Data Type Based On: qdt:NormalizedStringType
Derived from oagis NormalizeStringType
Used to indicate a length of time in months, years, or weeks.
Table A.13. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Indicates the duration of time in months, weeks, years, etc. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:TimeUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a weight.
Table A.14. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Use to indicate how much something weighs. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:WeightUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope or type of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a length.
Table A.15. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Use to indicate the length or distance. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:LengthUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a volume.
Table A.16. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate volume. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:VolumeUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate an area.
Table A.17. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate area. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:AreaUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a speed.
Table A.18. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate a speed type. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:SpeedUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate a speed.
Table A.19. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate a temperature type. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:TemperatureUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicates fuel consumption speed.
Table A.20. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
volumeUnitCode |
Used to indicate the volume of consumption. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:VolumeUnitsContentType | |
timeUnitCode |
Used to indicate the duration or speed of consumption. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:TimeUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate power rating.
Table A.21. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate a type of power. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:PowerUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate the amount of time in hours, minutues, seconds, etc.
Table A.22. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indciate a the time measurement. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:TimeUnitsContentType |
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatLengthContentType
Indicates the type of boat length being measured.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatDraftContentType
Indicates the type of draft being measured.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatCategoryContentType
Indicates the category in which a boat is defined. Note this is not the same as the BoatClass which identifies the intended usage of a boat. There may be multiple BoatClasses defined in one BoatCategory.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatClassContentType
Indicates the definition of the boat, i.e. the intended usage.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatHullDesignContentType
Indicates the type of hull design on the boat.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatHullMaterialContentType
Indicates the primary material out of which the hull is made.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatKeelContentType
Indicates the type of keel on the boat.
Used to indicate pressure measurements.
Table A.23. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate electricity measurements. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:ElectricityUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to indicate force measurements.
Table A.24. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate force measurements. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:ForceUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:BoatEngineLocationContentType
Defines the location on the boat that the engine can be mounted.
Used to indicate pressure measurements.
Table A.25. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate pressure measurements. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:PressureUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Data Type Based On: scl:DeliveryTypeContentType
Indicates the type of boat length being measured.
Data Type Based On: scl:PartActivityTransactionContentType
Part Activity Transactions
Data Type Based On: scl:LanguageContentType
The ISO Language Code used to represent a spoken or written language.
Data Type Based On: scl:CrossShipmentRestrictionContentType
The restrictions to be applied to an OEM when shipping to a Dealer if cross shipment is allowed.
Used to indicate the amount of computer storage needed.
Table A.26. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate computer storage measurements. | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:ComputerStorageUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Used to identify a scheme
Table A.27. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
schemeID |
The identification of the identification scheme. | 0..1 | Code List | udt:string |
Used in the RepairOder ServiceLabor.ServiceLaborTimeValue.TimeUnit element
Table A.28. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
schemeID |
The identification of the identification scheme. | 0..1 | Code List | udt:string |
Data Type Based On: scl:AssigningOrganizationPartyIdContentType
Organization that Assigns the ID
Data Type Based On: scl:AgencyRoleCodeContentType
Indicates the type of keel on the boat.
Used to indicate the amount of computer storage needed.
Table A.29. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
Used to indicate displace in either Volume or Weight | 1..1 | Code List | xfUOMcl:DisplacementUnitsContentType | |
qualifierCode |
Use this to further qualify the scope of the measurement. | 0..1 | Code List | xsd:normalizedString |
Data Type Based On: scl:ContactMethodTypeContentType
Indicates the preferred method of contact.
Data Type Based On: scl:VehicleUseContentType
Indicates the preferred method of contact.
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierCompanyContentType
Preferred carrier of deliver of part.
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierTransportMethodTypeContentType
Defines the method by which a shipment carrier transports an item (i.e., air, ground, etc.)
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierServiceLevelContentType
Indicates the priority of service to be provided by the Shipment Carrier
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierDeliveryContentType
Data Type Based On: scl:ShipmentCarrierCollectionMethodContentType
Data Type Based On: scl:OrderTypeContentType
Part Order Type entered or selected at dealership. Stock-STK, Vehicle Off Road-VOR, Daily-DPO, Emergency-EMG, Supplemental-SUP, Promotional-PRO, Solicited-SOL, Vehicle Off Road Parts Inquiry-VPI, Weekly-WKL, Interim-INT, Export-EXP, Dropship Stock-DSS, Dropship Vehicle Off Road-DVR, Lock and Key-LAK, Will Call-WCL, Return Request w/ Reference-RRR, Return Request w/o Reference-RWR, Credit Request w/ Reference-CRR, Credit Request w/o Reference-CWR, Debit Request w/ Reference-DRR, Debit Request w/o Reference-DWR, Rush-RUS, Urgent-URG, Other-OTH, N/A-N/A, Hold-HLD, Dating-DTG.
Data Type Based On: scl:RequestedAmountTypeContentType
Enumerated field that indicates the type of amount requested by the Dealer for a Warranty Submission Claim.
Data Type Based On: scl:ItemIDCategoryTypeContentType
Indicates the category that a part number is associated with.
Data Type Based On: scl:DealerServiceTypeContentType
Indicates the type of services performed by the Dealer.
Data Type Based On: scl:HoursTypeContentType
Indicates a type of hours such as Sales hours, Service hours, etc.
Data Type Based On: scl:DayOfWeekContentType
The DaysOfWeek component is used to identify availability based on days of the week.
Data Type Based On: scl:LocationIDTypeContentType
Code representing the type of location.
Data Type Based On: scl:DeliveryProcessStateContentType
Enumerated list of delivery states indicating what is going on with the vehicle.
Data Type Based On: scl:EventTypeContentType
Enumerated list of unusual event types.
Data Type Based On: scl:FleetAccountContentType
Describes the contents of the FleetAccountString.
Data Type Based On: scl:SubtotalTypeCodeContentType
Describes the contents of the SubtotalAmount.
Data Type Based On: scl:DealerProductsTypeCodeContentType
Descibes the various dealer product types a dealer can sell. These are not related to other charges or programs and rates.
Data Type Based On: scl:LeaseEndOptionVehicleDecisionContentType
Enables the customers decision at the end of an option to keep the vehicle or not. It records whether the client has decided to refinance, return, or retain the vehicle or whether they have not made up their mind etc.
Data Type Based On: scl:LeaseEndOptionFinanceDecisionContentType
Enables the customers decision at the end of an option to be recorded along with other associated information. It records whether the client has decided to finance their next vehicle or whether they have not made up their mind etc.
Data Type Based On: scl:RepairStatusCodeContentType
Allows the dealer to indicate to customer whether the problem has been inspected only or fixed as well.
Data Type Based On: ???
This is used to indicate general quantity information. It is combination of several code lists. Including The STAR Codelist UOMEnumeratedtype. The XFront code lists, LengthUnitsContentType, WeightUnitsContentType, and VolumeUnitsContentType
Table A.30. Fields and Components
Name | Description | Occurrence | Type | Data Type | User Notes |
unitCode |
This is used to indicate general quantity information. It is combination of several code lists. Including The STAR Codelist UOMEnumeratedtype. The XFront code lists, LengthUnitsContentType, WeightUnitsContentType, and VolumeUnitsContentType | 0..1 | Code List | QuantityContentType |
Data Type Based On: scl:AcquisitionMethodTypeCodeContentType
Method of purchase normally used to acquire this item.
Data Type Based On: scl:StockingLevelIndicatorCodeContentType
Indicates level of stocking maintained by OEM for this part. This pertains not only to the replentishment algorithm, but the number of stocking locations.
Data Type Based On: scl:DistributionMethodCodeContentType
Used to indicate how an item may be distributed to a buyer.
Data Type Based On: scl:BuyPercentageRateAdjustmentTypeContentType
Indicates the type of adjustment, either an addition or subtraction, to be made to the buy rate.
Data Type Based On: scl:TaxCreditTypeContentType
Indicates the type of tax credit being applied.
Data Type Based On: scl:TransferStatusContentType
A code that that identifies the recommended transfer as either Processed or Unprocessed.
Data Type Based On: scl:PaymentLineTypeContentType
Identifies the type of charge associted with this line item. The types are parts, labor, lubrication, core amount, freight, sublet and miscellaneous.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:DisplacementMeasureTypeContentType
Further qualifies the Displacement Measurement.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:TankUsageCodeContentType
How the tank is going to be used. i.e. what type of liquids, gas, etc will it be used to contain.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:TankMaterialCodeContentType
The type of material the tank is constructed.
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:AccommodationTypeCodeContentType
Describes the room / accommodations available on the vehicle including; type, Description, size and Number
Data Type Based On: nmmacl:WindlassTypeCodeContentType
An aparatus for moving heavy weights.
Data Type Based On: scl:TaxStatusCodeContentType
Used to indicate the status of the tax.