
Uses the Component:VehicleIdentificationGroupType

The grouping of Vehicle Identifications. Use this component(group) instead of the simple VehicleID element, if more than one VehicleID must be recorded for a given vehicle (e.g. construction equipment).

Fields and Components

Table 6.56. Fields and Components

Name Description Occurrence Type Data Type User Notes

The unique id for a grouping of vehicles.

0..*Field udt:IdentifierType  

The vehicle identification. This could be the VIN, HIN, or some unique identifier for a vehicle.

0..*Field udt:IdentifierType  

Sample XML

The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.

Example 6.56. VehicleIdentificationGroup

     <VehicleGroupID>......</VehicleGroupID>     [0..*]
     <VehicleID>......</VehicleID>     [0..*]