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STAR Web Services

Quick Start Guide

Version 2009v1

Jonathan Wilson


Russell Shephard


Daniel Hicks


Charlie Quirt


Michelle Vidanes


Table of Contents

I. Revision History
II. Preface
II.I. Purpose
II.II. Scope
II.III. Audience
II.IV. STAR Organization
1. Web Services
1.1. Web Services Overview
1.2. Web Services Benefits
2. Web Services Development Frameworks
2.1. Overview
2.2. Microsoft .NET
2.2.1. Web Service Enhancements
2.3. Java
2.3.1. Java Web Services
2.3.2. Apache Axis 1.4
2.3.3. Apache Axis 2
2.3.4. XML RPC
3. Web Services Development Tools
3.1. .NET Tools
3.2. Java Tools
3.3. Cross-platform
4. Web Services Testing Tools
4.1. Overview
4.3. OxygenXML
4.4. XML Spy Enterprise
5. .NET Examples
5.1. Obtaining the STAR WSDLs
5.2. Scope and Limitation
5.3. Objectives
5.4. Prerequisites
5.5. .NET Walkthrough
5.5.1. .NET Service
5.5.2. .NET Client
6. Java Examples
6.1. JAX-WS 2.x
6.1.1. Prerequisites
6.1.2. JAX-WS Walkthrough
6.2. Apache Axis 2
6.2.1. Prerequisites
6.2.2. Apache Axis 2 Walkthrough
A. Development Resources
Works Cited

List of Figures

5.1. WSDL Extract
5.2. Visual Studio 2003 Command Prompt
5.3. Create ASP.NET Web Service
5.4. Rename Service1.asmx
5.5. Rename StarWebService
5.6. Set URL for Web Service
5.7. Add Web Method to ProcessMessage
5.8. Add Web Method to Pull Message
5.9. Add Web Method to Put Message
5.10. Update Process Message
5.11. Add Playload Response
5.12. Modify ASMX Web Service
5.13. Deployed Web Service
5.14. Create .NET Client
5.15. Create Windows Form
5.16. Add Web Reference
5.17. Create Function Process Request
5.18. Copy sample BOD
5.19. Client Results
6.1. Import Source
6.2. JAX-WS Deploy Endpoint
6.3. Axis 2 Generate Service
6.4. Axis 2 Modify Skelton
6.5. Axis 2 Generate AAR
6.6. Axis 2 Deploy Service
6.7. Axis 2 Admin Page
6.8. Axis 2 Available Services
6.9. Axis 2 Generate Client Code