
Uses the Component:SalesActivityDocumentABIEType

A Document that is part of a Sales Activity.

Fields and Components

Table 6.60. Fields and Components

Name Description Occurrence Type Data Type User Notes

The DocumentID is the identifier for the document. This identifier is a GUID or other unique identifier set by the creator of the document.

1..1Field oag:OpenIDType  

Specifies the code that identifies the type of document being sent. This is a user defined code, and implementors should use the attributes on the element to identify the specific code list to be used during business rule validation.

0..1Field oag:CodeType  

An issuing name for this document like a state, or other agency.

0..1Field oag:TextType  

The period which this document is effective


Sample XML

The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.

Example 6.69. SalesActivityDocument

     <DocumentID>......</DocumentID>     [1..1]
     <DocumentType>......</DocumentType>     [0..1]
     <IssuingName>......</IssuingName>     [0..1]
     <EffectivePeriod>......</EffectivePeriod>     [0..1]