This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ActionCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: AgencyRoleCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CategoryCodeEnumerationType
OUR - All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor.
BEN - All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor.
SHA - Transaction charges on the Sender's side are to be borne by the ordering customer. Transaction charges on the Receiver's side are to be borne by the beneficiary customer.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ChargeBearerCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ChargeCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ClassificationCodeEnumerationType
MLDB - Mail to Debitor
MLCD - Mail to Creditor
MLFA - Mail to Final agent
CRDB - Courier to debtor
CRCD - Courier to creditor
CRFA - Courier to final agent
PUDB - Pickup by debtor
PUCD - Pickup by creditor
PUFA - Pickup by final agent
RGDB - Registered mail to debtor
RGCD - Registered mail to creditor
RGFA - Registered mail to final agent
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ChequeDeliveryMethodCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ChequeInstructionCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ContactLocationCodeEnumerationType
Completeness -
Existence or Occurance -
Presentation and Disclosure -
Rights and Obligations -
Valuation or Measurement -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ControlAssertionEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString CountryCodeEnumerationType
Risk Assessment -
Monitoring -
Control Environment -
Control Activities -
Information and Communication -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ControlComponentEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CountryCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CountrySubdivisionCodeEnumerationType
CASH - Cash management transfer.
CORT - Payment made in settlement of a trade
DIVI - Dividend.
GOVT - Government payment.
HEDG - Hedging
INTC - Intra-company payment
INTE - Interest
LOAN - Loan. Transfer of loan to borrower.
PENS - Pension payment
SALA - Salary payment
SECU - Securities.
SSBE - Social security benefit. Payment made by government to support individuals.
SUPP - Supplier payment
TAXS - Tax payment
TRAD - Trade.
TREA - Treasury payment
VATX - Value added Tax payment
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: CreditTransferCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: clm54217:CurrencyCodeContentType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DayOfWeekCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DebitCreditCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: DeliveryPointCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EMailFormatCodeEnumerationType
amendment - An activity to add information to product data
analysis - An activity to determine the behavior of an element under certain physical circumstances
cancellation - An activity to delete an element from the bill of material or to cancel he whole bill of material
deliveryChange - An actity to change the delivery schedule of an element
designChange - An activity to change the design of an item or an assembly; this might include changes to the geometry or to the properties of the object
design - An activity concerning the development of a design of an item
mockUpCreation - An activity to create an experimental model or replica of an item
protoypeBuilding - An activity to manufacture a preliminary version of an item
rectification - An activity to correct the data, documentation or structure associated wih an item
restructuring - An activity to create an new structure or position within a bill of material without changin the data associated with the items in the bill of material
sparePartCreation - An activity to design a spare part or to classify an item as a spare part
stopNotice - An activity to stop the manufacturing process of an item
testing - An activity to test an item
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineeringActivityCodeEnumerationType
designDeviationPermit - An authorization for a deviation from the approved design data
designRelease - An auhorization for the design of a product or of an item or o create a bill of material
managementResolution - An authorization by a committee, such as the board of directos, to design or change an item
manufacturingRelease - An authorization for the manufacturing process of a product or of an item
productionDeviationPermit - An authorization for a deviation from the approved manufacturing process
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineeringWorkOrderCodeEnumerationType
ChangeOfStandard - A request to translate a change to a standard into action
CostReduction - A request aimed at reducing the engineering and manufacturing costs of an item
CustomerRejection - A request resulting from a rejection by a customer
CustomerRequest - A request for an activity that is necessary to solve the request of a customer
DurabilityImprovement - A request aimed at extending the life time of an item
GovernmentRegulation - A request resulting from legal requirements
ProcurementAlignment -
ProductionAlignment -
ProductionRelief -
ProductionRequirement -
QualityImprovement -
SecuriyReason -
Standardization -
SupplierRequest -
TechnicalImprovement -
ToolImprovement -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineeringWorkRequestCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: EngineeringWorkRequestCodeEnumerationType
CHQB - Pay creditor only by cheque. The creditor's account number must not be specified.
HOLD - Hold cash for creditor. Creditor will call; pay upon identification.
PHOB - Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by phone.
TELB - Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by the most efficient means of telecommunication.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString FinalAgentInstructionCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: FreightTermCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: GenderCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: IncotermsCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString clm5639:LanguageCodeContentType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: LicenseTypeCodeEnumerationType
Divorced -
Married -
NeverMarried -
Separated -
SignificantOther -
Widowed -
Unknown -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MaritalStatusCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MatchCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: MatchDocumentEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: clmIANAMIMEMediaTypes:BinaryObjectMimeCodeContentType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartyCategoryCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PartyRoleCodeEnumerationType
InvoiceDate -
ShippingDate -
DeliveryDate -
PurchaseOrderDate -
ReceiptOfGoodsDate -
AcceptanceOfGoodsDate -
AcceptanceOfOrderDate -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PaymentBasisCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString PaymentPurposeCodeEnumerationType
Cash -
Cheque -
CreditCard -
DebitCard -
ElectronicFundsTransfer -
ProcurementCard -
BankDraft -
PurchaseOrder -
CreditTransfer -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PaymentMethodCodeEnumerationType
ACH - Payment has to be executed through an Automated Clearing House
RTGS - Payment has to be executed through Real time gross settlement system.
Fednet - Payment has to be executed through FedNet
CHIPS - Payment has to be executed through CHIPS.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString PaymentSchemeCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: PaymentTermCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString ProcessCategoryEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ReasonCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: RecurrencePatternCodeEnumerationType
FAX - Remittance advice information needs to be faxed.
EDI - Remittance advice information needs to be sent through Electronic Data Interchange.
URI - Remittance advice information needs to be sent to a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URI is a compact string of characters that uniquely identify an abstract or physical resource. URI's are the super-set of identifiers, such as URLs, email addresses, ftp sites, etc, and as such, provide the syntax for all of the identification schemes.
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString RemitLocationMethodCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ResourceTypeCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ResponseActionCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: ResponseCodeEnumerationType
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations -
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations -
Reliability of Financial Statements -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString RiskTypeEnumerationType
LiteratureRequest -
NewLead -
DeadContent -
TrafficReport -
Sold -
EMail -
Letter -
Fax -
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SalesActivityCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: xsd:normalizedString SalesTaskCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: StateCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: SystemEnvironmentCodeEnumerationType
This codelist is a combination of one or more code lists: TransferCodeEnumerationType