Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail

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4. STAR Organization

The goal of the Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail (STAR) organization is to develop and promote the use of voluntary information technology (IT) standards as a catalyst to fulfill the business information needs of dealers and manufacturers while reducing the time and effort previously required.  

To accomplish this goal, STAR has developed a series of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to address specific points of interest in the retail automotive industry.  These SIGs, comprised of voluntary participants from member organizations, are chartered with:

  1. Developing and maintaining standard messaging formats for dealer communications.  STAR currently supports two formats:

  2. Establishing a common messaging architecture for transmitting standard message formats promoting interoperability among retail system providers (RSPs) and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) throughout the retail automotive industry. The Architecture  SIG produces a series of documents referred to as the Transport Package that includes: