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10.2. Attachment Element

The attachment element is an optional element that may appear in the SOAP BODY payload's content section. Implementations may NOT place this attachment elsewhere in the SOAP BODY. The use of the element is to enable the transportation of non-xml formatted data, without the need to encode it into an XML compatible format.

Below is an example of a ProcessMessage request carrying a binary image using the attachment element:

Example 10.1. Sample Message with Attachment

<attachment xmlns="">
  <id>token</id> (optional)
  <fileName>fileName</fileName> (optional)
  <attachmentData>#@#$@$@@FADA#$ADFAAFSERWADFVadadfarW</attachmentData> (optional)
  <mimeCode>mimeCode</mimeCode> (required)
  <uriReference></uriReference> (optional)

The STAR Web Services 4.0 template WSDL provided by STAR includes the necessary definition. The attachment element itself may occur many times, and is optional.

10.2.1. MTOM Attachments

The STAR WSDL includes the necessary information to enable frameworks to understand and create the necessary code for MTOM based attachments. This is accomplished by specifying at the XML Schema level the use of the xmime:expectedContentTypes="application/octet-stream".

Example 10.2. WSDL MTOM Encoding

<xsd:element name="attachmentData" type="xsd:base64Binary" xmime:expectedContentTypes="application/octet-stream">
     <xsd:documentation source="">Binary data using base64Binary encoding.</xsd:documentation>

Use of the content type application/octet-stream allows for the transmittal of any type of binary data. Further information on the specific content type can be specified using the appropriate mimeCode element for the attachment component. A framework that supports MTOM will use the xmime:epectedContentType during code generation from the WSDL to create the appropriate processing instructions. The following example of an MTOM/XOP encoded message comes from the XOP 1.0 specification. [XOP]

Example 10.3. MTOM encoded attachment

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Multipart/Related;boundary=MIME_boundary;
    startinfo="application/soap+xml; action=\"ProcessData\""
Content-Description: A SOAP message with my pic and sig in it

Content-Type: application/xop+xml; 
    type="application/soap+xml; action="ProcessData\""
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-ID: <>

    <m:data xmlns:m=''>
      <m:photo xmlmime:contentType='image/png'>
       <xop:Include xmlns:xop='' 
      <m:sig xmlmime:contentType='application/pkcs7-signature'>
       <xop:Include xmlns:xop='' 

Content-Type: image/png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>

// binary octets for png

Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>

// binary octets for signature


A STAR attachments element that was processed by MTOM with a XOP include would look Example 10.4, “STAR MTOM encoded Attachment Element”.

Example 10.4. STAR MTOM encoded Attachment Element

<attachment xmlns="">
     <xop:Include xmlns:xop='' 

The xop:Include href would refer to the Content-ID where the attached data can be retrieved from the Multipart-Mime boundary. The generation of the XOP include is handled by the MTOM framework, and is encoded before the message is sent over the wire by the framework. It is decoded on the receiving end. To the programmer it looks as if it was normal XML encoded data that was sent and received.