Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail

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            Chapter 5, .NET Examples
            Chapter 6, Java Examples            

Overview. This section will provide the reader with STAR web service implementation examples for a number of the development frameworks.  The implementation examples have been contributed by the STAR members that are currently implementing the web services.  Currently there are only a few implementation examples available.  As STAR receives examples for additional development frameworks, they will be added to future releases of the STAR Web Services Quick-Start guide.

Obtaining the STAR WSDLs. The STAR WSDLs can be found in the STAR Schema Repository. The zip file containing the latest released version of the repository can be downloaded from the XML Schemas area on the STAR website. The zip file is named, where XXX represents the current revision number. Milestone and Draft releases of the STAR Schema Repository can also be downloaded from the STAR Portal Site. They are located in the XML and DTS Workgroup section of the Documents repository on the portal.The WSDL files are located in the "STAR\RevX.X.X\WSDL\Templates" subdirectory of the repository zip file (where "X.X.X" represents the release revision number).