - Soft floor inflatable that can be deflated and stowed in a locker or car trunk.
Side Console - Sports or fishing boat with a single console offset to one side.
Sports Cruiser - Equivalent to an Express Cruiser; more commonly used in Europe.
Gulet - Large wooden heavily constructed Turkish motor sailing yacht. Typically 50 to 100+ feet in length
Sailing Barge - European sailing barges traditionally used for cargo, but now being built and used as cruising and liveaboard barges.
Rowing Shell - Single, double, four or eight man sculling or rowing boat. Generally constructed in either racing or recreational styles.
Duck Boat - A boat developed for the primary purpose of hunting water fowl.
Deck Saloon - A sailing yacht with a raised saloon, but no inside steering position.
Center Cockpit - Sailing vessel with cockpit located amidships, allowing for a larger aft cabin
Catamaran - Two hulled sailing vessel
Trimaran - Three hulled sailing vessel
Aluminum - The primary material used for construction of the hull is aluminum
Composite - Material used for construction of the hull is a composite - often plastics reinforced with fibers other than (or in addition to) glass
Ferro Cement - The primary material used for construction of the hull is Ferro Cement, a type of steel reinforced cement
Fiberglass - The primary material used for construction of the hull is fiberglass
Hypalon - The primary material used for construction of the hull is Hypalon, a trademark for chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) synthetic rubber (CSM) noted for its resistance to chemicals, temperature extremes, and ultraviolet light. It is a product of DuPont Performance Elastomers.
Other - Other
PVC - The primary material used for construction of the hull is PVC
Roplene - The primary material used for construction of the hull is roplene, a type of roto-molded plastic.
Steel - The primary material used for construction of the hull is steel
Wood - The primary material used for construction of the hull is wood
Carbon Fiber - The primary material used for construction of the hull is carbon fiber, a space age, relatively expensive material.
Rubber - The primary material used for construction of the hull is rubber
Cold-Molded - Cold-molded hulls are made over a male form using thin strips of wood, stapled and then epoxied in place. That is repeated with the strips going in alternating diagonal directions. Sometimes there is an outer layer of fiberglass as well.
3/4 Keel - A keel with length approximately 75% as long as the boat's hull.
Detachable Keel - A keel design that can be removed for transport and stowage. See daggerboard, centreboard or retractable.Â
Full Keel - A keel with length approximately as long as the boat's hull
Fin Keel - A keel shaped like the fin of a fish that is shorter and deeper than a full-length keel.
Ocean Keel - A canting keel with large bulb found on ocean going racing yachts.
Retractable Keel - A keel design that can be raised or lowered for movement in shallow water or for transportation
Other - Keel type is unknown or unlisted
Twin Keel - Two fin keels side by side enabling the yacht to sit upright when out of the water. Also known as a bilge keel.
Bulb Keel - A type of fin keel with a bulb at the bottom to lower the centre of gravity
Winged Keel - A type of bulb keel but with a wing.
Lifting Keel - A keel that pivots on it's forward edge enabling the keel to be lifted. Also known a a Swing Keel.
Daggerboard Keel - A keel that can be raised vertically (usually by electric or hydraulic means) to reduce draught. May also be referred to as centreboard or retractable.
Canting Keel - A canting keel is a form of sailing ballast, suspended from a rigid canting strut beneath the boat, which can be swung to windward of a boat under sail, in order to counteract the heeling force of the sail. The canting keel must be able to pivot to either port or starboard, depending on the current tack
Triple Keel - Three fin keels side by side enabling the yacht to sit upright when out of water.
Centerboard - A retractable keel which pivots out of a slot in the hull of a sailboat, known as a centerboard trunk (US) or case.
Catamaran - A hull design consisting of two hulls joined by a frame
Deep Vee - A hull shape characterized by a sharp deadrise, typically more than 20 degrees
Displacement - A hull shape designed to run through water rather than on top of it in the manner of a planing hull.
Flat - Typically a small open boat such as a jon boat, intended for use on calm waters such as ponds, small lakes, and slow rivers.
Foldable - A type of boat hull design that folds for stowage or transport, including inflatables.
Modified Vee - A modification of the deep-V hull shape with a deadrise of less than 20 degrees
Monohull - A type of boat having only one hull
Other - Hull Design not known or specified
Pontoon - A type of boat with a flat deck attached to airtight flotation tubes or logs.
RIB - Rigid Inflatable Boat: An inflatable boat fitted with a rigid bottom
Roll-up - An inflatable hull that can be rolled up for storage
Round Bottom - Boats having a round shaped bottom for moving through water easily at slow speeds. Examples include some trawlers, canoes and sailboats
Sea-V2 - A SeaV2 hull design has no two places on the keel where the deadrise is the same. The vee continuously sharpens from the transom to the bow stem
Semi Displacement - A hull shape with soft chines or a rounded bottom that enables the boat to achieve minimal planing characteristics.
Trimaran - A multihull design consisting of a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls attached to the main hull with lateral struts
Tunnel - A catamaran. Essentially two deep-v hulls joined by a platform/cockpit area. This design offers benefits in stability, speed, and roominess
Inflatable Rigid - A type of boat with air chambers into which air is pumped either manually or automatically for buoyancy without a rigid bottom.
Inflatable Non Rigid - A type of boat with air chambers into which air is pumped either manually or automatically for buoyancy, without a rigid bottom.
Inflatable Ridged - Deprecated: Use Inflatable Rigid
Inflatable Non Ridged - Deprecated: Use Inflatable Non Rigid
Inflatable Ridgid - Deprecated: Use Inflatable Rigid
Inflatable Non Ridgid - Deprecated: Use Inflatable Non Rigid
Planing - Hulls designed to ride on top of the water, regardless of the weight of the boat.
Port - Port
Center Port - Center Port
Starboard - Starboard
Center Starboard - Center Starboard
Center - Center
Bow - Bow
Dry Load - No load.
Half Load - 50 percent load
Full Load - 100 percent load
Water - Water
Grey Water - Water that has been used for one purpose but can be used again without repurification.
Black Water - Waste water that needs purification or other processing before it can be reused.
Fuel - Any material that is burnt or altered in order to obtain energy.
Ballast - Controls buoyancy and stability.
Other - Usage not defined in this list.
Water Heater -
Steel - Steel
Stainless Steel - Stainless Steel
Aluminum - Aluminum
Plastic - Plastic
GRP - Glass Re-enforced Plastic
Other - Usage not defined in this list.
Bathroom - Bathroom
Head - Head or toilet
Cabin - Cabin
Stateroom - Stateroom
SingleBerth - A single room or bunk.
TwinBerth - A twin room or bunk.
DoubleBerth - A twice the size of a single berth room or bunk.
Other - A type not defined in this list.
angstrom - Angstrom
A - Paper Size
nanometer - Nanometer
normal metric - Normal Metric
micron - Micron
millimeter - Millimeter
centimeter - Centimeter
decimeter - Decimeter
meter - Meter
kilometer - Kilometer
yottameter - Yotta Meter
milli-inch - Milli-Inch
inch - Inch
feet - Feet
yard - Yard
hand - Hand
link - Link
chain - Chain
span - Span
cubit - Cubit
vara - Vara
fathom - Fathom
rod - Rod
perch - Perch
pole - Pole
furlong - Furlong
cable - Cable
nautical mile - Nautical Mile
league - League
degree - Degree
pixel - Pixels do not have a fixed size; their diameters are generally measured in micrometers (microns). Although the pixel is not a unit of measurement itself, pixels are often used to measure the resolution (or sharpness) of images. As a hypothetical example, a 600 x 1000 pixel image has 4 times the pixel density and is thus 4 times sharper than a 300 x 500 pixel image, assuming the two images have the same physical size.
mile - Mile
gram - Gram
kilogram - Kilogram
ounce - Ounce
pound - Pound
ton - Ton
grain - Grain
scruple - Scruple
carat - Carat
pennyweight - Penny Weight
dram - Dram
stone - Stone
quarter - Quarter
slug - Slug
metric ton - Metric Ton
long ton - Long Ton
milliliter - Milliliter
cubic centimeter - Cubic Centimeter
cubic meter - Cubic Meter
liter - Liter
fluid ounce - Fluid Ounce
pint - Pint
quart - Quart
gallon - Gallon
gill - Gill
board foot - Board Foot
peck - Peck
cubic inch - Cubic Inch
cubic foot - Cubic Foot
cubic yard - Cubic Yard
bushel - Bushel
barrel - Barrel
hogshead - Hogshead
tun - Tun
stere - Stere
chaldron - Chaldron
register ton - Register Ton
cord - Cord
acre foot - Acre Foot
acre inch - Acre Inch
imperial gallon - A traditional unit of volume equal to about 1.201 U.S. liquid gallon or 4.546 liters. In Canada, the term "Imperial" is used frequently to distinguish the British Imperial units from the corresponding U.S. units.
square meter - Square Meter
square kilometer - Square Kilometer
square inch - Square Inch
square foot - Square Foot
square yard - Square Yard
square mile - Square Mile
square rod - Square Rod
circular inch - Circular Inch
circular mil - Circular Millimeter
acre - Acre
rood - Rood
hectare - Hectare
township - Township
cup -
c -
tablespoon (US) -
tbsp (US) -
tblsp (US) -
tablespoon (UK) -
tbsp (UK) -
tblsp (UK) -
teaspoon (US) -
tsp (US) -
teaspoon (UK) -
tsp (UK) -
drop -
dash -
pinch -
fluid ounce (US) -
fluid ounce (UK) -
fl oz -
pint (US liq.) -
pint (US dry) -
pint (UK) -
quart (US liq.) -
quart (US dry) -
liter -
gallon (US liq.) -
gallon (US dry) -
gallon (UK) -
peck -
bushel -
gill (US) -
gill (UK) -
fluid dram -
fluiddram -
fl dr -
coffeespoon -
miles per hour - Miles Per Hour
meters per second - Meters Per Second
kilometers per hour - Kilometers Per Hour
knots - Knots
nautical miles per hour - Nautical Miles Per Hour
mach - Mach
gallons per hour - Gallons Per Hour
liters per hour - Liters Per Hour
revolutions per minute - Revolutions Per Minute (rpm)
foot per second - foot per second (ft/s)
meter per second - meter per second (m/s)
miles per gallon - miles per gallon
meters per liter - meters per litre
nanosecond - Nanosecond
microsecond - Microsecond
millisecond - Millisecond
second - Second
minute - Minute
hour - Hour
day - Day
week - Week
month - Month
year - Year
decade - Decade
century - Century
millennium - Millennium
percentage of hour - Percentage of hour
horsepower - The US horsepower measurement
metric horsepower - The UK horsepower measurement. This is slighly less than the US measurement.
kilowatt - A common metric unit of power, equivalent to 1000 watts, about 1.341 022 horsepower, or 737.562 foot-pounds per second.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xfUOMcl:VolumeUnitsContentType xfUOMcl:SpeedUnitsContentType
ampere - Ampere(amps)
cold cranking ampere - Cold Cranking Ampere(CCA)
volt - Volt(V)
kilowatt hour - kilowatt hour (kWH)
megapascal - megapascal (MPa)
pound per square inch - pound per square inch (lbf/in2 or psi)
bit - The basic unit of the amount of data. Each bit records one of the two possible answers to a single question: "0" or "1," "yes" or "no," "on" or "off."
byte - A unit of information used in computer engineering. Technically the byte is a unit of addressable memory, and its size can vary depending on the machine or the computing language. However, in most contexts the byte is equal to 8 bits.
kilobit - A unit of information equal to 1000 bits, or, in some cases, equal to 1024 bits or 128 bytes. The larger unit is now supposed to be called a kibibit.
kilobyte - A unit of information equal to 1000 bytes. As a unit of computer storage, however, the kilobyte is usually equal to 1024 bytes, although this should now be called a kibibyte.
megabyte - A unit of information equal to 1 000 000 bytes, but sometimes it means 1 048 576 bytes
gigabyte - A unit of information equal to 1 000 000 000 bytes, but sometimes it means 1 073 741 824 bytes.