
Uses the Component:EventType

Event information in regards to the sales activity. This can be dates that the activity were created, updated, or deleted.

Fields and Components

Table 6.61. Fields and Components

Name Description Occurrence Type Data Type User Notes

A unique identifier for an event.

0..1Field oag:OpenIDType  

Enumerated list of unusual event types.

0..1Field sqdt:EventTypeCodeType  

A textual description of the event.

0..1Field oag:TextType  

A date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of this event. This could be used to track such dates and times of creation, deletion, etc.

0..1Field oag:xbt_DateTimeType  

Sample XML

The XML Sample provided here is an approximation of the generated XML for this component. Not all of the fields are required for implementation.

Example 6.70. SalesActivityActionEvent

     <EventID>......</EventID>     [0..1]
     <EventType>......</EventType>     [0..1]
     <EventDescription>......</EventDescription>     [0..1]
     <EventOccurrenceDateTime>......</EventOccurrenceDateTime>     [0..1]