
Uses the Component: ShowType

The Show verb is used when sending the information about a specific instance of a business document or entity. The Show verb may be used to respond to a Get request or it can be used in a publish scenario, where it pushes information to other applications based on a business event.Although BODs based on this verb do not commonly cause updates to occur, there may be times when the component receiving the Show decides to use the information it receives to update. This is entirely the decision of the receiving software component and is not forbidden.The behavior of the Show verb is quite straight forward with one exception. The Show response to any Get request needs to read the request carefully to ensure the response is returning the requested Data Types.

Fields and Components

Table 5.4. Fields and Components

Name Description Occurrence Type Data Type User Notes

The record number identifying the first record returned in the Show response.  The producer of the Show response generates this number. It used by the requesting system to determine the start number of the subsequent Get request.


Number of records in the recordSet.


Number of records in the recordSet.


Indicates whether this is the last segment of the recordSet.


Unique identifier of the RecordSet. It is generated by the producer of the Show response as a result of the original Get request.


A copy of the ApplicationArea for the original BOD that was processed. Present either as additional reference information, or for use in identifying the BOD in situations where a BODReference is not known.


ResponseCriteria identifies the content that is returned, given a Get query success or the response from the Process. In essence, the expression here has the effect of filtering the part(s) of the found element(s) that are to be returned. ReturnCriteria plays no role in the query itself or the process. That is handled as a match against the request BOD's noun exemplar. ReturnCriteria allows the sender of the BOD to indicate which information (down to the field level) is requested to be returned, given that the query has been successful in matching the exemplar to existing nouns. That is, in a GetListPurchaseOrder, if one or more PurchaseOrders with a TotalPrice = $1M were found, ReturnCriteria tells the BOD recipient which parts of the PurchaseOrder should be populated with content when the response (ShowPurchaseOrder) is formulated. The expressionLanguage indicates the expression language being used. In order for the ReturnCriteria expression to be evaluable by the BOD recipient, the recipient must be capable of processing and interpreting the specified expression language. XPath is the default, due to its ubiquity among XML processing technologies.


Sample XML

The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the genrated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.

Example 5.4. Show

     <OriginalApplicationArea>......</OriginalApplicationArea>     [0..1]
     <oagis:ResponseCriteria>......</oagis:ResponseCriteria>     [0..*]