Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail | ![]() | |
All web services must be compliant to the rules and specifications outlined by the WS-I Basic Profile.
Appropriate compliance markers are required as specified by the WS-I Conformance Claim Attachment Mechanisms document.
All implementations are required to support Username/Password for authentication.
All implementations are REQUIRED to send information over HTTPS.
All passwords are required to be sent as plain text or hashed.
All services and clients must be compliant to the general Security requirements Outlined by the WS-I Basic Security Profile 1.0 .The optional attributes defined in the Profile is also to be relaxed in the STAR Implementation.
All STAR Web Services are REQUIRED to understand and handle the STAR Specific SOAP Faults.
All STAR soap fault error codes are REQUIRED to be be prefixed with STAR: and the appropriate STAR error code. i.e. STAR:Invalid Structure
All STAR soap fault error codes are REQUIRED to appear in the standard SOAP:Fault block.
SOAP Faults are for Critical Processing errors only. Informational or warning errors should not be sent as a SOAP Fault.
ConfirmBOD reason codes that are sent at the Warning or Informational status, SHOULD NOT trigger a resending of the BOD.
WS-Security errors must send the appropriate WS-Security SOAP Fault for the authorization being used.
STAR BOD Specific and Generic Transports must be message level interoperable.
Application level error messages MUST NOT be returned with a SOAP Fault, and MUST be returned using the appropriate BOD.
The service provider must keep track of contents that are deemed to have been received by the client to avoid resending.
A SOAP Header MUST contain one manifest element for each content element in the SOAP body.
A manifest is REQUIRED to have namespaceURI, element, contentID, and version attributes. Even though version is listed as optional it is REQUIRED for STAR BOD and DTS transports.
The client must be able to handle duplicate messages from a service provider.
Level 2 implementations MUST use X509 certificates.
Implementations MUST conform to section 12, " X.509 Certificate Token" of the WS-I Basic Security Profile 1.0.
"At-Least-Once" requires the sending party to uniquely identify a message and the receiving party to acknowledge the receipt of the message, giving the sender an auditable record stating that the message has been received. If the sender does not receive an acknowledgment of receipt in a reasonable amount of time (Time-Out), it MUST retry the message send.
If a message was not able to be sent it MUST be retried at least three times.
"At-Most-Once" requires a sending party to uniquely identify messages, to retry failed messages and requires the receiving party to identify and ignore any duplicate messages. In order to know which messages to ignore, it is REQUIRED that the receiving party persist received messages in a durable store.
"Once-And-Only-Once / Exactly-Once" requires the sender to uniquely identify each message and to retry any message that the receiver fails to acknowledge. The receiver must acknowledge receipt of messages and ignore duplicate messages. It is REQUIRED that the receiver persist messages in a durable store to enable duplicate elimination.
For indicating Routing information, STAR requires the use of WS-Addressing or WS-MakeConnection if the end point is not directly addressable.
Acknowledgement of Receipts MUST be enabled during the use of At-Most-Once and Once and Only Once reliability.
STAR requires that the messages be sequenced to ensure proper delivery and processing of related messages.
Error handling is REQUIRED to follow the recommendations of the WS-I Reliable and Secure Profile in regards to handling of errors.
Security in regards to Digital Certificates MUST follow the rules outlined by STAR2002 and the WS-I Reliable and Secure Profile.
At-Most-Once or Once-And-Only-Once / Exactly-Once implementations must support the handling of duplicate messages.
Attachments MUST use MTOM attachments or SOAP with Attachments. MTOM attachments are RECOMMENDED over SOAP with Attachments.
The use of DIME attachments MUST NOT be used.